Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Remember Your Place | BotM Dominion of Iol




Iol, a lifeless world ran by the corporate authority of Tangan Industries. They have run the precious mining operations for entire millennia, hosting three colonial cities. For a time, the workers enjoyed better living conditions, and fair wages regulated by the Miner’s Union in Shirkel. Their raw material and precious minerals sold to the highest bidder.

The Brotherhood of the Maw’s Neo-Imperial subsect, the Final Dawn, has increasingly relied more and more on the raw material of mineral rich worlds such as Iol to help maintain the Brotherhood’s ever expansive War Machine. Taking special note of Iol, the Final Dawn established proxies within Tangan Industries, wrestling regulating authority into the hands of discrete subsidiaries. With the loss of Epoch Engineering Corporation and it’s Deep Core holdout, the Final Dawn decided to take a more active role in the governance of it’s people, weary of possible Galactic Alliance interference in their operations.

Seizing control over the planet, the Final Dawn abolished the Miner’s Union and enslaved the populace of Iol within a matter of days. The people have become restless, forced into harsh conditions under the lash of the Neo-Imperials. The planet has begun to openly revolt against the Neo-Imperial junta, forcing the hand of the Brotherhood of the Maw itself. Teach these swine the futility of their actions, show the glory of the Dark Three!



The slaves have begun to revolt. Ever since the shutdown of the Miner’s Union and ascension of longtime SularenCo subsidiary ‘the Mining Collective’. Conditions have become miserable, the workers are beat under the lash, suffering to work in forced labor with little to no benefit to their own well being or their families’. Freedom is a thing of the past.

The former leaders of the Miner’s Union are responsible for organizing the uprising, coordinating guerilla hit and run tactics in key military defenses. As such they’ve managed to secure control over large portions of the planetary capital of Haven with heavy fighting being reported across in the other two colonies of Menalath and Shrikel.

Stop the Rebels, kill their leaders and punish the people of lol for their Treachery! Our Operations on lol must not be disrupted!



A member of the Death Watch has been seen in a local cantina attached to Haven’s Spaceport. Rumor has it that a majority of their number disappeared into the Unknown Regions to find a ‘New Mandalore’ shortly after the Rebellion of Mandalore. Death’s Hand, the brutal tribe of Mawite Mandalorians led by Mandalorian Sith Lord Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze , is offering a reward for whoever can find and capture this Mandalorian.. alive, before they can find transport off this barren rock. The spaceport is entirely under the control of the Final Dawn, all transports have been grounded until the rebellion has been quelled with everyone trapped within until they are cleared for release.

The Children of Mandalore will be brought into the fold or they will die. Interrogate and investigate to track down this stray Mandalorian. Help light the way to New Mandalore!



Shortly before the Uprising on lol, an undercover SIA Agent managed to uncover sensitive information about infrastructure deemed by the Final Dawn as critical for their Mining Operations on lol. Fortunately for the Politorate, this individual has not been able to flee off-world due to open revolt. Unfortunately, he was able to send a distress call to his superiors and remains at large having managed to blend in with the Rebels on lol.

Locate the deep cover SIA Agent and eliminate him before the Alliance can retrieve him! Our secrets cannot fall into enemy hands!



Tell your own stories, whatever you wanna post.

Shadow Leader


Tor’r Tal’Verda | Death’s Hand
SEARCH For the Mandalorian
Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Rath Kelborn



The planet was baptized in blood and fire, the perfect storm, the perfect rebirth. The doors into the Haven Spaceport parted open with a sharp whoosh, the Mandalorian Tor’r Tal’Verda, Rally Master in Death’s Hand entered with a slow stride, armor stained with the blood of rebels.

The horned visage of the Lone Wolf unnerved many of the denizens within as the cold glare of his T-visor glided between passersby as he advanced for the cantina. The spaceport was safeground, secured early by the forces of the Final Dawn to control the conflict and ground all vessels coming and going. It was open rebellion out there, the interconnected domes between the various branched districts of Haven were lit up in the fires of defiance. The Brotherhood of the Maw would soon descend on this planet enmasse, when that time came be pitied any whom were caught outside of the spaceport or the sanctity of their homes. There would be blood, there would be needless atrocity.

Tor’r approached the cantina as the doors parted before him he looked on, he would find this errant vod and determine if the rumors were true after all. Was there a second Mandalore out in the Unknown?



On the trip to the surface...

She sat stone faced in the copilot seat of the shuttle. Instead of watching the stars, her eyes were intent upon a datapad clasped within her hands. Her eyes read and her brain processed incoming information rapidly. Occasionally, her lips moved in silence as she read. After several long and heavy moments, she laid the pad down and shifted her gaze out the viewport.

With the recent loss of EEC, the Maw needed, desperately needed, more raw materials. Waging a campaign such as theirs on a galactic scale was neither cheap nor effortless. The mining operationon Iol are vital to said campaign continuing successfully.

Unfortunately, the Final Dawn had, in Maestus opinion, forced their hand too far, too fast. Loose ends had been neglected, and so Maestus was on her way to tidy one very important loose end up. The SIA operative. Identity as yet unknown, finding them would be no small feat. The uprising and revolt would complicate matters moreso. She did not imagine any civilians would be willing to offer any information. Fortunate for her, willingness was not a necessary part of her intentions.

She glanced at her pilot as he deftly maneuvered the shuttle through the atmosphere, heading for the surface. She had already given instructions. Land in the capital city and she would begin her search.

As the pilot did job, Maestus closed her eyes. She inhaled deeply and exhaled slow and evenly. Her mind began to focus on the currents of the Force. She extended her senses as they descended to the surface. It was almost overwhelming, the influx of information. So many angry people. Violent and bloody intentions.

As the shuttle landed, Maestus pulled the Force around herself. Effectively masking her Force signature, for now, subtlety was required. She rose from her seat, and made her way down the loading ramp.

Let the chase begin...​


"Do not resist."

The crisp, clean voice of the droid echoed in the room. Panic filled everyone's mind. Miners given guns. What were they thinking? They were fighting the Maw. The annihilators of Csilla.

"Where is it!?"

"Out side!" Blaster fire erupted as one of the younger men fired at a shifting shadow. Another movement cause another to fire in the opposite side of the room. Panic turned to genuine fear as again they realized they were shooting at nothing. "There's no way it's that fast! Calm the kark down and think!" The eldest of the group barked orders. Her glowing red eyes focused, staring through the darkness.

A Chiss resistance fighter, here to help.

She stepped forward, gun raised. They couldn't stay in this room if they wanted to survive. She moved towards the door, braced against the wall. Ready to peer through and make sure the path forward was clear.

A large metal hand ruptured the wall beside her. The unsettling length of the limb suddenly closed around her neck before she had time to react, and the resulting crack of her neck filled the room with dread.

Her body fell, and blaster fire erupted to where the arm came through. They unloaded every shot they had, hoping to take down the droid that had been stalking them through the city. Picking them off one by one. When the blaster fire ended, they dared a chance to look at one another. None of them wanted to go check and make sure the thing was dead.

"Do not resist."​

In the darkness behind them a pair of white, glowing eyes emerged. The last thing they saw before the hut was filled with screams.



Miners’ Union

Green and crimson plasma fire steaked between spaces. Brilliant flames burned bright over the charred remnants of downed troopers and miner corpses alike amidst the rubble of open rebellion.

The sonic charge primed up with a notifying chirp, the frontman readied himself as the Purge Trooper at his flank set his hand on his comrade’s shoulder. Both men waited for their CO’s orders, both men surrounded by an entire squad of elite death dealers.

Alexander held a clenched fist like a hammer ready to drop, when the time came there was no hesitation just as soon there would be no mercy. His hand fell by the wayside quickly returning to his weapon.


Boom! The sonic charge went off in a glorious pulse, the doors’ center immediately imploded inward. The heavy steel fell against the tile flooring, soon the purge troopers would file in. Clearing the room with the utmost efficiency.

They would search out the leaders of this rebellion, whether it took them across the entire planet it would be done with only one outcome. A blaster put to their rebel heads.

Electra-12 | Electra-13 | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | SUCO | Dalos Cameron


The Human




Personal Equipment: Force Armour and Mask, Two Lightsabers (x) (x)
TAG: Alexander Garrick Alexander Garrick Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

He should honestly be searching for the SIA Agent, the one that had been giving them the slip but was informed that this, may be impossible to achieve. With the roar of the speeder bike echoing in the street, he turned it off and dismounted as he slowly made a stroll towards one of the large buildings. The Human was given a very distinct objective, to find one of the leaders of the Miners Union hiding out in one of the buildings as the rain in the area started to pour onto his outfit as he hurried to the front door and gave a rap knock on it. Door was opened for a brief moment yet it was amount for Dalos to shove his way in and pull out his lightsaber, not activated and point downwards at the person behind the door.

There laid on the floor, a Rattakai woman tried to get up, only to see the lightsabers end pointed at her. Laying there, Dalos would slowly speak up as the sound of lightning behind him, echoed into the house.

"Miss Iosan...I have come to find your husband. Is he home?"
"He left an hour ago...he can be anywhere now."
"Well, he has to return home sometime."

With those careful words, with the voice of a gentlemen, he slowly pulled the lightsaber back and clipped it onto the side of his belt. Closing the door behind him, he would slowly stroll on into the living area and looked around as the fireplace crackled from nearby. The voice of Miss Iosan would echo slightly, stepping into the room as the Human looked onto a family portrait, holding it up.

"He won't be back, he is out to prot-"
"Men always return to their may take an hour or several, but once he knows about the kill order, he will either choose to run or grab his family. Given the reputation of the Maw...if he does not do the second, he already loses the lives of his wife and son."

Putting back the portrait, he noted when he said the last word of a baby in the picture. Glancing over towards the lady, she looked straight at him with venomous hatred. Was it perhaps threatening to kill them? Did she know she been outplayed? Before he could think any further, a cry pierced into the night as the mother became rather worried in a hurry as the Humans head slowly turned towards one of the nearby rooms. The cry echoed as the Human walked towards the room with the Rattakai trying to grab his arm to pull him away, only for him to shove her away from him as he entered the doorway.

Upon entering the room, the Human came face to face with a small, Rattakai infant as he slowly stared at it. As the lightning struck from the window nearby, his eyes started to widen slightly with his memories racing, grabbing the child around the sheets and slowly pulling him upwards as his eyes slowly went back to its normal size. Holding the infant with both hands, he heard the cry again as he gently brushed the top of the head before slowly walking out of the room with the Rattakai woman staring at him. Looking back at her, the childs cries started to get lower, as if confused for what was going on around him as the Human spoke.

"The Child is sick, isn't he?"





Voxum Voxum
A man wearing a black, hydrophobic hood and cloak looks over the downtrodden streets of Menelath as he is crouching down on top of a tall building, near the edge of the city. His empty eyes dart from building to building, skirmish to skirmish, in an attempt to note down and recognize patterns in the combat behavior of the insurgents and report his observations to Maw command. Collating the intelligence reported by other Maw operatives on the planet, it is clear that each city is assigned at least one leader that oversees the guerilla ambushes and expansion. Targeting their leaders is key; once they fall, they won't have time to replace them and the rebellion crumbles. However, they undoubtedly know this too and likely have several plans in motion already to protect the leaders. For the past few hours the dark figure has also been stalking a particularly resourceful group of rebels, who have been able to reclaim a considerable portion of the city. A female Chiss is the head of the team, and the subsequent target of the hooded stranger.

The primary dome around the settlement creates a stale, arid microclimate with a complete lack of airflow. The man stands up, takes the anchor from his waistbelt and slams it through the roof he is standing on. Its stabilizing claws spring out in all directions, digging further into its surroundings. The man throws the bundle of rope tied to the anchor down towards the ground; he grabs onto the carbon fiber strand tightly and slides down the side of the building, the soles of his military boots barely dragging against the metal surface of the towering structure. His cloak ripples as he dives, his gloves becoming slightly warmer due to friction.

He lands and spins around with momentum, his routine-like movements betraying experience. His head sweeps the immediate vicinity, concluding that no hostiles have noticed the neophyte apprentice of the New Sith Order. He raises his heavy gaze towards the top. He takes a shallow breath, reaches out through the Force, blinks once, and a crack is heard from above. He turns his gaze away as the anchor falls on the ground, the rope coiling around the metal stick automatically. The man picks up the anchor from the ground and clips it on his waistbelt as he strides forth, shifting between the shadows like a primeval phantom.

The guerillas lead by the Chiss suddenly appear agitated and flee from some kind of unseen danger into a nearby building as Orlov stalks them from a dark alley one block away. A first, and then shortly after a second barrage of blaster fire is heard from inside the building, and Orlov springs into action immediately. In a hurried, yet cautious pace he approaches the building, still within the cold embrace of the surrounding shadows. His senses confuse him; they warn him of something peculiar, ancient and terrible within, yet the aura of the building carries only notes of death. No life.

Ominous silence grips the building as he finally arrives close enough to be able to peer through the window, and what he sees surprises him greatly. An anthropomorphic machine bathed in blood stands in the middle of the room, the brutalized corpses of guerilla fighters clutching each other in death scattered around it. Utterly amused, the apprentice steps out of the shadows, onto the narrow street, right in front of the main door of the building and addresses the curious construct in front of him.
– Fascinating. – He lets his intonation ring out in the calm interim, counting on the surprise he may have had against the droid, however unlikely that is. – Who are you, machine? Do you bear such resentment for all organics, or are you perhaps a shackled tool of the Maw?


A large metallic hand lifted, pointing towards Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis . No, pointing one of the blasters the droid had lifted from one of the guerilla fighters. White photoreceptors stared at the Sith Apprentice for a moment. Then the gun lowered. "Sith recognized." K-3S5 stood to their full height then, starting down curiously at the Sith. There were no reports of Maw forces coming this way. At least that the droid was aware of.

"K-3S5." That was the only answer they gave to Orlov before turning towards the door, ducking under it's frame to step outside. "There are more hostiles close by. The task is to kill all hostiles. Are you here to assist?"
Location: Iol, Haven Spaceport

  • Kralmus follows Tor'r into the cantina


It was a day for irony. Haven Spaceport was no safe haven, and the Lone Wolf was not alone.

Kralmus Orr was just a few steps behind Tor'r, keeping pace with his fellow Mawite Mandalorian. It was hard to say what part of his appearance drew the most stares: the bright crimson of his beskar armor, the curling horns on either side of his helmet, or the colossal axe strapped across his back. But then, his grim presence was only the latest in long series of horrors they had lately begun to experience; slavery, oppression, the uncertainty of the union revolt, the brutal crackdown that followed. A few Mandalorians walking into their local cantina probably barely registered in their minds as a threat when the forces of the Final Dawn were busily gunning down their neighbors.

Part of Kralmus wanted to be out there in one of Iol's dome-and-tunnel cities, butchering the little idiots who'd decided they could challenge a galactic power with nothing more than mining tools and lofty principles. As usual, he was following Tor'r and Khamul on some Mandalorian cultural errand, something to do with establishing him as the "True Mandalore" so that he could rally their people and lead their great crusade across known space. And as usual, he was bored, spoiling for a fight. Why couldn't other Mandalorians see that these trappings didn't matter? He followed Khamul because the man promised an age of fire and blood, not because he had a fancy mask and title.

But as much as the battle outside called to him, Kralmus realized that it, too, would quickly become boring. What chance did these strikers have? They were miners, not warriors, and he could only get so much amusement out of cutting them down in the streets when they presented no challenge whatsoever in combat. Besides, they probably all tasted the same: gritty, dusty, stringy. He longed to sink his teeth into the flesh of fat, pampered Core Worlders, not these Outer Rim castoffs. No, tracking down this supposed Death Watch member would be far more interesting in the end. It might at least lead to a decent fight; the only shame was that they needed the wretch alive.

Well, until they got the information out of him, anyway. Then maybe they'd let Kralmus eat him.

The thought cheered the cannibal up immensely, and he whistled a jolly (but off-key) little tune as he strode into the cantina. The type of urban tracking, which relied on people and social skills, was not his forte; he could stalk a beast across the harshest of terrain with ease, but finding a lone warrior among the crowds of civilization? He wouldn't even know where to begin. So he followed his battle-brother's lead, letting him push things along until they got to a point where Kralmus knew what to do. "What a sad bunch of dirt-diggers," he told Tor'r, not particularly caring if he was overheard. "Huddled in here, drinking their sorrows away while their world burns. Pathetic."
Shadow Leader


Tor’r Tal’Verda | Death’s Hand
SEARCH For the Mandalorian
Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Rath Kelborn



“Aye brother. They are sheep.”

As the duo entered the cantina, Tor’r swatted away the nearest drink from right under it’s patron’s grasp. The bottle shattered against the ground with a loud crash drawing the attention of several onlookers.

“Mindless livestock needing constant tending to. They know nothing of battle, of glory.”

The horned wolf stepped closer toward the main bar, his veiled gaze scanned from one end to another casually before settling on the bartender.

“Vod, I don’t think we have their full attention. Mind correcting that?”

His right arm snapped forward brandishing a vibroknife from it’s sheathe in rapid succession down on the bartender’s neck just as his left hand snatched hold of his skull. Tor’r slammed the bartender’s head against the bar, holding tight the knife against his throat.

“A Mandalorian was here. Where was he staying, what was he doing here, and where did he go?”

Tor’r snarled under his beskar helm.

“One of you will talk.”




Voxum Voxum
The machine recognized him as an ally. A Sith, even. He appears to be allied with the Maw. Orlov remains cautious as they stand face to face. – I am here to eliminate their leader. But – He suddenly snaps his head to the left, then to the right, and instinctively widens his stance, his body language professing anticipation. The metallic walkways and tunnels connecting the buildings are perfect conductors of sound, and the insurgents have surely recognized one of their squads not reporting in. – We are getting surrounded. Prepare for battle. – Told Orlov his newfound ally. With his left hand he unclips a smoke grenade from his waistbelt and primes it immediately. Two more smoke grenades remain in his inventory. With his right hand he slides his athame out of its scabbard and holds onto it tight, the blade facing the ground.

He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and reports to the machine.
– Seven are coming. Three from the west, and three from the east. – He turns to look up at the building behind him. – One will be on the roof. We need to take one alive. – Just as he throws the grenade towards the eastern end of the walkway, surely enough, two rag-tag groups of three arrive charging from both directions, from behind corners and open fire on them. As the grenade explodes into a great cloud of dense smoke, Orlov ducks and takes a running slide towards the advancing enemy whose vision is now obscured, blaster fire impacting on the ground behind him as the sharpshooter on the roof targets him haphazardly. Hatred pulsing from his body, he springs to his feet, snaps his stringy arms at the three hostiles in front of him, and pulls them back violently through the Force, the insurgents landing inside the irritating fumes. Not stopping, he takes another deep breath and vanishes in the smoke, where the soldiers are stumbling to regain their footing.

By the time the smoke clears and the screams die down, only bodies with slit throats remain. The hooded apprentice surrounded by fresh cadavers now raises his cruel gaze towards the man on the roof as the miner shoots another projectile towards Orlov. The lightning fast bolt rockets towards him, but the icy claws of a
stasis field freeze both the projectile as well as the miner on the roof – the apprentice's specialty. The crimson bolt cracks and fizzles inches away from Orlov's face, illuminating his frightening visage as he takes a couple of calm steps to the side. – Take that one alive. – Says Orlov to the machine, sure of its ability to dispatch of the three ambushers that have emerged on his side of the walkway.
Location: Iol, Haven Spaceport

  • Kralmus incapacitates a fleeing patron
  • He helps Tor'r intimidate the cantina drinkers


Tor'r strode into the cantina with all the courtesy of a bull reek in a porcelain shop, smashing drinks and playing freely with knives. Kralmus grinned at the sight, thin lips pulling back over teeth filed to points - though no one could see the awful smile, or smell his carrion breath, from behind his faceplate. He was pleased to see that his battle brother wasn't bothering to be restrained. Why should they, among these livestock? Law, politeness, civility - these were concept devised by the weak and fearful masses to leash the strong few, to bring their betters down to their pathetic level. But what happened when the strong simply refused to obey such conventions?

Things went back to the way they were meant to be, to the laws of nature: the strong got whatever they wanted.

As Tor'r held the blubbering bartender's head down, knife poised at his neck, one of the patrons near the back of the bar slowly rose from his table. He was probably looking for some back exit, intending to slip out now that trouble had arrived; perhaps it was because he knew something that he didn't want the Mandalorians to torture out of him, but more likely it was simply his usual habit whenever violence broke out at this frontier bar, getting away from the danger while attention was focused elsewhere. It didn't really matter why, because Kralmus would treat him the same either way. Quick as a whip, he drew one of his serrated skinning knives from his belt...

... and hurled it end over end, the well-balanced blade catching the fleeing customer in the meat of his shoulder.

The man hit the ground in a mewling heap, little gasping squeals of surprise, terror, and pain escaping his throat. "Oh dear," Kralmus said, slowly crossing the room to loom over the fool. "I don't remember giving anyone permission to leave." A warm, wet stain spread across the front of the man's pants, matching the stain of blood slowly soaking the back of his shirt. "Did you say anyone could leave, Tor'r? Because I didn't hear you say anything like that." A savage kick of his beskar sabaton slammed into the man's midsection, driving the wind from his lungs with a little mewl of "oof" and curling him into the fetal position. "I hope no one else got the wrong idea."

His blank visor, somehow still a glare, swept the room. "That would be... tragic."

Turning away from his victim, Kralmus sidled over to the booth the man had vacated, where several of his friends were still sitting. The hulking Mandalorian eased into the seat, trapping one of the booth's occupants between him and the wall as he sat across from the other two. "Now then," he said, "where were we?" He reached up and removed his horned helmet, setting it on the table in front of him; his yellow eyes and pointed teeth made several patrons draw back even further, if that was possible. Or maybe it was his breath, which stank of rotten meat. Kralmus ignored their stares and their terror, casually snatching up his victim's abandoned drink and taking a swig.

"Ah, yes," he said, smiling nastily as his feral gaze swept across the cantina. "I think one of you has something to tell us."
Objective: Slave subjugation

Slaves that revolted in the name of freedom were not workers anymore. Instead they had just turned into cattle, meat for the grinder as they say. What better men to put down a slave revolt then by the order of the Wrath of the Maw. The cannibalistic tribe of the Crimson Hands had arrived on Lol in full force. Not only were they there to kill, but round up any potential main courses they could cook up and satisfy the high protein diet they had all grown accustomed to.

Standing on the outskirts of the camp, they already watched a group of slaves. The slaves themselves held a sense of courage and confidence. As if they thought they had earned freedom, little do they actually know… No one had ever escaped the Maw entirely. To think freedom was easily gained in the hands of slaves was all but foolish. It didn’t matter though to the hulking brute of a Stormtrooper that stood at the forefront of his own men. Beneath the helm the ugly face of the Stormtrooper gave out what some could call a grin, watching as the slaves seemed so blissfully ignorant of what awaited them, that by end of the day half would end up dead. The other half would be dined upon by the men of the crimson hands.

It was unlikely to think that much of the slaves could be taken back to serve. To do so was foolish as they would spell dissenting within the ranks. No for slaves like these decimation was the ultimate order of the day. Lurtz looked back to his men, all so eager to jump into the fray and to take a bite out of the flesh they seemed to enjoy in such happiness at the moment. Slowly the giant had unsheathed his massive sword. The sound of the steel was nothing but pure music to his ears as he lowered his blade. He looked forward to the slaves who seemed to pay little mind to the stormtroopers, while Lurtz gazed upon his own men who seemed all the more anxious to rush in. He spoke one word. “Attack” The men started to spread outwards, and what would come next was bloody carnage that was legendary for the Hands within the Maw.


"The task is to kill all enemies." He reiterated his objective, the emotionless faceplate of the droid staring down at Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis . To leave one alive was to go against this task. Why would the Sith- Ah. In a split second the droid's programing understood. "Use the living to find more to kill. A sadistic, if proper choice." Was that a compliment? Hard to tell, really. The ominously cheery tone K-3S5 always had left most confused on just what emotions he had.

Truth was he had none. Droids should not be programed to feel.

Hostiles inbound. The Sith's scanner must be far superior than the droids to notice them first. The droid simply had no understanding of the Force, but he was now planning to get an upgrade once everything was done here. His head turned to the path where the three were said to be coming from, and he ran. By the time the trio rounded the corner he was on them. There was no chance for the first to even feel surprise as the large metal hand came down, crushing the life from him in a quick snap of his throat.

The other two faired no better. They weren't soldiers. Their lack of experience lead to hesitation. And in the face of an unflinching droid that lead to their quick demise. K-3 ripped the blaster from the corpse still in his grasp. Two quick shots ripped through the paltry armored chests. And a third fired for the one on the roof.

The body on the roof fell quick, but by the groans of pain that man was still very much alive. "He will not be moving, though I can't say how long he will survive." The mission was to kill them all. Not an instantly lethal shot, but one that would lead to death all the same.

"Should be long enough to get information, provided he has enough spine to stay alive." That being literal, given the shot impacted the lower part of the man's back. Severing his spine. K-3 kept this blaster as he walked back to the building and jumped to the roof to meet back up with the Sith.

"Shall we begin interrogation?"


Chapter 2 : Planetary Subjugation


At last , the Rebels had shown their hand. After months of waiting the so-called Miner's Union had finally made their move launching a long-anticipated Planet-wide Uprising throughout lol , the excuse Sularen needed to move the Final Dawn onto the World enmasse and reveal his newest creation - Black Sword Command. The Final Dawn had suffered too much humiliations first at Jedha , then Adrathrope and finally Epoch , and now the people of lol thought that they were weak and vulnerable. It seemed that they had forgotten their place and now Sularen was going to remind them and give them a gift they would never forget. Months of preparations were at hand and now it was time to reveal the true strength of the Final Dawn.

Thus a massive armada of Final Dawn Warships emerged from hyperspace arriving in orbit of lol , representing only one third of Sularen's Projected Black Sword Command. Spearheaded by the FDS Immortal , this Fleet comprised of over 100 Vessels soon began to move into position in orbit of the barren world and beginning the process of establishing a blockade over the Planet , the first step in the Grand Overseer's overall plans to lockdown the entire System and eliminate every trace of rebellion on the Planet. Sularen was going to show the entire galaxy most importantly the Galactic Alliance and the New Imperial Order that the Final Dawn was far from weak or vulnerable and that they had yet to witness the true extent of the carnage they could inflict upon the worlds they cherished so much.

From the Bridge of the Immortal , Sularen watched as Scourge Squadron began the process of establishing it's blockade over lol. "What's the status of the Blockade , Captain" the Grand Overseer demanded. "Our ships are still moving into positions and the Blockade is 35% complete" the Captain of the Immortal said in response. "Good. Inform the High Regent that we've arrived at lol and are in the process of establishing the Blockade. Once it is complete , those foolhardy rebels on the surface will have no hope of victory. We've suffered enough humiliations , now it's time for the galaxy to witness the true might of the Final Dawn."

Tags | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | OPEN


The Human




Personal Equipment: Force Armour and Mask, Two Lightsabers (x) (x)
TAG: Alexander Garrick Alexander Garrick Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

He held the child gently in his arms, the cries of the son slowly becoming quiet with the Human watching him. There was something strange, a sense of calm surrounding him, memories almost as if attempting to awaken in him the longer he held this child. Brushing the top part of the forehead, he heard Miss Iosan speak up, almost with a quiet yet venomous voice.

"I want my son back."
"I promise that I shall not harm this child. I am holding him however, till we reach an agreement."
"What agreement? That you are holding my son hostage?!"
"No...a chance at a new life."

There was a strange silence between them as his left hand brushed over the forehead of the child again, his left hand glowing just lightly with the Force as the sniffles of the child became slowly quiet. The painful expressions it once wore, was slowly fading away and soon, it went into a blissful sleep. Dalos had no idea what he just did, he did however what felt natural and what was right. The Rattakai woman from couch watched with still anger though noticed how the child was no longer in pain. Softly, the Human would speak as his eyes glanced at her.

"Deal is simple. Tell me when he returns and I shall ensure both of your safe passage off this planet. This fight, is long lost. Would you prefer your son an orphan without parents...or just a father?"

It was a cruel deal, an unethical deal but it was the best one he could give no matter what. The rain outside kept pouring as the Rattakai woman pursed her lips together and glanced outside the window. It was two was death, one was the chance to raise the son. Glancing back forward, the Rattakai woman spoke with hesitation in her voice, with bits of anger.

"Ten minutes...he waits for the doormat to be outside to be safe to enter."
"Good...then our deal has been reached."

Slowly, he outstretched both of his hands and allowed the son to be taken back to his rightful mother. Getting up, he would go into his robes and pull out a credit chit, placing it onto the table and pushing it towards her. She would grab it with one hand and stare, then pointing it back at him as she hissed quietly, both voices still low for the child.

"I don't want your blood money!"
"Call it what you want, that is five grand of my own pay. I don't have a use really in credits...take your son and get him out of this town. Stay at another colonies hotel and charter the next flight out of this planet. For your sake and mine...don't come back. You got five minutes to gather your things."

Glancing to the side, he walked over towards one of the closets and opened it, seeing a few welcome mats as he grabbed one, opening the door and tossing it out flat onto the wet ground before closing the door. Turning, he noticed Miss Iosan had already went towards the childs room to gather their things. Breathing in then back out, he started to pace around the living room as he racked his memories for why he was being so kind. It was unlike him to be in this kind of behavior. A name kept ringing into his mind, T-Ta-Tamai? Who in the galaxy was Tamai? Keeping that name filed away for later, he apparently lost track of time as he noticed the woman holding a small suitcase and the child in the other hand.

"Time is up I think. Got everything?"
"Did not have much...thanks to all of you."
"Well now maybe you do. Get out."

Motioning her towards the back door, he opened it up and watched as the mother, along with her child slowly go out the door. Stopping her for a brief moment, his hand would reach in and grab her comnlink, holding it up before tossing it back and giving a gentle push out the door. Watching them slowly walk out into the rain, he closed the door and walked towards the front. Cruel as it was, it was better than for anyone to attempt an intervention of this killing. Time was very close, was it a mistake to let her go outside? To let her to live a life with her son? Pondering such questions would lead to ones death, he had to focus.

A knock then could be heard from the door. Taking out a more elegant lightsaber, he held it in his left hand and breathed in. Opening the doorway, there was a human male staring dumbfounded directly at him, wearing makeshift metal armor as his face was picture perfect to the profile. A loud SNAP HISS of the lightsaber ignited and a quick slash at the torso, killed the man. Watching the body collapse backwards, the Human deactivated the lightsaber and clipped it back onto his belt, walking down the steps carefully and going around the body towards his speeder bike hidden in the alleyway.

Going over to it, he grabbed the comnlink and activated it, tuning the frequency towards headquarters. Speaking into it, he heard something faint but the rain was pouring rather hard on his head currently.

"This is Dalos, objective reached. Awaiting further ord-"

Then the speeder bike exploded, throwing him straight into a metal wall and collapsing onto it. The rain kept pouring down hard as he breathed haggardly, his bearings a maze of thoughts. There was crackles of communications nearby, people stepping over his body as he could not move nor barely breath. Knowing whoever nearby was hostile, he kept his breath in and feigned his death. The voice became louder as he felt his two lightsabers unclipped, the voice speaking out.

"Target is killed, no man could survive a blast that close. Inform Overseer Thalin that he won't be interfering with operations any longer."

Slowly the steps of those nearby would start to vanish and with it, the breathing resumed for the Human. Dalos felt his body on fire, almost like before yet closing his eyes, he could fear the sensations starting to quit and slowly, his own body started to heal with the Force in the cold, pouring rain.

First Dawn
Prologue Complete



Burn It all Down​

Post: 1
Objective: Burn it All down
Location: Outside Menelath's Dome
Equipment: Mind Crown | Black MidNight Duster with Hood | Echani shield suit | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Defender | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | x2 FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol | Boomer | X4 Daggers | Pack of Death sticks | Various Explosives | Holopad
Tags: Open


One glowing orange eye peered out of the from the helmet, the left eye covered by a black eye patch. Tegan hadn't been seen since Jedha the same place she had lost her eye that was still healing. Regeneration took time delicate nerve ending need to rebind and soft tissue need to reform. She had spent most of her time recovering but it was now time to reemerge, here on this dead rock of a planet. Her singular eye just watched the domed city from the outside, watching the uprising on Menelath. Several men in space suits just like hers came up beside her, they were carrying large explosive devices.

Will the rest of the Maw tried to quash the rebellions through routine violence and bloodshed Tegan had a different idea in mind? The easiest way to deal with this rebellion was just to kill everyone and burn it all down and start anew. Someone could argue there might be valuable allies here among the Mandalorians, but as Tegan saw it Mandalorians were one of the most unreliable resources in the Galaxy. The were constantly torn apart by infighting and to busy argue who the hell should be the Mand'alor. They thought themselves bad ass in nearly indestructible armor, in truth every Mandalorian Tegan had met were whiny little bitchs that bragged about being bad ass but could never really back it up. In truth that was them and sith had teamed up so many times in history because they were exactly the same all ego and nothing to show for it.

She pulled away from the fights flooding the streets and she started to look at the doom that surrounded the city. The Glass and shield generator protected the city pretty well from almost any kind of destruction that might come to it. She then looked the men that had come with her. "Set up the Quantum bombs around the dome itself. I will go deal with eh shield generator." Was all she said before she marched forward towards the city itself. The quickest to end this rebellion was to deprive them all of the one thing they need most a way to breathe.

As she moved her way to the city, she wondered how Khaos was managing with the City of Haven. This rebellion would be over quickly if everything went to plan. Cities and domes could be rebuilt, new more reliable slaves could be forced to work the mines. The people of LoL had outgrown their usefulness, if they would not serve the Maw then they died wasn't that the new motto of the crusade serve or die or something. Tegan really hadn't been paying attention, but she was sure after what happened on Ool all rebellions were to be put down and out. A smirk crossed the wicked witches face as she marched for the city gates.

The Human



First Dawn
Act One

Personal Equipment: Force Armour and Mask
TAG: Alexander Garrick Alexander Garrick Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

The cold rain kept pouring onto his body for the last several minutes. It was all quiet and soon, his body started to respond to what he wished to do, slowly sitting up as he groaned very loudly. By all accounts, the Human should be dead from any form of explosive but due to his armor, he survived the brunt of it quite well, mainly only giving scorch marks in front of his armor. Dalos glanced towards the smoldering wreck of his speeder bike as it crackled in the rain. All his weaponry was now gone and his lightsabers, taken from him. He had to improvise and do it rather quickly in case anyone decided to retrieve the supposed corpse of himself.

Getting up completely, he glanced over towards the body that he had dispatched not to long ago. A protesting leader most likely would have some form of blaster on him and it be a good start to possibly a functioning weapon. Limping at first from the pain, he started to give a slow walk as he reached over the corpse and leaned down, patting the deceased male for any form of weaponry. Patting, he reached down into the boot and felt something which made him remove the persons boot and pulled out from its holster, an old blaster.

Holding it in his hand, he held it out and looked it over as his fingers started to wrap around the handle. A switch was on the side, a different form of trigger with memories gently touching his mind. Dalos had used this kind of blaster before, but it has been updated. The Humans mind started to remember that this was supposed to be pressure sensor operated but it was not, it was an updated blaster of the EC-17 Hold-Out Blaster. Aiming it down the barrel, he found it surprisingly easy to hold and use, perhaps he could get Haon Hafey to make him a personalized one after this if it works out well.

Gripping it tightly, he turned and looked down the street as the rain still poured on. Someone was going to pay for attempting to kill him...the name Overseer Thalin was a good point to start. Starting down the street, he kept the weapon ready in his left hand as those who decide to try this time, would find a blaster bolt between their eyes.



Bring down the Dome​

Post: 1
Objective: End of all Hope
Location: Haven
Equipment: Red Midnight Duster | Red Sith Armor | Sith Mask | Grav Boots | CrushGaunts | x2 White lightsabers | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | Variety of Explosives | RSKF-44 heavy blaster | X-21 shock glove
Tags: Open


Mag boots stepped down unto the gray dusted dirt that cover the surface of this whole world. Before Khaos was the Capital city of Haven like all the cities on this world it was cover by a dome and shield generator to protect it. "Lovely place to live." She said as Braktus he second command came up beside. The Giant Ogre seemed awkward in his space suit, in fact looking at his face one could clearly tell he hated the damn thing. Khaos noted he had brought his axes with him. "I don't know how much fighting we will see Braktus."

"Eh, but we have a shield generator to get too little one. I'm not going to let you have all the fun of bashing heads in." Braktus laughed as he looked around him other soldiers not their usual tribes' men as this kind of fight weren't their cup of tea. He watched these units carrying heavy explosives towards the dome of the city.

"So, we are depriving them of the life breath then?"
Khaos just looked up at the huge Ogre and nodded. Khaos despite all the killing she had done for the Maw it still never got easier for her. After all the death of the vine sworn, she had felt on Ool she wasn't sure she could ever just be okay with so much death. "To bad this is a dead world and your vines can't be summoned here."

Khaos shook her head. "Oh, my vines can thrive anywhere I call them from the spirit world." Braktus understood none of that, but the little witch had proven her power to him more than once already, so he did not doubt her. "If you say so." He said gruffly as he stepped forward and awkwardly towards the city of Haven. Khaos just shook her head again speed up her step to keep beside Braktus in his long strides. What she didn't tell him was on Ool she had managed to save a portion of the vine sworn that was waiting to be summoned forth from the spirit world where they hid with her vines and this wasn't the world to summon them forth. It also wasn't time to present them to the Maw who thought they had eradicated them on Ool.

The pair made it to the entrance of the domed city or one of them. Braktus looked at the heavy blast door that stood in their way. He started to pull one of his Axe's from his belt. As he did Khaos began conjuring forth an invisible force that flowed forth from her fingertips and seeped into the tiny seals of the door. Khaos hand movements were elegant almost like she was preforming a dance with her hand. Braktus marched right up to the door as he pulled his axes free from his belt. The invisible force seeped into he cracks that one could not distinguish were there, no matter how hard matter was press together there was a crack. The force began to expand and push the door further open as Khaos gritted her teeth focusing hard on the door. Sweat ran role down her brow as Braktus saw enough space he could wedge his axes in the cracks.

As Braktus began to force his axes in Khaos shifted her focus and enhanced Braktus's strength with Dathomiri magic pumping the ichor into his veins. As she did Brakuts strength grew tenfold, and he began to peel the blast door open like it was a tin can. The gears in the door wined and the seals hissed and a rush of oxygen escaped the doors as it finally gave way. Then an alarm went off across the city as they had created a breach. The sheild would be activated in a second, so both Khaos and Braktus rushed into the city as the shield came down to seal the breach. "Well let's get to the generator and drop this city."




Voxum Voxum
"He will not be moving, though I can't say how long he will survive."

There were only a few things Orlov could appreciate in life, but the patterns along which machine intelligence thought was one topic that fascinated him greatly.
"Should be long enough to get information, provided he has enough spine to stay alive."

Humor? This droid had layers perhaps even it wasn't fully aware of. Orlov released his invisible hold on the bolt that was frozen mid-air as he entered the building to ascend to its top; the impact sound of the lone shot providing a concluding note to this macabre, bloody intermezzo on the streets of Menelath. By the time the apprentice had arrived to the roof, the machine had already awaited him, casting an angular, motionless shadow with its towering frame.
"Shall we begin interrogation?"

It asked in an unnerving tone. Orlov having lived his whole life leaning on the Force had always felt a shade of uncertainty when meeting such a high-functioning droid. Then, an idea occurs to him. Perhaps the next time he convenes with his master – Dimitri Voltura – the place machine intelligence occupies in the Force could be an interesting topic to dissect. Certainly. – Came the cold reply as Orlov approached with confidence, only stopping next to the male Human that had mere minutes to live. First taking a quick glance at the construct, the fledgling Sith finally looks down upon the person lying on his charred back. Augmented by the Dark Side, his voice is strangely quiet, yet frighteningly impactful at the same time. Their immediate surroundings suddenly appear dimmed a shade darker as the foul words leave his mouth, his resonating tone becoming uncannily deeper with each word spoken. – Look into my eyes, miner, and listen well, for this is the end. – A brief, bone-chilling pause. – Will you reveal your leader and end your suffering, or die horribly … for a company ... whose owners aren't even on this planet. Make your choice.

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