The Storm King
How long had it been?
Time once escaped the dark Jedi master known as Rylan Kordel, he had been sent by his commander and lord to locate relics forgotten to time, a task he more than relished, as it removed him from the day to day drudgery of 'civilized' life. What was unexpected though, was what he would stumble on, his ship? wrecked, his crew? dead, his chance to return home? slim, and altogether unlikely. Yet, he pushed on, and in time, and some luck, he was discovered by scavengers and brought back to the known regions.
Not long after his return though, Rylan somehow ended up with a crew of scientists, working security on a research mission to a relic from the Clone Wars, an old battleship, or the remains of rather. The memories of his time on board these ships came flooding back to him as he wandered the halls, or what was left of them.
There was a tugging in his mind, a sense, something the force wanted him to see.
Floating in place was a chunk of carbonite, he approached slowly, and to his surprise, there was a person inside. His eyes traveled over the form, it was female, youthful, athletic, Twi'lek. She must have been a Jedi padawan, "You must have been put here by your master..." he whispered quietly, before finally calling in the scientists to take her back to their ship. He would go with her, while he had dropped the trappings of the life of a Jedi long ago, he felt sympathy and sorrow for this padawan, she was in for a shock.
When the reclamation and research was finished on the old cruiser, Rylan went with the carbonite frozen woman to her next stop, as the scientists turned her over to a hospital, and the government of the planet she'd been discovered near. The only real good part of it was, that it was at least Confederacy space. He waited anxiously, for soon she'd be freed from her prison, and while he doubted he would be considered a friendly face, he was at least someone who could help her adjust.
Time once escaped the dark Jedi master known as Rylan Kordel, he had been sent by his commander and lord to locate relics forgotten to time, a task he more than relished, as it removed him from the day to day drudgery of 'civilized' life. What was unexpected though, was what he would stumble on, his ship? wrecked, his crew? dead, his chance to return home? slim, and altogether unlikely. Yet, he pushed on, and in time, and some luck, he was discovered by scavengers and brought back to the known regions.
Not long after his return though, Rylan somehow ended up with a crew of scientists, working security on a research mission to a relic from the Clone Wars, an old battleship, or the remains of rather. The memories of his time on board these ships came flooding back to him as he wandered the halls, or what was left of them.
There was a tugging in his mind, a sense, something the force wanted him to see.
Floating in place was a chunk of carbonite, he approached slowly, and to his surprise, there was a person inside. His eyes traveled over the form, it was female, youthful, athletic, Twi'lek. She must have been a Jedi padawan, "You must have been put here by your master..." he whispered quietly, before finally calling in the scientists to take her back to their ship. He would go with her, while he had dropped the trappings of the life of a Jedi long ago, he felt sympathy and sorrow for this padawan, she was in for a shock.
When the reclamation and research was finished on the old cruiser, Rylan went with the carbonite frozen woman to her next stop, as the scientists turned her over to a hospital, and the government of the planet she'd been discovered near. The only real good part of it was, that it was at least Confederacy space. He waited anxiously, for soon she'd be freed from her prison, and while he doubted he would be considered a friendly face, he was at least someone who could help her adjust.