Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ren Anlo, the untapped potential[WIP]

[/TD][/TR]Ren Anlo

Vital Statistics

Species: Human
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 6 (1.62m)
Weight: Eight Stone (51KG)
Homeworld: Tatootine
Faction Afflilation: None currently
Alignment: Conflicted
Force Sensitive: Yes


Strong in the Force: In Ren is an untapped potential with the force. The question is will the young squire and her demure personality prevent her from reaching this potential?
Survivalist: Ren is a native to the desert planet of Tatooine, Such an environment growing up meant that Ren had to either get good at foraging and hiding on her expeditions out into the wilds or get dead.

Unknown Lineage: Anyone in the universe can be great but can they truly be great when they stand alone without a support network?

Ren is wiry but weather worn. The kind of person who could’ve been naturally inclined to dancing or parkour had she the patience to master such feats. Her preference for dress was that of someone who regularly trekked out to the wilds without a care for the potential of the mysterious, murderous native fauna or the gargantuan task of maintaining the mass of light brown hair, that threatened to mutate into dreadlocks, claiming her scalp and the length of her back as its domain. The faint stench of cheap cantinas, death sticks and mint clings to all her clothing that was bought from thrift stores.

A long time ago on a distant planet far, far away....

No noteworthy equipment at this moment

Force Powers
Force Push - Initiate​
Force Sense - Initiate​

Mind Trick - Initiate

Lightsaber forms
*Untrained in Lightsaber Combat
Form I: Shii-Cho Untrained
Form II: Makashi Untrained
Form III: Soresu Untrained
Form IV: Ataru Untrained
Form V: Shien/ Djem So Untrained
Form VI: Niman Untrained
Form VII: Juyo/ Vapaad Untrained

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