Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reflection (Darth Praelior)

Morningstars body was still riddled with pain from his prevouis lesson with an oppent he underestmated and on top of that he made himself look like an fool in front of the women who can very will end his life.

He tore off his shirt in frustion and disgust of his failure."This failure will only make me stronger." He sat down and began to meditate on it, the scars will serve as an eternial reminders of his failure and something that will never be let down even if he brought forth secuess after secuess , the onlything that will wype away his eternal shame thats when he brings his prevoius oppents body to his master.

[member='Darth Praelior']
Balaya had been amused but using the lessons taught to the boy by Alexandra as something. Mostly she preferred to teach by example and that was why here she had brought a rancor or two.... maybe three that were in a room for her apprentice. Kaine had drugged her and sent her to Dxun with only her axe.... he would just be thrown in a room and made to fight the rancors until he killed them and hopefully survived. "Hello my apprentice."
"Hello my master." Morningstar was still medating but he was aware of her persance, but at all he could feel at the moment was anger. "Have you come to kill me for my failure?" he still blamed himself for it and once more he was dealing with siths who turn on the weak in an flash.

[member='Darth Praelior']
"I do not kill assets lightly and order is maintained by us not infighting. Your death will come in time and I will get another apprentice." Balaya continued to stand there though and crossed her arms. "Now we shall see what you can do and are good at. Since my former apprentice was able to best you, we'll start with simple things. Droids and normal warriors. Do not kill our massassi apprentice they are worth more then you."
Morningstar replies."I understand my master." Morningstar stops meditating and gets up ready to begin his trainning.

[member=' Darth Praelior']

Balaya continued to stand there and let the massassi bring out their large tremor swords as they prepared to attack and then moved in to stalk around the apprentice. "We shall see." Her amusement played across her face and with her arms crossed over her chest she had everythign ready to see what comes.
Morningstar studyed the machine carefully , he had an plan to let the machines kill eachother. But he had to be extreamly patance even the wrong move here could mean fatal."Yes we shall."

[member=' Darth Praelior']

Balaya was waiting for him to move and attack the massassi, her eyes narrowing when he didn't move and she shrugged for a moment before letting her fingers crackle as it shot out with bluish white light of energy to strike him. The Massassi weren't going to attack each other they had one goal. Beat down the boy and now after his masters attack they moved in to dogpile and strike or kick him in heavy boots covered with spiked toes.
Morningstar used the force to try and push them away, he wasn't extremely knowledgeable in the force as he only uses what he felt came naturally. But their was no way he was going to fail his master again.
Balaya continued to watch and as she stood there watching the boy she spoke into her comlink. "Elara come here." She was raising en eyebrow more so because of what was happening. "Your becoming disappointing apprentice, I'd recommend fighting before I tell them they are allowed to kill you."

Balaya continued to watch as finally the eight year old from Coruscant arrived. Her hood up and sabers on her belt a training blade and shoto saber before she moved around the room to her masters side. Looking out from under her hood as Balaya removed it to show the sith tattoo's that had been applied and the massassi moved in to fight the apprentice. "Restrictions on killing are lifted, make him fight for his life."
He continues to fight the machines, upon hearing his masters words that meant he would no longer need to hold back ether. He sliced through one of them to make his point clear.
Balaya continued to watch, her massassi using the tremor swords to defend and block saber strikes. This apprenice needed to sho more as Kaine had shown her how to be sith. He was lucky at least not to be part of the old empire, part of kaine's would have her ripping his limbs off for being so... weak. "If you don't try I will get involved and take your arm."
He began to try harder, these machines didn't make things easier for him."I have no knowlage of combat master and these machines are an lot more faster then i." he began to unleash blow after blow trying to over power it with shear force.
Balaya was moving now, her hand stopping the massassi with a grip as they all moved back and she held her saber out and pointed it at him. Crackling lightning and sending it at her apprentice. Then she was moving forward and swiping with the taloned turadium claw that could catch lightsabers and bash people against walls.

Balaya moved forward, letting her lightning strike him and she pushed more of it with the darkside as she spoke. "What are you going to do apprentice? Are you going to stand there and die or are you going to rise to the challenge."
Out of instink he began to block the lighting with his trianing saber and moved forward to give her an taste of her own lighting , however the prolong exposer made his once normal skin looked as that of an old man.
Balaya was raising an eyebrow, ground lightning, let alone reflecting it was a skill jedi and sith worked to learn and a training saber was never as strong it still had the pelko barbs on it to simulate severed limbs. She pushed forward with the lightning and to just smack his blade away with her taloned hand. The turadium able to easily catch and stop it.

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