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Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Name: Remenkimi

Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Kemet
  • Remenkimi - Spoke language
  • Hieratic - Written Language

Average height of adults: 2.1 Meters

Skin color:
Their Reptilian like skin can range in color from light to dark, be mottled or clear, and can appear dry or moist and clammy. It is very common for what would on other reptilian species be referred to as the 'under belly' i.e. The stomach, arms and legs of the Remenkimi to be white or a light tan in color. In contrast, the areas that on other reptilian species that would be the upper or outer colorization, is often the areas that range from light to dark colors. These areas also posses a common occurrence of various markings. These can be and are often either spots; such as those seen on jaguars. Or stripes; such as those seen on tigers.

While natural colorization of the skin does not appear to be focused on a singular dominate gene, it is however very common for their colorization to come from their mother rather than the father. It is not uncommon for those rare instances in which their colorization is effected by the genetic material provided by the father of the offspring.

Hair color:
Rather than having actual fiberous hair like most species; the Remenkimi possess a series of thick tendril like appendages in place. These appendages are theorized to serve in much of the same capacity as hair does on a human's head. However there are conflicting theories that these appendages serve in a similar capacity to those of the Twi'lek Lekku.

What is known, is that when young; these tendril like appendages are often a jet black; though some members of the species have experimented with painting them various different colors. Therefore it is common to see some Remenkimi whom have red, blue, green or other brightly colored appendages. If left to their natural jet black color, they will; like most hair, begin to grey with age as the individual grows older.

Additionally, the members of the Remenkimi species are known to possess a series of bony ridges or head crests. These ridges can range in colorization; with some even showing to be bright colors. The theory being that they had at one point been used during mating rituals between females and the now extinct males of the species.

Breathes: Type I Atmosphere


  • Natural biological adaptations and immunity have provided what can be described as a system on steroids. This biological immune system allows the Remenkimi species to prove highly resilient to most bacteria and viruses that they come across. Likewise, this immune system, coupled with lymph nodes and further biological adaptations due to their environment have produced a body that is highly resilient to radiation doses that are often harmful to humans or other humanoid and near-human species. It is likely that due to their reptilian ancestry; a gene that has proven useful remains that allows for rapid regeneration and aids in the fending off of viruses and bacteria that may otherwise infect a Remenkimi. Likewise it is thought that this gene aids in protecting the lymph nodes.

  • Much like the biological adaptations that aid in their natural immunity to pathogens; their bodies, due to both their size and biology, appear to be highly resilient to narcotics. Sharing similar features of other species across the galaxy, the Remenkimi appear to have a singular liver, with additional small organ like sacs that aid in filtering out their blood. Likewise it is theorized that their blood, which is a luminescent phosphor green, may provide additional means of filtering out narcotics.

  • Sharing a trait seen among the Wookies and their neighboring Trandoshans; the Remenkimi species posses a natural physical strength. This strength has been seen in displays to allow the Remenkimi to jump long distances. Take heavy hits and keep moving, as well as being capable of lifting heavy loads with ease. This strength has also lead to the development of a hunter like culture that uses the creatures strength to bring down prey.


  • While their immense size does provide the structure need to support the muscles and bones that provide for their natural strength; it is none the less a weakness. This is mainly due to their size preventing their use of technology, or other such items as vehicles or starships that have not been specifically designed for their use. Due to this, it is not uncommon to find them traveling without the aid of a vehicle. Likewise it is also not uncommon to find many of them standing outside of a building as it would be immensely problematic and annoying for them to have to bend over or crouch down.

  • Like many reptilian races, the Remenkimi are biologically adapted to hot and warm climates; preferring arid worlds like their homeworld and Tatooine; as well as jungle or lava worlds. Many worlds, while capable of sustaining them, are other wise often described as uncomfortable by the Remenkimi. Likewise they avoid any and all ice worlds; due to their reptilian biology requiring the sun to keep them warm. While they are capable of surviving exposed on cold worlds, this only lasts for as long as their bodies stay warm. It is not uncommon for the internal temperature of their vessels to also be reminiscent of an arid world or muggy jungle.

  • Due to a cataclysmic event that happened in the Remenkimi's history; the species has since become a singular sex. For an unknown reason, through an unknown means the males of the species developed a fatal genetic flaw that caused a degenerative cellular disease. This disease seemingly only affected the male population. This caused a forced genetic development that allowed the females of the species to become hermaphroditic in the event that a male provider for genetic material is not available.



  • Tendril like appendages cascading down from around the head
  • Repto-mammalian features resulting in defined mammary glands
  • Brightly colored bony head crests

Average Lifespan: 1,000 Standard Years
Races: N/a

Consisting of a primary carnivorous diet, their physiology allows them to feed every two days. As their primary diet is carnivorous in nature, they are highly susceptible to food poisoning from bad or spoiled meat. This has caused the Remenkimi species to be highly religious in the cleaning, preparation and keeping of meats. While this is the primary diet, it is not uncommon for them to ingest some plant material between feedings.

Remenkimi is the spoken language of the Remenkimi species, it consists of a series of clicks, roars, snarls and growls. While this is primarily used; there are other subtle features which can be seen through the use of the Remenkimi language along with the use of body language. Likewise when they are not wearing their helmets they will utilized their mandibles around their mouth to convey such emotions and feelings as fear, anger, happiness, etc etc.

Hieratic is the written language of the Remenkimi which resembles a pattern of dashes. While it appears to be rudimentary, it none the less serves in the same purpose as many other written languages. Often it is easier for those outside of the species to learn how to read and write Hieratic to provide an easier means of communication with the Remenkimi species.


Polytheistic in their believes, the Remenkimi worship a pantheon of multiple deities each maintaining a specific aspect of everyday life for the species. Many of their deities are female; revealing the cultural shift and thinking that happened due to a forced cause. However their deities are still revered and ancient members of the species have been known to be deified as Demi-Gods and Demi-Goddesses for their actions in influencing the Remenkimi.

Resting in a long valley on their homeworld; is the Valley of the Gods, so called for the temples, monuments and tombs that fill the valley. It is here that many of their rituals are preformed. Throughout the years, various cults have risen and fallen as the popularity and worship of particular deities has waxed and waned.

Remenkimi hunting revolves around the stalking and hunting of dangerous lifeforms. Primarily hunting not for sustenance nor elimination of threats, but purely as a means of entertainment and proof of worth. As such, they will only attack life forms that have the ability, natural or technological, to provide them with a challenge. Indeed, Remenkimi will often travel great distances to find worthy opponents, or seek out ways in which to attract or transport such prey to them. When travelling to other locations, they are often drawn by intense heat and armed conflict.

After making a kill, a Remenkimi will mutilate the corpse and turn it into a trophy. This can involve skinning or decapitating the carcass, or even removing all of the bones from the body altogether. One typical means of displaying a kill is to hang the flayed body upside down from a great height. Skulls and sometimes spinal chords are routinely removed and collected, and can commonly be found displayed on board vessels or even worn about the Remenkimi's person if size permits this.

Despite the ferocity and brutality with which they hunt and kill their prey, they adhere to a strict code that forbids them from killing children or unarmed adults. They have also been known to spare pregnant beings and those with terminal illnesses, although they will not hesitate to kill such targets if directly attacked by them. A being who has managed to kill a Remenkimi in single combat is often spared and even rewarded with a gift (often a rare or exotic weapon) as a sign of respect. In even rarer cases, a being who has fought valiantly alongside a Remenkimi may be similarly honored.

Technology level: Hyperspace - Capable of Interstellar Travel

General behavior:
As a species the Remenkimi are not entire aggressive, nor are they docile. Like many, they focus on the singular action of acting when acted upon; to the point that they will attack in kind when they themselves have been attacked. However, it is uncommon for them to act with aggression towards an 'innocent' without the other party being the aggressor.

They do have a small spark of humor and mischief within them. Thus it has been noted that some members of the species will go to lengths to play a prank on beings that it deems worthy of its time to do so. Even these jokes though are still in good taste. Without any forethought in causing harm upon those whom are the focus of such actions.

Evolving on their homeworld Kemet, the Remenkimi began as a loose grouping of tribal bands that would often wage war on one another for food, land and often due to simple blood feuds or insults. While they have acted in this way for countless years, it was not until a single Remenkimi named Qadesh united the entire species as a whole did their Honor Code and hunting based society began to flourish. With their natural strengths and skills turned towards hunting the natural predators of their homeworld; along with the advancement of rudimentary means to travel to other worlds in their own system.

For most of the planet's and species' history, the Remenkimi were left alone by the Galaxy at large. Their system so far out in the Outer Rim Territories, it was only a stroke of luck that scouts from the Old Republic even discovered the species. When this event took place, the scouts were quickly hunted and killed while their ship was then stripped down. The technology salvaged and reversed engineered from the vessel created a rapid technological boom in their advancement.

However the species was smart enough to remain to themselves and within their system. Not wanting to announce themselves to the greater galaxy. Their 'rediscovery' did not happen until during the Clone Wars, when they fought off a small CIS invasion. The recovered vessels and droids of that failed invasion saw a second great leap forward in their technological abilities. Once more though they remained quiet and allowed events to pass them by.

With this focus, they continued to hunt in their system; the events of the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire passed them by quietly. They even rode out the Yuuzhan Vong invasion in quiet obscurity; as well as watching the events unfold between the Fel Empire and Darth Krayt's One Sith. The remote location of their world and little travel to it is what likely saved it during the outbreak of the Gulag Virus.

However during the period of the Gulag Virus a different cataclysm struck the Remenkimi species. A virulent virus in its own right swept through the species at large; causing a degenerative cellular disease that seemingly only affected the males of the species. While there was an attempt at stemming the disease and creating a cure; the damage had been done. The species was thus forced into research genetic manipulation to create a hermaphroditic viability to allow for the species to naturally reproduce.

As the last of the cases were reported, and the dust settled from such a catastrophic event, the Remenkimi decided to begin exploring the galaxy. While they are an old species, they are relatively new to the use of Hyperspace technology; making them in some ways young. However they have already proven themselves to be agile hunters; with many Remenkimi taking up jobs as Bounty Hunters.

Notable Player-Characters:

The Remenkimi are intended to aid in fleshing out and supporting the Outer Rim Territories; more specifically those regions that are more sparsely populated. There was no forethought, nor desire to produce an rp breaking species with the intent to give an edge to those whom rp them. Likewise the primary driving intent remains as the creation of a unique species to provide for greater story telling and producing threads that are enjoyable for others to be involved with.

While evolving from a single idea and driven with a passion, the above submission has had work put into it, in hopes of producing as mentioned, a species that others can enjoy having involved in their threads or writing one themselves. Furthermore, as of the current site wide story, there are plans in the future for the involvement of the Remenkimi in their own story arcs and plots that I believe would add to the enjoyability of the site.


Professor of Alchemy
You are not supposed to post incomplete submissions. I'll let it slide now but do it again and you'll be denied.

@me when you're done.

@[member="Yoru Shakou"]


Professor of Alchemy
Alrighty now. This submission is extremely concerning. This is a star wars board and one of our rules is that cross-overs are not allowed. Until I get to the history section of the article I'm not reading something that looks like what I'd find in star wars, I'm reading a Predator article with a different name attached to it. Even then I read the history and aside from a couple mentions of 'outer rim' 'clone wars' 'one sith' and 'hyperspace technology' I still don't feel like this is anything staged in star wars. I need you to tell me why this isn't a Predator, and after that we'll tackle everything else in the submission.

@[member="Yoru Shakou"]


Professor of Alchemy
@[member="Yoru Shakou"]

I don't want an overhaul, I want an answer to a very specific question. I will tell you what I need and don't need from there. Now, tell me. Why isn't this a Predator?

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Valik said:
I don't want an overhaul, I want an answer to a very specific question. I will tell you what I need and don't need from there. Now, tell me. Why isn't this a Predator?
I made the personal decision as the submitter of the species to do the overhaul. Mainly as an attempt to further distance the species from the base template of the Predator that I was using and put too much into the original draft. @[member="Valik"]
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