Alexandra Feanor
The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Naboo, Several Miles from the outskirts of Theed
0823 Galactic Standard Time
Relavent Non OotG characters: [member="Andromeda Versai"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] @Jedi Grandmaster person @other Naboo based people.
Alexandra ran a hand over her arm as she watched the freighters that she had asked to help her people, thankful for the aid of an old friend who was too busy to be here at the time but thankful none the less. Even with that thought in mind she was worried about trading one place of danger for another. The Jedi order had become increasingly worrisome, but they would not stoop to outright murder right?
She hoped not and even sent messages to the Palace of the queen informing the woman of the incoming ships as well as her friend Taeli, hoping that the Jedi woman would be enough to give her some sort of ease of mind. She knew that things would only get worse if she was wrong and she had done this in response to rumors she had heard within the Mandalorian ports that she had to go through in order to get between Alderaan and Garqi temples. The problem was both had been within the Mandalorian controlled worlds which made Alexandra more than scared for her people if those rumors were true.
That was why she had told [member="Veino Garn"], [member="Saran Drast"], and [member="James Mathison"] to pack up what they could from the temples and get the students to the Enclave as soon as possible, with the hope that the Mandalorians wouldn't act before they could get them out of there. So far it had worked to keep a low profile, but the danger was more than enough to make her shiver inside and more than enough to send her across the galaxy to get away from their possible actions.
Her hand continued to rub at her arm, creating a rash as she stood there and watched the transports and freighters land where they could.