Rel Armande
NAME: Rel Armande
RANK: sith apprentice
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 5'8"
EYES: blue
HAIR: brown
SKIN: pale white
-highly force sensitive
-above average skill with a lightsaber(on a scale of 1-5 2.5 being average he is 3.5)
WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
-has a defective immune system and must wear a breathing aparatus at all time
-obsessed with the force
FORCE ABILITIESPROFICIENCY SCALE 1-5 [1 being able to practice the skill and 5 having it mastered] )
-FORCE WAVE(1) learned from personal experimentation
-FORCE LIGHTNING(1) learned from personal experimentation
-FORCE BLAST(2) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE JUMP(2) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE HEAL(2) learned from Arvis Tillman
-SABER THROW(3) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE THROW(3) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE SPEED(3) learned from Arvis Tillman
-MIND TRICK(3) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE PULL(4) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE PUSH(4) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE SENSE(4) learned from Arvis Tillman
APPEARANCE:View attachment 252 (garments
View attachment 253 (breathing apparatus)
View attachment 254 (lightsaber hilt)
GEAR:lightsaber(dark purple blade),breating aparatus,NULL STAR,garments,data pad
When Rel was born his mother left him outside a jedi temple on coruscant in the middle of the night, hours later Arvis Tillman a jedi knight at the time found him and was rushed to medical to see if he was alright. Upon examination it was found that his immune system had been compromised and that he had a strong connection to the force. Once he was of the proper age to be placed in the jedi academy he was. Upon completion of the academy he became Arvis Tillman's padawan. Rel was eager to learn and wanted to know as much about the force as his master could teach him, but after a few years his eagerness started to turn to obsession. Arvis started to notice the change in him and started to slow the rate he was teaching Rel how to use the force in hopes to control the obsession, but the damage had already been done. Rel, incomprehensibly infuriated by what his master was doing started to do some experimentation with the force on his own. When Tarvis started to slow the teaching more Rel was angered even more and left the jedi order posing as a mercenary until he had the creds to get his own ship.Ship in hand he can now travel the galaxy unhindered in his quest.
Rel does not care about helping nor ruling the galaxy, his only goal is to collect as many secrets of the force and in turn as much power as he can. though as seen throughout history power corrupts.
Model: YT-2000
Modularity: yes(only modifications done thus far are the weapons and air filtration system{so Rel can take off his breathing aparatus while abord the ship})
Production: minor
Material: durasteel
Descriptionther than the added weapons and air filtration system its no different than a stock YT-2000
Intent: personal use
Role: transport
Height: 9.6
Width: 21.6
Length: 24.9
Power Core Generator/Reactor: fuel cells powered by liquid metal fuel
Hyperdrive Rating: 2
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 4
Armaments:4(1 on top/bottom,1 on both port and starboard of the hull) duel laser cannon turets
Hangar: N/A
Non-Combative Attachments: navigational system,sensor arrays,targetting system, deflecion shield,air filtration system,Standard Life Support Systems,Standard Communications Array,Escape Pods
Passenger Capacity: 7
Cargo Capacity: 115
Consumables: 3 months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability:5
RANK: sith apprentice
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 5'8"
EYES: blue
HAIR: brown
SKIN: pale white
-highly force sensitive
-above average skill with a lightsaber(on a scale of 1-5 2.5 being average he is 3.5)
WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
-has a defective immune system and must wear a breathing aparatus at all time
-obsessed with the force
FORCE ABILITIESPROFICIENCY SCALE 1-5 [1 being able to practice the skill and 5 having it mastered] )
-FORCE WAVE(1) learned from personal experimentation
-FORCE LIGHTNING(1) learned from personal experimentation
-FORCE BLAST(2) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE JUMP(2) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE HEAL(2) learned from Arvis Tillman
-SABER THROW(3) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE THROW(3) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE SPEED(3) learned from Arvis Tillman
-MIND TRICK(3) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE PULL(4) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE PUSH(4) learned from Arvis Tillman
-FORCE SENSE(4) learned from Arvis Tillman
APPEARANCE:View attachment 252 (garments
View attachment 253 (breathing apparatus)
View attachment 254 (lightsaber hilt)
GEAR:lightsaber(dark purple blade),breating aparatus,NULL STAR,garments,data pad
When Rel was born his mother left him outside a jedi temple on coruscant in the middle of the night, hours later Arvis Tillman a jedi knight at the time found him and was rushed to medical to see if he was alright. Upon examination it was found that his immune system had been compromised and that he had a strong connection to the force. Once he was of the proper age to be placed in the jedi academy he was. Upon completion of the academy he became Arvis Tillman's padawan. Rel was eager to learn and wanted to know as much about the force as his master could teach him, but after a few years his eagerness started to turn to obsession. Arvis started to notice the change in him and started to slow the rate he was teaching Rel how to use the force in hopes to control the obsession, but the damage had already been done. Rel, incomprehensibly infuriated by what his master was doing started to do some experimentation with the force on his own. When Tarvis started to slow the teaching more Rel was angered even more and left the jedi order posing as a mercenary until he had the creds to get his own ship.Ship in hand he can now travel the galaxy unhindered in his quest.
Rel does not care about helping nor ruling the galaxy, his only goal is to collect as many secrets of the force and in turn as much power as he can. though as seen throughout history power corrupts.
Model: YT-2000
Modularity: yes(only modifications done thus far are the weapons and air filtration system{so Rel can take off his breathing aparatus while abord the ship})
Production: minor
Material: durasteel
Descriptionther than the added weapons and air filtration system its no different than a stock YT-2000
Intent: personal use
Role: transport
Height: 9.6
Width: 21.6
Length: 24.9
Power Core Generator/Reactor: fuel cells powered by liquid metal fuel
Hyperdrive Rating: 2
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 4
Armaments:4(1 on top/bottom,1 on both port and starboard of the hull) duel laser cannon turets
Hangar: N/A
Non-Combative Attachments: navigational system,sensor arrays,targetting system, deflecion shield,air filtration system,Standard Life Support Systems,Standard Communications Array,Escape Pods
Passenger Capacity: 7
Cargo Capacity: 115
Consumables: 3 months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability:5