Aedan Miles
Pirate King

Intent: To create a Fighter/bomber for use by the Corsair Brotherhood
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Subbach-Innes
Model: Multirole Fighter
Affiliation: Corsair Brotherhood
Modularity: some
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Duranium(frame), Durasteel(armor),
Description: The Remnant-class was created when the need for a bomber came into being. But instead of being a dedicated bomber it was outfitted so that it could swap out its missile launchers for proton bomb dispensers. This transition takes time but is considered to be worth it because it was designed to launch with the other fighters assist in removing the fighters and clear a way for itself before returning to its carrier for a refitting and rearming. It would then launch once more this time loaded with bombs. The major drawback of this design is the time it takes the change loadouts. The weapons it has are 2 medium repeating laser cannons, 2 heavy repeating laser cannons, and 2 proton torpedo launchers with 4 proton torpedoes each. When swapping out weapons it will replace the missiles with proton bombs and the releasing mechanism swapped. The torpedo launchers are placed on the bottom of the ship already and are programmed to drop a missile before activating its thrusters. Thus the change is allowed because the programming is just altered slightly so that the bomb activates when released.
Classification: Remnant-class multirole fighter
Role: Quick arrival and dog fights
Height: 5m
Width: 6m
Length: 12m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
Minimum Crew: 1+1 astromech
Optimal Crew: 2+1 astromech 1 pilot, 1 bomber, 1 astromech
· 2 Medium repeating laser cannons
· 2 Heavy repeating laser cannons
· 2 proton torpedo launchers (4 proton torpedoes per launcher)OR 2 proton bomb dispensers (2 bombs per dispenser)
Hangar: N/A
Non-Combative Attachments: Standard shields
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 100 KG
Consumables: 4 days
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 2.5