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Reformation-class Dreadnought

Image Source: MaximilianYuen
Affiliation: Ignus Industries/Ignus himself (Tier 3 componay can field a maximum size ship of 1000m).
Manufacturer: Ignus Industries
Model: Reformation-class Dreadnought
Modularity: None
Production: Unique
Material: Alusteel Frame with Cellulitic Dispersion Armor
Classification: Heavy Cruiser

Length: 975m
Width: 450m
Height: 250m

Armament: 17

  • 200 Turbolaser Cannons
  • 50 Long Range Turbolaser Cannons
  • 20 H.A.R.P.E.R.'s
  • 16 Standard Concussion Missile Launchers
Defenses: 17, Overlapping Shield Platform combined with Cellulitic Dispersion Armor (see special features).

Hangar: 2 Starfighter Squadrons, 6 Landing Craft, 8 Sensory Navigation and Aiming Probes

Special Features:
Maneuverability Rating: 17
Speed Rating: 16
Hyperdrive Class: 2, backup of 4

  • Powerful defense and offense
  • Minimal crew necessity
  • Hangar size is larger than most ships its size
  • Slower and less maneuverable than other ships its size
  • Slow hyperdrive by comparison to most current warships
  • Extremely expensive as most of the components being fitted into it are costly
  • Loss of the bridge nearly completely cripples the ship as it doesn't have the crew capacity to otherwise run the vessel
  • Remote Operations Piloting Pods effectively need the space of two additional fighter squadrons for housing, which reduces space for non-essential personnel and storage.
  • Because of all the extra space that would normally be used for crew quarters being taken up by other systems, and the lack of necessity for too much crew due to the command throne system, therected is an increased response time to systems issues, which decreases damage control efficiency.
Description: With the successful completion of the shipyards around the planet Surron, Ignus Industries needed to prove itself capable in the ship building market. It's owner was keenly aware of a need among the Sith to create true command ships for their naval forces. With direction from him, the company, along with its sister company, Ignus Black, began to design the necessary systems for creating a ship that could not only compete with most market vessels of equal size, but outmatch them as well. Various new systems were devised in order to increase the ships efficiency both as a tactical center, but a weapon of brutal firepower. The ultimate end was that these components came together to form the Reformation-class Dreadnought.

Utilizing technology purchased from Vanir, the ship is equipped with a command throne system. The presence of the command throne system negates the need for a huge crew, cutting necessary crew to roughly one quarter of what would normally be necessary, with the remaining crew being represented as starfighter pilots, defensive troops, and maintenance staff for the most part. The minimizing of the crew subsequently freed up a large portion of the ships interior for other systems, such as the capacitor network that protects the ship from ion cannon weaponry, as well as the remote piloting pods which allow the starfighter pilots to operate drone starfighters from within the ship instead of having to actually fly them themselves.

The overlapping shield system combined with the capacitor network and cellulitic dispersion armor provides excellent defense against most conventional weaponry, as demonstrated in testing. The ship is quite capable of duking it out with larger ships one on one and surviving, making it an effective command vessel as well as a heavy hitter, as demonstrated by its compliment of offensive and defensive weaponry. It is a formidable fighting machine, and the presence of the orrery center, coming standard in each ship, makes it optimal for a fleet commander to lead engagements from within the ships confines. The lack of substantial crew also created the room necessary for a small hangar.

Still, it's not without its drawbacks. The ship is incredibly expensive, which means few will ever be made. It's also bulky and less maneuverable than other cruisers of its size. It has a slower hyperdrive than comparable ships of the current time period because of power concerns, and the loss of the bridge will effectively make the ship dead in the water, as there isn't a crew to otherwise keep the ship going. Ultimately, she'd big, heavy, expensive, and slow, but she can pack a wallop and defend herself.
Development Thread: See the original submission below.
Intent: To create my personal flagship version of the Reformation-class.
Who Can Use This: Only Me
Primary Source: Reformation-class Dreadnought
Notes: The only difference between this and the regular is the addition of the Sphere of Ignus component listed in the components section.

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