Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Refusing to Rest

Location: Naboo
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Open

The events of confronting Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex a second time had not been as severe as the first round of combat, she had gotten away without him carving into her flesh again. However, she had not been able to call it a success. Her time had all died in front of her. Her body had been burnt, clothes torn and burnt, muscles and bone were bruised and battered. And that was not even all from just fighting Carnifex. He had a companion with him that was the fast person she had ever seen. It was a demonstration to Lily she was not ready to be a Knight and she was a long way off from becoming one of the strongest fighters in the Jedi. Far from becoming one of the best Echani warriors. No, Lily needed to work on herself.

She could not sit around and "get better". The doctors had been attempting to force some kind of bedrest on her.

Lily refused. She had training to do. She had combat drills, Lightsaber forms, Force training. She had to keep pushing herself and going beyond her limitations. Lily had stabbed the Sith Lord, but he took it as if it was an annoying splinter. Held onto her Lightsaber as if it was a simple stick, a nuisance. Lily was simply not strong enough. She needed to be physically tougher, fitter than she was currently, and Lily needed to figure out how she could be more dangerous to the Sith Lord. Because she was not going to let others suffer because she was not strong enough. Lily blamed herself for everyone Carnifex harmed and killed after she failed on the Mors Mon to kill him.

She had a chance. There had been a opportunity and she tried to take it. Lily tried to strike at the Sith Lord.

But she failed.

No more. No more failures. The Padawan was needing to work harder and push herself more. Rest was something she could do when she was dead. Right now there was too much at risk and Lily couldn't just continue to be a failure. Her consciousness and soul could not take it any more. It was bad enough having the gruelling nightmares from Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua without living the day with actual horrors of her failure to be the warrior she claimed to always be.

So she was in the gym, in her Jedi attire, aiming to train. Get back into action after the frankly dangerously short rest period that Lily had been unable to fight to take.


Journal Entry:

I need a training regimen.

Uncle Caltin is built like my Mom’s house… wait, that sounds weird!

Cousin Connel… the guy can go for days… Okay, I need to work on my phrasing. THAT sounds weird.I need to get in shape, but I have to be careful with my words. Maybe I should focus on building strength and endurance like Uncle Caltin and Cousin Connel. Time to hit the gym and work on my fitness goals! Yeah! Fitness goals! Way to sound like a holovid commercial dummy.

I need to develop a balanced workout plan that includes strength training and cardio exercises. Consistency is key, so I'll set specific goals and track my progress. With dedication and effort, I'll achieve the fitness level I desire. Why am I trying to convince myself? Dad and I always worked out. Granted he only had me doing pushups and situps, but I need to work on my cardio.

So I decided to go to the gym. I had some free time and thought it was a good idea. Then I saw her.She was stunning, with a radiant smile and an aura of confidence. I couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated, but also inspired. Maybe this was the motivation I needed to stick to my fitness goals. I took a deep breath and walked towards the treadmill, ready to begin my journey.

She seemed to be… I don’t know… not “weird” but… “off” and not in a bad way… like she had something to deal with. I don’t know, should I talk to her? I don’t want her to think that I’m hitting on her and call me a “creep”. I mean she’s HOT… yeah… I just admitted it… but I…

Hi. I’m Michael, I’m new here. You okay? I’m sorry… oh I’m being weird again… I’m sorry I just can’t shake this feeling like you need a friend or at least an ear. I’ll leave you alone if you want me to. I’m not a creep! Dude!

TAGS: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Location: Naboo
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Michael Angellus Michael Angellus

Stretching her limbs, Lily looked around the place to see where she would head to start with. Something with core training or stamina building might be a solid warm up approach. Taking the time, she gathered her long white hair and gathered it into a ponytail, knowing the importance in assuring she kept her hair out of the way of her face. As she was doing this, someone approached her and Lily looked over to them. He was younger than she was and Lily could tell he was nervous in approaching her and talking with her.

It was cute to see.

"Hey, I'm Lily." She introduced herself with a warm smile as her silver eyes looked over, "I'll take a training buddy. Seems you like might be new here and I don't mind showing you about." Helping others, it was a good way to get out of her thoughts and Lily wasn't sure about sharing the issues she went through. Especially with someone she was only just meeting. It was a kind offer but the Echani was cautious after facing everything she had at this point. Potentially working up to that discussion was all she could do.

"So, what are you looking to achieve with the training?" Lily asked.


Journal Entry:

Thank you… I mean… Nice to meet you.


She wants to work out.

The hot girl wants to work out!

I got to work out with the hot girl!

She didn’t want to talk though. I get it. We just met, and I came off as a dorky creep and she was just being nice and offering to work out with me just to show she could probably beat my behind. That sounds wrong, but it’s right. THAT SOUNDS WORSE.

At least I offered though, right? That’s what’s important. I mean people offered help to me when I showed up here. I should play it forward… no PAY it forward. Why does it sound better with “Play”? It makes more sense with “play”. I guess it has to do with repaying a favor.

I wanted to work on my flexibility. Dude! ... but I also need to get some cardio in.. DUDE! Phrasing!

TAGS: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Location: Naboo
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Michael Angellus Michael Angellus

Lily tilted her head and listened, it seemed that he was very nervous in talking with her. Which was cute, he was younger than she was but she remembered talking to her early crushes. There was stumbling in her movements, hesitation in her attacks. The flow of combat and intimacy, it was never meshing well with Lily.

So, she didn't point out his nervous energy or try teasing him over it. Lily smiled politely and nodded her head.

"Starting any gym session with cardio is a good way to warm the body up. Helps with keeping the muscles warm and relaxed." Lily stated, "way I approach my training, I do hard cardio exercises one day, weights another, flexibility and core training another, endurance training another day and then do a day of mixing all that together."

She grinned, Lily was not the biggest muscular person around but she was a lot stronger and fitter than she appeared, "for you, might be best to start simpler and build up. For cardio, could start with some running?" Lily suggested, figuring that a run would be good for herself as well.


Journal Entry:

I see how well it wor… I get that..

Dork! You almost hiit on her! Sure, she’s hot but she could probably dead-lift you on one foot. “Dead lift”? Where’d that come from?I need to focus on my work and not get distracted by every attractive person I see. Besides, I don't think she's interested in me anyway. I should probably just stick to lifting weights at the gym instead.

I think I’ll start with a good run. My uncle is thinking about seeing if he could build an obstacle course he used to run when he was a Knight but do it here and not on Yavin VIII. It’d be good to build iup my strength for that so I can show the ladiesAND GENTLEMEN! Ladies and Gentlemen!. Dude! Shut up! Don’t mind me, I’m just a dork. I’ll get to running. What are you going to do? DORK!

TAGS: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Location: Naboo
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Michael Angellus Michael Angellus

Nodding her head with a grin, "yeah, I got some solid muscles." She flexed her biceps a little more for Michael. "I'm sure you've seen better though. I'm not the biggest in stature." Lily grinned, not afraid to be humble about how she compared to some of the other Jedi that were out there. And she knew there were a few that were built like brick houses.

"Obstacle course is always fun. I made a little one when I was on Jakku training. Something to keep my training varied while doing cardio." Lily nodded her head. She had to chuckle when he mentioned ladies and desperately added gentlemen when trying to save face. "Trying to build muscle to show off and impress the ladies can be a goal. But can't be the sole reason to do it. Vanity will only motive you so far. I got myself built because I like how I look but I also believe that being the strongest version of myself means I can prevent others from being harmed."

Not that she had been able to do that yet. She was not strong enough yet.

She needed to be stronger.

"If you didn't mind, I was going to join you on the run. I figured it would be more fun to train with a partner. Sometimes help to push yourself harder when you are training with someone." Lily mentioned, she didn't think Michael would be someone she would push herself harder with but helping him train might keep the demon thoughts away for a time.


Journal Entry:

Okay, now she was just teasing me. I kind of liked it! Okay, I did like it, I won’t lie.

One some of the guys, maybe. I don’t mean disrespect but you have a ‘hardbody”, you’ve clearly earned it. No, no that didn’t sound creepy at all. I mean, my uncle is bigger, but he’s got a friggin nickname “Boulder”. Way to practically name drop.

She made a good point though, it’s not like I was trying to be big just to impress ladies or anything, but… I don’t know. Either way, she’s right so I gave her a nod and it looked like I got it. I mean I would never pursue, but she made it clear I don’t have a shot with her. I mean not like I was trying to… but still if there was the possibility… not that I was looking for it…

I need to shut off the microphone on this thing and become better at typing.

Alright, sounds good to me! There, keep the comments short and vague. You’ll probably push me more than I you… I’m used to chasing. DORK! I really didn’t mean that the way it sounded.

TAGS: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Location: Naboo
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Michael Angellus Michael Angellus

"No disrespect, I might not be massive like some guys out there, but think I could still beat a lot of them in a fight and out bench press them." It helped that her body was strengthened by the Force and her body had been made for combat since birth. While Echani were not supernaturally talented in combat by genes, intensive and years training had given a gift to Lily that no other fighter really had outside of her race.

Nodding her head, "all good, I'll give you a good headstart and let's see if you can keep me from catching up." Lily offered, curious to see how well Michael would do and it would be a way for Lily to give herself a reason to push her skills and give it her all. Since she didn't think that Michael would enjoy it if she was purposefully holding back on him.

No one liked to be patronised.

"Give you a 15 second head start and then see if I can chase after you and overtake you before we reach the finish line?" Lily suggested.


Journal Entry:

Whew, I didn’t tick her off with that. I’m just trying to get along with people here. I’m being an idiot, but I’m trying. So I guess I’ll start stretching.

My uncle could practically bench press a freighter and you could probably shock him. Stop with the fanboy talk and stretch, you idiot. Are you sure you want to do that? Give me a head start? I mean, I’m pretty fast. Not to mention we haven’t spoken terms.

You know what? No. No headstart. Momma didn’t raise no fool. If I lose, I’d rather lose a race straight up.. Who am I sounding like NOW? Besides, I’d be more prone to cheat if I had a head start. A little embarrassed to admit it, but it’s true. So another couple of stretches and hops and I’ll be ready.So I took a deep breath, feeling my muscles loosen up. It was time to focus on the race ahead. I know I had to give it his all, no matter the outcome. With a final stretch, I made myself at the starting line, ready to prove my worth.

TAGS: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Location: Naboo
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Michael Angellus Michael Angellus

Lily chuckled softly when he stated that his uncle could lift an impressive amount and would be shocked by Lily. "Thanks for the compliment. It is important to me to be in the best shape I can be in to help others as much as possible." Lily nodded her head, she was also someone who took pride in how she looked as well but there were more practical reasons for it that Lily took more seriously.

Especially after Woostri.

"No head start then." Lily could respect it and it was an approach that Lily could appreciate since it was something that she would do herself. Always got to push yourself to the max and that meant trying to beat the odds as much as you could. Even with the odds stacked so much against you.

Lily did some stretches and made sure her flexible frame was warmed up and ready for the race. Positioning herself at the starting point, a memory flashed of Quintessa. The Sith speedster that killed Pla and Grest. That nearly killed her. Lily hadn't realised she offered a head start just like Quintessa had till she was standing here ready to run. Her hands shook a little as she thought about the fact she had to cut the legs off the crazy woman just to get off the ship safely.

Her breathing shook a little as tried to work past the traumatic memories. Lily couldn't linger on them. She couldn't let them control her. Not anymore.

"Ready? Lets go." Lily stated, holding a stoic appearance that did not surrender the turmoil that was swirling around inside her.


Journal Entry:

I can run, but she is definitely going to distract me. Problem is she looked distracted. So I thought manybe some humor could work. How does a Jedi open a PDF?
With Adobe Wan Kenobi!
Wait, what’s a PDF?

Why did the Jedi break up with their partner?
They felt the Force was no longer strong between them!
A little of Dad’s stupid jokes could make the mood lighter. It might also get me to sprint ahead. We were neck and neck and I’m usually faster.

Why was the droid angry?
Because he had a bad case of "C-3P-O"!
Yeah, I don’t get that one either.

My uncle likes to say “you can either lift or run”, you’re proving him wrong, big time. That wasn’t hitting on her, was it? I hope not. I’m barely keeping this pace, I haven’t hit my runners high yet!

TAGS: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Location: Naboo
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Michael Angellus Michael Angellus

Lily sprinted forward, her powerful legs pushing her forward as she breathed in deeply, maintaining a calm and measured breathing. Darting forward as much as she could. Lily could hear the jokes that Michael decided to throw out, it seemed to be his attempts to distract Lily from giving her all into the race. However, Lily could separate the humour of his attempts from the determination to give her all into the running.

The Echani was a woman of stubborn determination and focus that few she had met could match. Especially when it came to competitions and challenges. While she tried to hold a non-competitive attitude in general and when talking with other people. However, Lily was a pretty competitive person and she was determined to give it her all in the stuff she competed in.

So while the jokes were not something that amused her, even if they had been, she would have still continued to race as fast as she could. Looking over to Michael.

"Got to do better than that!" Lily grinned as she continued to race forward.


Journal Entry:

Well, the jokes didn’t work. That’s okay. I didn’t expect them to.
Still can’t get over how today has been one of those days that could only happen in a holo-movie—or in my life, apparently. I mean this girl, Lily, she looks like she could be running laps around the track like it was a casual stroll in the park, while I’m just trying not to trip over my own feet.

I mean I stood at the starting line, my heart was racing faster than my legs ever would. I looked over at Lily, who was stretching like a professional athlete. I, on the other hand, was trying to remember if I had eaten anything that morning or if I was just running on sheer determination (and maybe a donut).

The whistle blew, and off we went! Well, she went; I think I momentarily turned into a statue. I finally got my legs moving, but it felt like I was running through molasses. I glanced over, and there she was, gliding ahead like a Nexu on the hunt while I was more like… a confused spider monkey trying to keep up and running silly jokes at her..

About halfway through, I realized I had a choice: keep up with Lily or try not to die. Guess which one I chose? I was huffing and puffing, and at one point, I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes. I mean, I can run, but she is making me look like a toddler! I was pretty sure I was going to collapse, but then I heard her cheering me on!
"Got to do better than that!"
she shouted. With a grin of all things. Soooo I pressed on.

I am such a simp. She won’t win though, not without an effort.

TAGS: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Location: Naboo
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Michael Angellus Michael Angellus

It seemed that Michael was clearly struggling to keep up, there was a redness to his face and he might have nearly passed out a few times. However, he was determined to make the race interesting and keep pushing forward. Something that Lily knew was a great trait for a fighter and just in general for life. To be stubborn and make sure that you gave it everything you could and more. It was the approach she had taken. Just reality was a lot darker, scarier and much more intense than she realised it would be.

The words of teasing encouragement went down well. Which she was glad about, Lily wanted to make this an interesting race and she was determined to focus on the race and only that.

Not the dark thoughts that lingered deep into her mind.

She couldn't think on those.

Pushing forward, Lily crossed the finish line of the lap. Panting hard herself and definitely having gotten a decent cardio work in herself. She was ready for the next exercise but she knew she couldn't push Michael more than he was capable of doing. Lily was not here to make him puke or go back home to faint from dehydration, overexertion and in a lot of stiffness pain.

"How are you feeling after that?" Lily checked in, making sure he was doing okay.


Journal Entry:

Today has been… a day. I thought I had a chance, I really did. We had a friendly footrace during our training session, and I was feeling pretty confident. I mean, I’ve been working on my speed and agility, and I thought maybe, just maybe, I could impress Lily. You know, the Echani Padawan with the silver hair and those piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through me.

For the first few moments, I was in the lead! I could hear Lily’s footsteps behind me, and I thought, This is it! I’m actually going to win! But then, as we rounded the first corner, I felt her presence surge past me like a gust of wind. She was so fast, so graceful. It was like watching a comet streak across the sky. I tried to push myself harder, but it was like running through mud.

By the time we reached the finish line, I was panting and she was already there, hands on her hips, a triumphant smile on her face. I couldn’t help but admire how effortlessly she had run. I mean, she’s Echani—speed and agility are practically in their DNA. But still, it stung a little. I wanted to be the one to impress her, to show her that I could keep up.

After the race, she came over and check on me. “You did great, Michael! You really pushed me!” she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. I managed to stammer out a Thanks, but inside, I was still feeling that mix of admiration and disappointment.

I know it’s silly to let a footrace get to me, but it’s hard not to feel a little overshadowed. I mean, she’s not just fast; she’s smart, skilled, and has this incredible confidence that draws everyone in. I just wish I could find a way to stand out in her eyes, to show her that I’m more than just the kid who can’t keep up in a race.

Maybe I’ll challenge her to a rematch someday. Or maybe I’ll just have to find another way to impress her. I guess I’ll just have to keep training harder. Right now, I need to catch my breath more than anything.

She was great though.

TAGS: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
Location: Naboo
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Michael Angellus Michael Angellus

She could see the way that the disappointment and shame hung on his body. Emotional body language was a core tenet in Echani culture so she could see things like this even on the best of deceivers. At least, it was something she had not been able to see on people before today and still she hadn't struggled to read how Michael felt internally. He had wanted to impress her, stand out and demonstrate his abilities. All of which were admirable and clearly Lily had made more of an impression than she realised.

From her point of view, she was just quietly training and doing things in her own corner. Lily never really thought about the impact she had onto others. Especially for someone who had simply met her today.

"Don't worry about losing today. I don't win every fight I am in and it's more important to take away what went well and what needs to be improved upon." It was words she spoke from the heart but they were words she knew that she would not listen.

Lily was not someone who took her own advice well.

However, she let Michael and a breather. Moving away so he could relax alone, Lily took place in an empty space and started working on her familial kata as always found her Echani training to be an excellent source of cardio and relief.

And relief was something she needed a lot of.


Journal Entry:

It looks like she felt bad about my reaction. I am SUCH AN IMMATURE IDIOT! She was right though, it was a good experience, and a GREAT warmup. I feel like I could work out all night now.I need to apologize to her tomorrow. It's not fair to make her feel guilty for my own insecurities. I'll thank her for encouraging me and let her know I appreciate her support.I know she meant well, and I shouldn't have overreacted. This experience has shown me the importance of handling criticism better and using it to grow. Tomorrow, I'll make sure she knows how grateful I am for her encouragement and honesty.

She seems like she wants to work alone now. I’ll leave her be, I’ll just grab some weights. If she wants to do some more with me, I’ll hang.

TAGS: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

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