
Rei Ishveil
RANK: Padawan
AGE: 17
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 122 pounds
EYES: Gold
HAIR: Brownish - Orangeish
SKIN: Peach with a hint of red
APPEARANCE: Rei Ishveil has peachy, reddish skin and a spray of light freckles over her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Her hair is long, a bit wavy, very messy, and a brown, orange-like color. Her eyes are a bright, almost glowing shade of gold. She's a little on the thin side, especially for someone of her race, but is swiftly growing.
TAIL: Rei's tail is like an Akita's tail - thick, bushy, and curls in towards her body.
+ Adventurous: She loves to explore and to learn. She is always eager to be better, stronger, and smarter and she has little fear of the unknown.
+ Independent: There is little hardship in this world that she does not understand. Rei grew up in a world where she had to mature fast and become strong fast. She is capable of taking care of herself.
+ Ambitious: Rei dreams of great things and is more than willing to risk it all to achieve them. She believes in the Force and wills to become a great Jedi. She hopes she will, oneday, become as great as her master.
+ Nimble: She is very swift and agile and can make for a tricky opponent in battle. You will rarely see her drop a lightsaber and she can be tricky to catch. She also utilizes this to easily climb buildings and get to higher levels that others may struggle with.
+ Strong-willed: Rei is bold and fierce. Her mind is comparable to a rock (in the sense that she is difficult to penetrate and hard-headed). When she sets her mind on something, it is difficult to change her.
- Aggressive: With her lack of training, Rei is a bomb ready to go off at any moment. She is headstrong, which often gets her into hot water, and her temper can be a big problem.
- Reckless: Sometimes, Rei will jump into a situation without properly thinking or analyzing. She can easily get herself into trouble due to not properly thinking things through.
- Possessive: Regardless of it being an idea, a person, or something she can hold in her hand, Rei is a very possessive person. She can be the jealous type and often does not like to share.
- Arrogant: Rei can often be overly confident, even if she does not openly express it. Her arrogance can lead her into troubling situations, especially if she lets it overpower her, in which she will either get into fights or completely ignore others.
Rei Ishveil has no memory of her birth mother, having been raised by her father and her grandfather. Her earliest memory was resting on her father's shoulders while they were on a very crowded ship to a planet that they hoped would be their new home. Her grandfather spewed stories of the life they would get to live on that planet.
In order to make a living in this new world, her father lived as a bodyguard, doing what he did best. He was rarely around, often being gone for a job for months at a time. Rei would stay at home with her old grandfather, eagerly awaiting the return of her father. She lived to hear tales of faraway worlds and places she could only dream of. Her grandfather entertained her with stories of their people. In all her years, she has never seen (aside from her father and grandfather), another Zorren.
When she was a young girl, a Jedi Master found his way to their crappy little planet. Rei and her grandfather were a sight he had never seen before and he was immediately strucken by Rei's force sensivity. To both her eagerness and dismay, he wanted to take her to become a Jedi, something she knew her father would be proud of; however, the Jedi could not wait for her father to return home. She had to decide if she wanted to pass up the opportunity or leave and possibly never see her father again.
Believing in her heart that her father would understand, Rei took the Jedi Master's hand, and left her grandfather, and father, behind, hoping she would see them again...
SHIP: None yet
KILLS: None yet