Ren Sumazaki
Prince Of The Winds

Faction: None
Rank: Apprentice/Student
Species: Kro Varian
Age: Close to 24, but unknown to most.
Sex: Male
Height: 6,1 its usually hard to tell by just looking at him.
Weight: 197 lb.
Eyes: Crimson
Hair: Shiny black
Skin: Tan, but pale.
Force Sensitive: Yes, mostly shaping though.
- Shaper - Being a shaper gives Ren more benefits then your average citizen.
- Can Fly - His training as a wind shaper allows him to fly. Him being born with the ability helped with this too.
- Smart - Despite him being a dark sider, filled with rage most of the time, he's pretty smart about handling himself.
- Rage - Its not a problem but when Ren gets really made, like if you kill someone he loves, his rage kicks in hard and can't be undone for awhile. Or at least until the person's dead.
- Other Shaping Abilities - Wind being his only shaping ability, Ren can't stop a blow from under his feet for instance unless he jumps back.
- Saves Who He Can - Although he's a dark sider, Ren knows to save who he can even if they are eaten up by another spirit and trying to kill him.
Ren is a tall man with shiny black hair and crimson eyes. His daily outfit is a black jacket with black jeans or pants along with a utility belt for tools and weapons. Ren's eyes might glow crimson red when he's in his rage mode. Although his rage isn't common since he can control it most of the time. Usually, he's wearing boots for protection and swift movement but it can vary based on occasion.
The Kamozaki clan was once the strongest fire shapers in the galaxy, until another clan took them out shortly after Ren left the clan and family. On Kro Var, Ren struggled to become a fire shaper like his clan had became for many of generations. His father was always angry with his failure to succeed in the ability. Sometimes, he would beat Ren almost to near death due to his failure in shaping fire. Kro Varians were supposed to be scary, especially due to their dark side. Ren would sometimes try and run away to escape the terror that he faced every time he failed to shape fire. His father was scary to him, his crimson eyes just like his, were scary. Especially at night.
After a few years of failing to achieve what his father wanted him to, a wind shaper cut his house or hut in half. Luckily, he wasn't cut since he was on a far end of the house. The wind shaper was looking for the elder of the clan and village to find Ren. Stories have went around in the wind Shaper's village that Ren couldn't fire shape. After the man found the elder, the man searched for Ren destroying the whole village and killing all of the clan members. Even Ren's father. After the man found Ren, who was 16 at the time, he told Ren about wind shaping and how it could be better than any of the other abilities. Ren explained fire shaping wasn't working and he would go with the man to train with wind.
After they left Kro Var, Ren had lost everything. His family, clan, friends, and ones who could've helped him probably succeed in fire shaping. But he then realized this new adventure would be the best for him as fire shaping wasn't an ability he could probably learn even with it running in his blood. Or so he thought it was the shaping ability that ran in his blood. After a year of exploring the world and wind shaping, he soon realized fire wasn't the one that ran in his blood. And that his father wasn't the dead man at his old village. After he shared this information with his new teacher, his teacher knew the truth already. But instead of telling Ren, he told him he needed to find his real father after he trained enough to go alone.
The man trained Ren for many more years until he came of the age of 20. The man then gave Ren a few things. First, he had to provide transportation so he gave him a pretty new and expensive ship. It resembled a starfighter. Then, a heavy blaster pistol which Ren probably wouldn't use too much due to his wind shaping ability. Wind, unlike most of the other shaping abilities, could be shaped into many different things. Maybe it is a cut through air or a air funnel with faster winds. You name it, he could do it. The last thing that was given to him was a cloak and hood attached to it for safety until he discovered the world some more. Then, they said their goodbyes and departed. The man lived on Coruscant in a ship that always stayed in air. A huge ship in fact. At this point, he could fly so he just jumped out of the ship.
The next four years would be different to Ren. He had been in Coruscant cities before but not really communicated. And since he had no one to guide him the way, he felt like he had no where to go for awhile. As time passed, he got bored of just walking around and stealing to eat. It was uncivilized which he figured his teacher meant it to be wrong. So he did jobs. Like taking out sith or Jedi or other force users. Or stuff like quick delivery and cooking which he disliked very much. He found it very hard to train with jobs like that so he stuck with hitman jobs and such. But then a day came where he got tired of that too. Thats when he decided to train nonstop for the next few years. Year after year, he only stopped training for bathroom breaks to eating. He ate healthy so wind shaping and flying wouldn't be a struggle. Although he could eat a thousand plates of food and still stay skinny. But strength was needed too.
After dreadful years of training, Ren stopped for a year. The goal for the year was to find someone to help him find a place in life and even help him get better at shaping. Wind was everything to him and still is but maybe another shaping ability would be useful or another skill. After remembering the clan he was in wasn't his family, he changed his family name to Sumazaki. After a few days of using the gun, Ren tossed it.
Ship and Equipment:
- Black jacket, shirt, pants
- YX-1224 Bearclaw