Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reminder: Requesting Factory Judges

As a reminder, DO NOT tag a factory judge in your initial submission. The only time you tag a judge is when the judge has picked up your submission. I'm sorry guys but you don't get to pick who looks over your submissions, its who ever gets to it first. They're all capable and are always willing to help. Any personal issues please do bring up to me in PM and we can discuss.

So to reiterate, do not tag a Judge when you post your submission. They're busy people too and sometimes tags are missed etc, the freedom of the judges picking up whatever submission is open helps with the flow of the factory. Let's keep things moving quickly.
Visvada Ondu said:
The tyranny grows stronger everyday... <3
Purely hypothetical here:

Let's say we have a submission and for whatever reason a Judge who requested edits is absent for 2-3 weeks. Would it be okay for us to contact a Judge personally? I know that's not exactly tagging, but since it's in the road that we shouldn't be trying to hand-pick judges I want to make sure that never happens on my part.
You would send a message to the factory admin. I'm doing my best to keep up with submissions that haven't been responded to because of the factory judges switches.

Btw the factory admin is me >_>

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