"We just crossed into former Maw space."
"Good. Okay." Amani gazed out at the tunneling expanse of hyperspace through the bridge viewport. She'd been through this regions several times since the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War, but she was more aloof, more on edge this time.
A reformed settlement on one of the old maw worlds had sent concerning reports just a week ago, regarding an encroaching illness among its inhabitants. It had been noted by Alliance personnel, but tabled in the grand scheme of struggles throughout the Unknown Regions. Since then, communication with the settlement has abruptly gone dark.
A team of Alliance troops, surveyors, and Jedi had been dispatched to investigate the sector, and find out what happened. No one else on board seemed to treat it with the same sternness as Chief Healer Serys. There was something about it that made her hairs stand on end. That made the Force around her tremble in discomfort. Something dark, and familiar, even if she herself didn't realize just how true that was yet.