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Ren Suggestions.

So in the recent light of my return I'm looking about the faction at things that while well intended may not have gone to plan in a long term plan.

The Ren is one of them.

The concept is cool but not inclusive enough to create a steady play base.

Hence this thread.

I am open to discussion on how we feel about the Ren, do we want them to be as they are? Do we want more options? Shall we initiate the Sith Order of the Ren?
I would say not another bunch of Sith. If I'd wanted to be a Sith, I would have joined a Sith faction.

The concept of the Knights being more monastic is one that appealed to me, so despite the lack of canon information, we should at least create an identity that is different to the Sith.


:) :p
Kriel Firin said:
I would say not another bunch of Sith. If I'd wanted to be a Sith, I would have joined a Sith faction.
+1000 to this.

I also like that the Ren are unique. I don't think we should try to cater to the Sith just because they have more players. Maybe we can focus on bringing in more Dark Jedi?
I am against merging it with Sith - simply because if we do it, we gain some players, but also lose the identity of the faction. It will become another Sith-focused faction like all the others and we'll get rid of what makes us unique, different from other DS factions.

If Sith want to come, let them, welcome them, but better have them work alongside the FO as allies instead of integrating them into the system. Let the factions keep what makes them different and interesting.
It feels good to hear people say these things.

Basically I feel that catering to that specific niche that is the darksider who can be both Sith and Dark Jedi is important to the Ren.

Another point I do have that I want to raise is the structure of the Ren, basically at the moment you join a group called the Knights of Ren, but you can't be a knight of ren until you are a knight.

I want to open up the ranking structure so it is more of a title then a specific rank. Basically this will allow you to be a 'Knight of Ren' even if you are an Apprentice, as why can't you be a knight even though your learning eh?

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
I knew that we needed to distinguish the KoR from if we actually wanted to amount to something in the dark-sided FU crowd.

We must be less power-hungry, and also to make clear just how is power a means to an end, rather than an end in itself.
skin, bone, and arrogance
I like the idea of the Knights of Ren being this order unto itself -- yes, Dark Side Force Users all, but separate from the Sith, which would still be welcome in our society and faction. My concern with being more open to the SIth is that they are, at least on this board, as a general rule the exact antithesis to the ideals of the First Order. We want structure, predictability, stability and will perform ruthlessly to get it. It seems the Sith at SWRP are concerned with power and dominion over others, and will be willing to disrupt just about any structure and stability to get it. It is destruction for the sake of destabilizing their rival (even within the same faction, see, e.g. the One Sith and other past Sith Factions) at the expense of the group as a whole.

I am 100% not interested in that happening here.
Natasi Fortan said:
My concern with being more open to the SIth is that they are, at least on this board, as a general rule the exact antithesis to the ideals of the First Order. We want structure, predictability, stability and will perform ruthlessly to get it. It seems the Sith at SWRP are concerned with power and dominion over others, and will be willing to disrupt just about any structure and stability to get it. It is destruction for the sake of destabilizing their rival (even within the same faction, see, e.g. the One Sith and other past Sith Factions) at the expense of the group as a whole.

I am 100% not interested in that happening here.

Have one like from me. And have my cat, too. And my money.

I really could not agree more :)

One of the many reasons this faction is so appealing to me is the lack of 'Sith'.
Kriel Firin said:
I would say not another bunch of Sith. If I'd wanted to be a Sith, I would have joined a Sith faction. The concept of the Knights being more monastic is one that appealed to me, so despite the lack of canon information, we should at least create an identity that is different to the Sith.

Very new to the faction, but I agree with this a lot.

There's a tremendous lack of canon information on the Ren (and, alas, Kylo is a very uninspiring example), but that's an opportunity to create something new that fits the First Order better.

They seem a bit like a darkside variant of the Imperial Knights (without the silly mandate to topple the Emperor if they disagree with his alignment!) to me. Or like the old Inquisitorius (the one that didn't have coptre sabres).

Darkside warriors who have a martial ethos and are devoted to serving the First Order state and enforcing its will by any means necessary, instead of pursuing personal power plays because of a 'mandate of the Force to rule over others' and exalting themselves over the collective. Knights of Zakuul might be a good example, too (more in concept than execution).

Of course, that might not stop an ambitious Knight from pursuing their own agenda because it would not be an Imperial faction without intrigue, but it sets them apart from a Sith order.
What I am proposing is this:

The Order of Ren.
Basically as the First Order have expanded so have the Knights of Ren, going from a ragtag group of apprentices to a full blown organisation of Force Users. Embracing the Dark Side of the Force in a less driven means to the other factions of the galaxy they strike out from First Order space in order to spread the will of the Ren and the First Order.

The Order of Ren will have several IC ranks associated to them:

Grand Master

PC Ranks:

Each of these ranks allow the holder to be known as a Knight of Ren. Basically allowing a character to have the status of the Order but not limited to when they reach a certain rank.

Rank suggestions?
I go along with the suggestions and suggest the title 'Knight' can be constricting if applied too rigidly. A Padawan is strictly speaking not a Jedi until they are a Knight. It's broadly the same with the Acolytes of the Sith.

So I consider Kriel a Knight of Ren -- even though he's yet to attain the rank of Knight.

Just my take on it :)

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