New Member
Name: Rekina Rakham.
Faction: Mandalorians.
Species: Human.
Age: 20.
Gender: Female.
Height: 1'73.
Weight: 125 lbs.
Eyes: Green.
Hair: Auburn.
Skin: White.
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
Languages: Galactic Basic, Mando'a, Huttese.
Force sensitive: No.
Rekina's physical advantages are mostly related to her agility and hand-to-hand combat. Although she is no master acrobat, she is a talented gymnast who can endure many things.
Being raised in a dangerous environment, Rekina has considerable high knowledge of hand-to-hand combat and has much fighting experience. She is also very good with vibroswords and blaster pistols.
Rekina is also very intelligent. Although uneducated, she has much experience in matters of persuasion and is quite cunning as well.
Being raised in a dangerous environment, Rekina has considerable high knowledge of hand-to-hand combat and has much fighting experience. She is also very good with vibroswords and blaster pistols.
Rekina is also very intelligent. Although uneducated, she has much experience in matters of persuasion and is quite cunning as well.
Being uneducated, Rekina does not have much knowledge of operating ships and does not understand any language beside basic, Mando'a and Huttese. She also does not have much knowledge of economics or science.
Rekina is a young woman with green eyes, auburn hair, fair skin, shoulder-long hair, narrow nose. She is very physically fit and strong.
Weapons and gear:
2 WESTAR-35 blaster pistols.
1 Cortosis blade.
1 Vibrosword.
Grappling hook.
Dark-green Mandalorian armour with durasteel plates.
Rekina Rakham was an only child of an underpaid Hutt security guard on Nar Shaddaa. Her mother had disappeared and her father did not have much to offer her except survival and knowledge of self-protection. During her childhood, Rekina often had to steal from others to help her and her father to survive extreme poverty. Which eventually caught the attention of Vakko the Hutt her father was working for and hired her as a part-time smuggler when she turned 14. When Rekina was 17, her father was killed during an assassination attempt on Vakko. Rekina lost her home and her guardian. She blamed Vakko for the tragedy. Vakko was insulted by this and prepared her punishment. He had Rekina captured and made her his slave. For a year, Rekina was forced under the shame and humiliation of being a slave.
One day, two Mandalorians had come to talk to Vakko about becoming bounty hunters. One of them recognized Rekina, claiming that she is a spitting image of her mother, who was also a Mandalorian. Much to Vakko's frustration, the duo turned their attention to his slave and began asking questions about what she knew about her heritage. With Rekina's answers, the Mandalorians came to the conclusion that she does in fact have Mandalorian heritage. Vakko demanded that they left, insulted that they were more interested in his slave rather than his payroll. One of them, however, was willing to purchase Rekina. Vakko refused, believing that if Rekina were free, she would get revenge on him. Rekina was not willing to lose her last hope for freedom and she grabbed a blaster from one of the Mandalorians, killed Vakko and escaped with the duo.
The duo was impressed with her and asked her if she were willing to join the Clan Fett, which Rekina accepted. She spent the next year training, learned Mando'a and got her own Mandalorian armour.
A new chapter in her life had begun. Though she has to be careful, for Vakko the Hutt has friends and allies in high places.