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Regan Mendebras


Let Peace be kept, Justice be done!

NAME: Regan Tallulah Mendebras
RANK: Former police Master Sergeant
AGE: 26 years of age

SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’7”
WEIGHT: 137 lbs
EYES: Greyish Blue
HAIR: Strawberry blonde, and long, kept in a tight bun during work and a low hanging braid when not working

SKIN: Caucasian
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not in the least, and she’s totally fine with it.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Regan is a close quarters combat specialist, her body is her greatest weapon through training that started very young, she keeps knives on her person throwing at her thigh, one at the back of her belt and two kept at a holster at her chest as well as her trusty blaster.

Beyond her skill she is stubborn, this can be her greatest strength and her worst weakness. She is hard working and determined, perhaps too determined at times and this gets her into trouble when it just might not be the time or place for a bulldog to have problems letting go.

While she is aggressive and has the know how to get things done, she often doesn’t think about what is between her and her target. In short she thinks she is a tank. She is not. She can be idealistic and uncompromising, she believes in the rule of law, and has a hard time remembering that she is not still a cop.

She has a bad temper, and will if the right buttons are pushed strike out at what angered her. It almost never fails. Other than that her pride has kept her alone since the incident, help is not easily accepted, and once slighted she will likely shun the person for a long time.

Regan keeps her appearance clean and crisp, her clothes though simple and meant for function rather than vanity are kept mended and proper. She keeps an old leather jacket, and a pair of boots she’d gotten from her grandfather, and even if she has to tape the things she’ll keep them.

Eyes like a stormy day, somewhere on the line of dark blue and gray, with strawberry blonde hair that as the rest of her appearance is kept to a near military standard kept in a tight bun when she works and a low hanging braid when she is off.

She has a tattoo on the inside of her arm, the family motto over a star. “Let peace be made, justice be done” She has another on her back, a badge and a name under it that she never shows and never speaks of.

The Mendebras family has always been on Corellia, it is seeped in a long and proud tradition of military service. It is expected of a child born into this family to join the navy young and to succeed, bringing honor to the family. To this end children are taught and trained to be the very best they can be. Mendebras do not accept failure, they do not cower, and they do not shirk responsibility.

Regan’s father Aurick Anthony Mendebras was an admiral, her mother Diane a former navy flight officer, her sister Alyssa a captain, her brothers Sarta and Samson are fighter pilots and navigators respectfully. Her parents insisted their children be made strong through a life of vigorous exercise, that they raise to the top of their classes and later their fields. They were encouraged to engage in public service, and to be competitive in all things, sibling squabbles were often dealt with in fist fights where the winner would fight their hulking father.

At 18 years old Regan shocked her family by instead of enlisting as all had done before her, she took steps to become a police officer, this is an argument that has kept her from speaking to her father for quite some time.

She was quite good at her job; she loved it too and flew through the ranks before making it to master sergeant.

She would go through her own hard knocks, the capital city Coronet would prove to be filled with dangers and treasures both glorious and grotesque, she loved her life there, she loved her work, her life filled with purpose she was happy. Events would unfold though in the blink of an eye, and her personal life would be brought low. She would throw herself into her work with a vengeance, eventually putting her at odds with her captain.

He made one remark, she needed to get laid, and before she could stop herself her fist was jammed in his throat. She nearly killed him, and was forced to quit the force. The only work she could get after that was bouncer at clubs and the occasional odd job and hired hand sort of thing.

She longs for something better, often thinking about what life would have been like if she had followed her family into the military, or what it would be like…if she just left her beloved Corellia. She wants to live, not do whatever it takes to not run home to daddy.



None here.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Regan Mendebras"]
Actually, the Protectorate is in control of Corellia, so you'd be a Protectorate citizen, just looking out for a fellow Omegan.


Let Peace be kept, Justice be done!
So i've been doing some poking around, this does not seem like it confronts Regan's sensibilities at any point. Infact if it really was as just and as peaceful as the facton page is to be belived then... this would not go against her at all. After all note the tattoo on her arm "Let peace be made, Justice be done." hmm, is anything in my profile going against the fact that the Protectorate controls Corellia?

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