Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Remove Background Color


The King's Buccaneer
It isn't relatively hard with the plain background, but I'm no whiz with editing and I'm a toddler when it comes to it. My editor keeps attaching the main image with the background whenever I try to remove the background. Someone else want to give me a hand? Thank you


Photoshop, dunno.
GIMP, free trace it. Zoom REALLY DEEP, and I think its butterfly thing or free trace.

First make sure you check channels and make sure you have "Alpha Channel" activated
Go all the way around with butterfly/free select/trace tool, connect them. Now dont freak out, you just selected the inner image. At the top > Select > Invert Selection
Now hit the delete key on the keyboard, tada

I would do it, but my computer melted. *Shrugs*

Trust me, I know the struggle. Try free tracing or just general selecting with LONG HAIR in the transparent zone. Ugh omg, but here its easy... I mean, unless, you just want the head and nothing else, then gl hf

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