Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Remember, remember, the 8th of November...

For all you new faces around here who were not present at the time, November 8th 2013 is a date that will live in infamy on this site. The majority of the board was wiped out due to some serious technical shenanigans ([member="Darth Junra"] tripped on the power chord, I believe we all agreed upon), and many basically had to start over from scratch or try to salvage what they could. Some members were of great help when it came to resurrect threads and forums, and to those people we owe our gratitude.​
Today is November 9th 2014, and we give thanks to [member="Tefka"] and the Force that we did not have to live through another board-wipe. I now propose a moment of silence to commemorate the many threads and posts that fell victim to fate.​
In Umbris Potestas Est
Took me a lot of effort to save almost everyone's profiles... First time I learned that Google Cache will deny you access for hours if you search too many things from the cache in a short span of time. We lost a lot of tech subs, though...

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Damn, has it been a year already? Those were dark times. I'd like to play a song to commerate all the threads and tech that was lost.

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