Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Remembrance

if they're watching anyways



The Chancellor took the podium in a subdued manner. Her attire was all dark; black turtleneck and slimming pants, along with a long gray coat. It kept out no cold; Coruscant’s temperature, as usual, was regulated, and the morning sun shone brightly. Nonetheless, a chill had taken the air of the Senate Plaza, where citizens of the Galactic Alliance had gathered to remember the Maw’s attack on Coruscant.

“Good morning, my friends.

“We come together today to remember – to mourn, to celebrate. Five years ago today, the Brotherhood of the Maw came to Coruscant. Galactic City, set ablaze; the very heart of our nation, burning. It seemed impossible. A man I and the Alliance had put so much trust in transformed in an instant into the Dark Lord of the Sith, and with him he brought fleets to this world to lay it low.

“I know I don’t need to go into detail. I know. I know your loss, your pain, your suffering. I saw the Jedi Temple sacked, the Senate Dome split open. I saw the fires burning across this brilliant world. I saw the injured, the dead, the lost. This Alliance has known no greater day of pain in all its history.

she stopped, realizing her voice had begun to waver, and tears had begun to well up in her eyes. Surprised, she wiped them away, and took a moment to steady herself.

“The first time I entered the Chancellor’s office – it was before I myself was elected, before I was a Senator, or even a representative. I was still young, and had been given the enormous privilege to meet our first Chancellor, Emmen Tagge. I found him looking out the vast window that overlooks this very Plaza. He described to me the horrors of the past. Sith-Imperial Star Destroyers, hanging above where we stand today; every building of our skyline razed twice over. He described the terrible men who must have stood in the Chancellor’s office, overlooking the destruction they’d wrought.

“Yet, at the same time, he marveled at it. This beautiful city, this beating heart of the Alliance, of the galaxy. How many times has it been rebuilt? How many invaders have been driven out? How vast a resolve must these people have, time and time again, to face hardship and horror and tragedy and terror, and still take up the mantle of freedom?

“In the days after the attack, I felt the very same, as that young girl standing and looking out at this city. Awe. In a vast current I was swept up by such enormous strength and resolve, more than even the most powerful people in the galaxy; that was the strength of this Alliance. To think this city has been built up once more, strong as ever, even with tragedy so recent; I am filled with an indescribable faith and hope.

“Every time a tyrant took to the Chancellor’s office, a trillion voices rose in unison to tell them no. Every time a Sith came to strike this world down, a trillion hands joined to push them back. Every time Coruscant has been set ablaze, it turned the fires of tragedy into the bright beacon of hope.

“That is a power beyond anything in the galaxy. Every time I look out onto Coruscant, I am humbled and awed by that strength.

“On days like these – in times like these – it is easy to be lost in despair. When I remember those I’ve lost, my heart breaks in a way that cannot be mended. But today is a day for remembering other things. Today we remember the love for those we have lost. Today we remember the fear, the horror, the pain we have suffered. Then, today, we remember the strength that brought us out of those times.

“It is a strength we have never lost – but we must always remember to use it. Together.

Her hands reached out, gesturing to the vast number of metal and concrete statues that were now scattered across the Plaza – and all of Coruscant itself. Made from excess materials salvaged from the ruins of the attack, each statue depicted a humanoid (or, occasionally, another more alien body) with blank features, standing tall, one arm outstretched to the sky, raised hand curled into a fist. Many of them have already been painted or modified – members of the public are invited to decorate these statues in any way they see fit, save outright desecration.

“I find no more fitting way to remind us than the monuments unveiled today. Each of these statues represents our lost loved ones and the strength they have left behind. Though we have lost, we will never forget; this tragedy must only bring us closer together. Community, unity, there lies our strength. Without each other we are lost, weak; together we can build back from any wound, face any foe, and push forward to a better Alliance.

“Thank you.”

Auteme stepped down from the podium and joined her small security escort, and soon began wandering the field of statues. For the rest of the Alliance, the day was deemed a national holiday; time to reflect, mourn, and renew one’s strength.


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It was a sober occasion, one that the former Senator felt deeply on a personal level. The security and prosperity of the Alliance had been confronted. Many lives had been lost. And yet, we rebuild.

She had given so much of herself to help secure the Alliance from having to face such atrocities ever again, and it had ended up costing her much more than she would ever have possibly imagined. But as her eyes looked out over the majestic cityscape before her, she felt a sense of resolution within her… a sense of gratitude. She was grateful for what the Alliance represented, for what it stood for. And she was grateful for the strength and resolve that this great people had shown. Her eyes felt tears welling up within them as she nodded to herself with the knowledge that her sacrifice… everyone's sacrifice… had been worth it.

Tiresh stood amongst the statues that served as monuments of the strength of their populations against the Maw. They were reminders for future generations to solemnly consider, and to hopefully never repeat.

Tiresh wore a rather solemn black dress, appropriate for such an occasion. Around her neck was a snowflake necklace, the symbol of her love for her cherished Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , who stood beside her. Tiresh held onto Isla's hand tightly as the new Chancellor, Auteme Auteme , shared some opening remarks. This would be Tiresh's first time seeing the woman since she herself had been abducted by Bounty Hunters due to their intense political battle within the Senate. Auteme had not been Chancellor back then; they had simply been aligned Senators in their fight for change. Truly, the two had clashed more than a bit in the midst of it all, especially near the end, but Tiresh put such thoughts aside for the moment in order to honor this solemn anniversary.

"It was worth it, wasn't it?" She whispered quietly to Isla beside her, still wrestling with deep emotions that were resurfacing from it all. The two of them had suffered much due to her activism within the Senate, not to mention the wrestles that Isla had faced within the Ashlan Crusade. She looked over at her love, needing some kind of reassurance that, yes, it had been worth it. Despite it all, they were still here, still together, stronger than ever.

As Auteme Auteme made her way down into the square with her escort, Tiresh looked across the way at her and let out a bit of a nervous sigh, squeezing Isla's hand once more for additional support, "Now is probably as good of a time as any…" She said softly. She had no idea what Auteme might say to her, but being that she was now Chancellor, it would likely be professional and cordial at least. She was a politician after all.

Tiresh and Isla approached Auteme and her escort, and as soon as they both made eye contact, Tiresh offered a polite and warm smile, "Auteme. It's been a long time, my dear." She bowed her head, respectful of the title she now carried. "Would you consider it inappropriate if I offered you an embrace between friends?" Yes, there was a lot of history between them, but despite this, they had both worked hard together… suffered together… side by side, for a long time. Perhaps this was an attempt to bury the hatchet, but whatever the case may be, Tiresh appeared genuine in her motive.


Coruscant | Senate Plaza
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link

Coming here was not easy.

Both her personal life and Jedi life were very chaotic and stressful at the moment, but the aftermath of Coruscant's attack had been what called her back into the Galaxy after a long meditative retreat. She had landed in the lower levels and assisted other Jedi to fight off Sithspawn that were set loose on the planet, before chasing down one of the Mawites who was left behind off the Ecumenopolis as well. Coruscant had been the start of everything, so she felt a strong need to be here, either alone or with close company.

From no particularly interesting spot in the crowd, Valery listened to Auteme Auteme 's speech and smiled softly as memories began to resurface. The slicing tool in her gauntlet had been a gift from Yula Perl Yula Perl , who she had met on Coruscant as well, and so many trusted friends and allies were all an important part of her life because of her decision to stay with the Alliance and its New Jedi Order. It made the inspiring words of hope and strength resonate even more.

Once the speech was over and Auteme left the stage, Valery drew in a deep breath and looked up at the statues that were built here to remember what happened. It gave her just a little more strength in these trying times.


It was strange to be here as a Senator. It lent a new and far different perspective to the events that took place on Coruscant five years ago. At the time, Sonya's political ambitions were little more than a nascent dream. Montitia wasn't even a member of the Alliance then. Much had changed. Now, it was her duty to represent these people, to lead them into a better future. But right now, that simply meant remembering what came before. Mourning it, so that tomorrow they could press onward stronger than ever.

Sonya was dressed darkly, as was the trend on a day like this, her fire-red hair burning in stark contrast to her attire. When the Chancellor's speech concluded, she, like many others, began to quietly mill about, admiring the memorial that now made up the plaza. Each one ever so slightly different from the rest, but unified in their posture and their purpose. It seemed fitting, Sonya thought.



Location: Senate square
Tags: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Auteme Auteme

Admiral's Sabre
Ashlan Rosary
Kaldrweave military uniform
Personal guard of Ashlan Praetorian droids
Overseer Biochip OPBC-01a
Diamond snowflake necklade

Personal Diplomatic Transport -
Bucephalus Class Fast Diplomat

Wearing: this and this in black and made of Kaldrweave

The memory of the day the Maw came to Coruscant was still clear in Isla's mind, when the sky rained fire and the very floor was blown from beneath her feet. Isla had barely managed to escape with her life that day. Only thanks to her Praetorians, one of whom still served as her escort, did she survive being hunted. She stood with Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix , their hands were tightly connected as they listened to the chancellor speak. So many dead, the figures were staggering.

The Prime Minister had come to formally represent the Ashlan Crusade during the remembrance service and had visited an Ashlan church that had helped found a hospital several dozen miles from the capital, she wanted the Alliance to know that the Crusade still valued their allies and were still there despite the internal instability.

Isla looked at the different statues around, they looked strong, defiantly reaching at the sky from where the Maw had descended. The words from Auteme Auteme were also an inspiration to the people around it was good to hear from the leader of the Ashlan's ally that they took strength from their adversity, she knew she herself did.

"It was worth it, wasn't it?"

Isla looked at her fiance and noted the concern in her eyes. Isla thought she knew what she meant, Isla too had made many sacrifces over the years and asked herself that same question. "Of course, you have given so much and helped so many. And you still can help many more" Even while she was away, her foundation carried on its great work, and her legacy highlighting the work of the corpos to undermine democracy was alive. She squeezed Tiresh hand tightly and followed her over to meet Auteme, Isla held back a pace to allow Tiresh to lead the greeting. She respected Auteme, but the less professional side of her still held onto the difficulties that Auteme and Tiresh had enjoyed working together.
To say that the occasion felt extremely awkward for Alex StormWolf was a monumental understatement. He had either been hiding like a hermit on Tatooine or missing in action behind the lines inside the Sith Empire, having his mind repeatedly scrambled by Sith Lady Venge and her minions. Alex couldn't remember which had been the case right offhand. He just knew that he had been, to put it rather bluntly, conspicuously absent when the Republic needed him most.

"Five years ago, where was I at,"
Alex muttered under his breath to his companion, the Twi'lek SIA operative Seku Bondara, as they slowly wandered among the featureless statues scattered across the Plaza.

"You've been brooding all day, Champ," Seku replied. "What's eating you?"

"Just humor an old guy for a minute," Alex said impatiently. "Where was I five years ago?"

"46 galactic standard years isn't that old," Seku smirked.

"Says the smartass Twi'lek who's nearly a decade younger than I am," Alex grumbled. "Now tell me, where was I five years ago?"

"I'm not even 100% certain myself. I don't think we'd even met at that point," Seku answered. "What led into all this Alex? You haven't been yourself at all today. That freaky Sith hag crawling inside your head again?"

"When did she ever stop," Alex replied. "She's always there, like a splinter embedded just deep enough that I can't pluck it out."

"Didn't you tell me you two were lovers at one point?"

"Harani, that was a long, long time ago," Alex answered hastily. "A long, long looooooong time ago."

"When you were part of the....Black...uh....something...lizard?..."

"The Black Hssiss Order. Why do you ask?"

"Because I just remembered something I'd read about a Force based phenomena Bond, I think is the name I'm looking for...."

Alex looked at Seku, his jaw dropping in astonishment. A Force-bond, also known as a Force connection or simply a bond, was a powerful connection that existed between two Force-sensitive individuals. At times, the Force allowed a living being to connect and communicate with another across great distances. On rare occasions, such a bond was even capable of being used to teleport matter. Despite its advantages, a bond could be manipulated by those using the dark side of the Force. A strong Force user had the power to initiate secret bonds with others in order to manipulate them. Even if the unwanted bond was detected, it could still be extremely difficult to break.

"Girl, you're a genius!" Alex exclaimed, hugging Seku tightly and sweeping her off her feet as he kissed her.

"Ok, that was...umm...unexpected,"

"I think you hit the nail right on the head! Venge is using a Force bond in order to haunt me," Alex said. "That's what you were about to tell me, right?"

"Uh..yeah! If you'd given me a minute to even say it in the first place," Seku said with a smirk.

"It's so simple! How come I didn't see it?"

"Getting forgetful in your old age?"

"Hey, you just told me 46 galactic standard years isn't that old."

"Did I, or do you just think I did?..."

"Don't start with me..."

"Or what? You gonna spank me, Mister?"

"Only if you're wearing your copy of Leia Organa's Hutt slave outfit before I get started."

"Alex, you are so bad...." Seku said, blushing deeply as she glanced around to see if they were being overheard.

"Never heard any complaints before, so why start now?"

"Good point....I suppose," Seku said, rolling her eyes.
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Cora hung back at the edge of the crowd. She'd wanted to witness the Chancellor speak and pay her respects to those who'd lost their lives in defense of Coruscant, but there was an undercurrent of awkwardness to her own being here.

She hadn't been present when the temple had been sacked and the planet burned, yet so many of her companions had. It was an experience that had inspired both suffering and camaraderie to the highest degree, and there were many solemn faces in the crowd today that reflected on what had transpired those five years ago. She'd heard plenty of stories, but wasn't naive enough to think that words could compare to experiences.

This isn't about you. She reminded herself. This is about a tragedy that took so many lives and hurt many more people than you'll ever know.

As Chancellor Auteme addressed the crowd, Cora was transfixed with her own description of events—she'd been so young, like herself. How had the struggles of war and galactic turmoil changed Auteme, from the girl she'd been to the woman she was now, heading a major power? What had she seen, what conflicts had she faced, what choices had she made?

When her speech came to a close, Cora slowly released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. The threat of war was constantly looming over the Alliance, and she knew that sooner or later, she'd find herself on the battlefield for the very first time.

She only prayed that it wasn't another Coruscant.


Tags: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , open


The sacking of Coruscant had been a strange time for Jasper. He had gone into exile around then, venturing off and assuming the status of a lost soul, or at least he had assumed as much. Of course, he knew better now, and it seemed like every road lead back here, but it was hard to tell back then. He was so young, and so lost. It shocked Jasper that he had made it this far. He hung back and listened to Auteme Auteme speak. So much wisdom, no doubt from the personal experiences she had with the war. A touching memorial from the chancellor. Jasper, of course, still couldn't remember her name, but he'd figure that stuff out later. Leave remembering things like that to the senators.

Cora was there, he just now realized, a look of anxiety on her face. Jasper couldn't blame her. This was the kind of thing that gave the children of the order nightmares. The idea that at any moment, Coruscant may become a battlefield. He sympathized with that. After all, he felt the same.

"Hey," he greeted. "Don't look so grim. Worry enough and you'll give yourself a heart attack," Jasper chuckled, his face still fixed on the chancellor. "Believe me," the knight added, "I've done it before."

He used to run away from that anxiety. Jasper didn't want to be that person anymore.

"It's hard to put on a smile in the face of all of this," Jasper told her. "But some optimism will do you some good. I know that's probably worth more coming from a hero like Master Noble, but you'll see what I mean eventually."



Sion Lorray Sion Lorray


The statues were impressive, beautiful, tall, and commemorated all those who had fought valiantly for The Starbird. In the amorphous faces, Osarla saw many she knew. The slant of one nose reminded her of a soldier from her cadet days, the flat cheeks of another reminded her of her master. Perhaps it had been the artist's intention, to make these figures so unremarkable that they could easily seem familiar. The faces of none and many at the same time.

She sighed.

“From dust to stone.” She murmured quietly, mostly to herself but next to her, Bug nodded. He understood. They'd seen it before in several capital cities: The hero's cycle. Born from dust, only to harden through tribulation until they had their faces carved in some city centre — next to a fountain if they were truly fortunate.

Regardless, she started the clap of approval. Her men followed suit, quick to express their appreciation for the new field of heroes. Behind her, rows and rows and rows and rows of white-armoured marines and troopers applauded. In a weird way, all clad up for battle, they looked like statues come to life.

An uncomfortable thought, in this context.

Her emotions on this day were, predictably, mixed. All the parts of her felt differently. They had to.

General Ridor felt the clear resolve of nevermore being the victim of surprise and subterfuge.

Osarla Ridor felt the deep pain of loss, and the sacrifice of duty.
Master Ridor felt…

… There were a lot of emotions. Not just from her, but from the entire crowd.

Sadness, hope, anger, awe, were written plainly across hundreds of faces. If she could see it, how would Sion feeling it all?

She swallowed, and rested a hand on her Padawan’s shoulder.

“How’re you holding up?”

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Location: Senate Square
Objective: Remember the invasion

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter



Hex had been twelve when the Maw came to coruscant, living far beneath the surface, far beneath the what the light touched, literally and figuratively. When the barbarians had to flee the defence forces some of them went down into the depths. Hex never had many friends, but after the Maw attack she had less, nearly everyone she had known before her moved to Denon had been killed or captured.

'...We shouldn't be here, district seven is locked down... if they catch us...'
"Yeah, I get it, they'll lock me up or they'll execute me..." she felt the hairs on her arms stand up.

Hex had come "incognito" she had run a cheap black dye through her hair so it it now glistened with a unearthly oily blue, and the black mesh on her face made her match the other mourners. But still she was anxious, she had managed to sneak a small pistol a knife and a single party popper onto the square as a comfort to make her feel safer.

"Why the force am I here?" She asked herself as she walked past a statue of some politician who had apparently defended some wealthy patrons from certain death. Who was there to defend people like her? She pulled out her holopad.

Hey @Daiya I'm here, coping OK. It's crazy busy, staying safe!

She slipped it away and carried on walking past some security guards. She felt her heart skip as one of them looked at her for a few moments, then went back to talking to some old woman asking for directions.

'...They aren't corpsec, they aren't looking for you...'
"I blew up a TRAIN" she whispered to herself nervously.

At the foot of a large statue she looked up, this is the one she wanted to honor, the man had died deep in the depths. He had followed the Maw down well below the layers of people that don't matter and had thrown himself on rampaging mawites who were after people like her and her ilk. She pulled a flower from her hair and tossed it on the ground at the man's stone feet.

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Senate Plaza
Open to interaction
ATTN: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania


Kirie stood near the front of the crowd, amidst a gaggle of other New Jedi. Her hands were clasped lightly in front of her, eyes flitting between Auteme Auteme , delivering her speech, and the faces of the people around her. Some stoic, others openly sorrowful. Five years on, the tragedy of the attack on Coruscant was still raw for many in the Alliance, and no less for Kirie. It had upended her life, sent her spiraling, and eventually, set her on a new path.

Beside her, Hana Celeste, her young ward, appeared quite bored. She made a point of showing Kirie she was paying attention, but every now and again she took a surreptitious bite of the large sandwich Kirie had packed for them. Kirie patted her on the shoulder and gave her a warm smile. Hana had seen so much violence and death at such a young age, it was probably for the best that she was focused on her lunch instead of Auteme's speech.

This won't take much longer. Kirie signed to Hana with a gentle smile. Then we'll get some dessert

Kirie had been there when the monument they gathered around had been raised. Her hair had stunk of smoke, and her face was scabbed over, still healing from the battering she'd receive pursuing Darth Solipsis through the Senate Halls. Now she stood, clean and well, amidst the those who had survived the ordeal with her. Five years ago, Kirie would be with the politicians at an event like this, quietly strategising about campaigns, the ploys of other Senators. Now, she kept well away from all that. Kirie had lived that life. Now she had other, more grounded responsibilities.

It was amazing how much she'd changed in that time, how much happier she was. Most days, those events seemed far away, a distant and painful memory.

Not as much today.

When her speech came to a close, Cora slowly released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

Kirie took Hana's hand and the pair turned to leave, but as they moved through the crowd the young girl bumped hard into a Jedi Padawan in fine robes, one that Kirie didn't recognise. Hana appeared unbothered, giving the teen a scowl as if it was her fault Hana had run into her, before sliding behind Kirie to finish her sandwich.

Shaking her head at Hana, Kirie grimaced apologetically. "Sorry about that, her head's always in the clouds. Are you alright?"
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"Did you know him?"

Iris looked up, just scanning over the statue. A man she never knew of, a man she never met. Yet by the colors around, there was no denying they were someone special. There were a lot of people like this. People who gave their lives, yet weren't Jedi. Weren't someone she knew or even heard of. Too many being forgotten.

"Can you tell me about him?"

Hex Hex


Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Location: Senate Square
Objective: Remember the invasion

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter



Hex sat and continued for a few moments watching and she didnt even notice the woman walk up next to her. She was a little older than Hex but not by a large margin.

"Did you know him?"

For a few seconds she didn't respond, the myriad of voices in the crowd blurred into one for the girl who was used to being a nobody.

'...She's talking to you...'

"Can you tell me about him?"

"Oh hey! No, I didn't know him, but he was one of only defenders who came down into the deep levels during the invasion. I think he was a professional fighter or something. He saved a bunch of lives in my district before he died."

She turned and looked at Iris Arani Iris Arani with a grateful but sad grin on her face. She wasnt used to feeling like this, a more serene sadness that she had absorbed from the crowds rather than the anger she usually channeled her negativity into.

"I'm Ellie" she had decided to use a fake name today since her flight from the Denon lock down, just in case.

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Kirie Kirie

Jasper's voice was gentle, but Cora still fidgeted in a startle when he spoke. She simply hadn't expected anyone to approach her.

"Oh," She said softly, clearing her throat to try and smooth over the embarrassment and dispel the gloomy way she'd been holding herself. "You've given yourself a heart attack before?" Her brow creased in concern, suddenly worried that it was possible.

Cora hadn't known Jasper for very long, but he'd always been upbeat and kindly despite what life threw at him. It was an admirable trait in the Knight, and the blonde Padawan found that an awkward smile came easier than expected at his assuring words. Still, her nerves were frayed.

"Is it selfish that part of me hopes that I won't ever have to see what you mean?"

Putting down gangsters and hunting for cursed artifacts had been challenging enough. Cora struggled to imagine how war would change her even if she managed to come out the other side.

"Oh-" Her attention has been focused on Jasper so she hadn't seen the girl until she'd been bumped into. Cora's foot slid back as she braced herself from the impact, but it had hardly been aggressive.

Instead of an apology, the girl gave her a dirty look and retreated behind an adult. Cora blinked, not used to that type of impolite reaction.

At least her presumed caretaker had apologized, which Cora accepted with a gracious smile and brief bow of her head.

"I'm alright. It was no trouble." Her gaze drew away from the woman for a moment to peer around her, finding the girl busy with a sandwich. Perhaps she too was rattled by the ceremony.

"I am Corazona von Ascania." Rarely did she introduce herself without her full name. "We were just…discussing the proceedings." She waved to Jasper, turning her head towards the taller blonde in acknowledgment. "I myself was not present during the…event, but I thought it best to pay my respects. The Chancellor’s speech was particularly moving.”
if they're watching anyways

Auteme didn't let her finish her sentence. She went over and embraced Tiresh tightly.

"Going to be honest, I thought you were dead." She pulled back. "Alive and well is a much better look on you.

"Unrelated, but please never call me 'my dear' again. Thank you. Anyways, how have you been? And Prime Minister, always a pleasure. I so rarely hear news from your sectors of space -- I assume that's a good thing, but you must tell me what's been going on in Ashlan politics lately."


Tags: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , Kirie Kirie


"Is it selfish that part of me hopes that I won't ever have to see what you mean?"

"Of course not," Jasper answered. "It's just human... but I can't guarantee that you won't. I think you're already aware of that."

As they spoke, two new faces entered. One was a young girl, who bumped into Cora, giving her a dirty look as if Cora had simply been placed in her way. Perhaps she just really didn't want to be here. Her guardian, another Jedi from the looks of it, was quick to apologize.

"Jasper," he introduced, straight and to the point in comparison to Cora's full name.

He sighed when Cora mentioned that she hadn't been present for the attack. Jasper didn't have an excuse for why he was gone while it all went down, aside from his own fear. The knight was still pretty ashamed of running from his anxieties back then. Realistically, that was a while ago now, and he should just move on and focus on the future, but the guilt always lingered. Just like Ilum.

"I've never really kept up with politics," Jasper shrugged, "But it was heartfelt. It's not an easy time for many. They need to hear hopeful words."

Was that what he was supposed to be? Someone capable of giving hopeful words when the time came? Then again, who was left? Iris Arani Iris Arani was committed to Shadow work, Corin Trenor Corin Trenor just up and vanished, and anyone who he thought of as 'leading' figures were still behind him, training to become knights in time. He hated it. So many people far more qualified, and all of them seemed to be tied to something else.

Jasper shifted his thoughts away from this, looking to the child who had bumped into Cora. She didn't seem to be reacting to anything that was being said. Could she hear?

"She's deaf, isn't she?" he asked.


As she pulled back from the embrace, it seemed that the interaction had gone quite well. Her walls started to come down a bit as her warm smile remained, but then Auteme chose to make a demand of Tiresh, which felt very oddly placed indeed. The smile faded as the brashness of the woman was displayed once again, causing Tiresh to recall all the various times such posture had been experienced during their meetings with the Free Alliance Coalition. Truly, such behavior made Tiresh ponder again how the Senator had been able to garner a single vote for her chancellorship.

Her walls remained up, and Tiresh simply nodded curtly.

“Of coarse, Auteme. It appears your politics remain second to the power enjoyed from your title. Wonderful to see that some things never change.” She offered a rather fake, polite smile, “I have been doing better. The road to recovery is a slow but necessary one.” She remained cordial, however one slight jab did escape her lips. As Auteme engaged with Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Tiresh took a step back, turning away from Auteme and rolling her eyes a bit just enough so that Isla and only Isla could see.

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