Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Relavys Kiiensarik

Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher

(Work in progress. The costume looks pseudo-mercantile, so that's why I picked this nice image).

Name: Relavys Kiiensarik (pronounced Rela-VEE)

Faction: Formerly an information broker for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, currently Independent (a merchant's personal assistant and spy).

Rank: N/A

Species: Amaran

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Height: 4'2

Weight: 77 lbs.

Eyes: Right is violet, while the left has been replaced by a cybernetic disk bearing a green photoreceptor.

Hair: Blue-Gray

Fur: White, with blue-gray on the tip of her tail.

Force sensitivity: No.


Unnaturally Calm: Stoic in her demeanor, few beings have ever seen this little vulpine break down over anything. Relavys has even faced down blasters, only to merely raise an eyebrow in response and, with a snap of her fingers, silently give her droids the order to kill the thieves who were threatening her.

Slicer: All that time with computers and the Holonet may have rendered the vulpine socially inept, but she is well-versed in obtaining, comparing and contrasting datafiles on practically any subject, within reason and for the right price.

Droid Scavenger: Relavys is knowledgeable on nearly every aspect of droid model and their respective inner workings due to her early childhood, and those skills were further enhanced during her time serving the Separatist Alliance.

Unassuming: The short, quick-moving Amaran is rarely perceived to be a threat when amongst civilians and without the presence of her battle droids.


Antisocial: Relavys simply doesn't like to be around organics, and is cold and to-the-point whenever she must deal with anyone besides her employer.

Physically Weak: At just over four feet tall and dedicated to machines, searching the Holonet for both legal and illegal streams of information and droid logistics and repair, you've certainly got a great many strengths - but the ability to choke out a Gamorrean while curb-stomping a Wookiee isn't one of them.

Untrusting: Save for her current employer, this unusual little Amaran doesn't trust another living being, preferring the uncaring company of refurbished battle droids and computers rather then the presence of other organics, who are only as useful as the information they might supply.

Appearance: Bearing a less-then-common snow-white coloration (to say nothing of her shoulder-length ponytail) and belonging to an uncommon species outside of a certain sector of space means that this little Amaran stands out, whether she wants to or not. In addition to this, missing an eye and bearing a top-of-the-line replacement over the empty socket - a gift from her Grandfather - tends to turn heads, as well. The short Amaran, however, is usually left well alone, as most live in fear of the Neimoidian who employs her. The contingent of refurbished battle droids at the Amaran's beck and call during her outings for her Master are more then enough to ensure that the demure, petite and tomboyish little female is safely ignored, and Relarin prefers it to stay that way.


Items and Equipment: SE-14C blaster pistol, comlink, research datapad, mercantile datapad, LaserHone Talon vibrodagger, A99 aquata breather/rebreather.



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