Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rena Kryze

NAME: Rena Kryze
FACTION: Mandalorians
RANK: Initiate
AGE: 27
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 145 pounds
EYES: Green, probably
HAIR: Brown, maybe, you don't know
SKIN: Tanned, I think, or maybe pale?


- This is getting overhauled. Come back later. <3-

SHIP: Her mainstay vessel is a modified Baa'ur-class cruiser named the Mantellian Wind. This is her major ship, a company ship from MandalTech in order to do her work and be the best quartermaster there is. When that's too big, Rena flies an Okyaab-class freighter to get her from point A to point B.

BIOGRAPHY: One of the few active Mandalorians of the once-famed Clan Kryze, Rena has a single goal in mind: prove the worth of her Clan once more. From a young age, her father taught her the Resol'nare (as any good little baby Mando learns), how to fight in armour, how to shoot things. Shooting things was something she was good at. And, while most people mistakenly took her Clan for a bunch of sissies thanks to that peace-loving Satine Kryze, Rena was most definitely not one of the sissy gene pool. She fought and brawled her way to getting off Ord Mantell, her homeworld, and took up arms as a Mandalorian soldier-for-hire. Whether she joins the military properly or not remains to be seen, however.

Rena's Armoury
One gun is never, ever enough.

Beskar'gam: Standard beskar aliit'gam.
Ranged Weaponry:

Melee Weaponry:
  • 1x Force Sword - A weapon of her own design, this beautiful sword means she can fight the forces of the Sith on equal terms. In theory.
  • 2x Kal - twin daggers for the queen queen of twin weapons.

Other Inventory:
  • 1x MT-1 Repulsor Pack - Rena loves the idea of death from above. This pack gives her wings.
  • 1x M1-series Astromech Droid - A companion and mechanic, M1-PY, or 'Puppy', is Rena's ship's mechanic and general companion. Turns out he can fly her ship, too.
  • 1x MT-TX Omni-Tool - She needs this to do her job! Fancy that.
Rena's Thread Tracker
Total: 11 | In Progress: 7 | Complete: 5
[Complete] Playing in the Sand - The Mandalorians make a bid for Aargonar. Their drop-pods rain furiously down towards the planet... and Rena Kryze misses every single one of them.
[Ongoing] Mandalorian Dominion of Tiss'sharl - Rena's first gig as a quartermaster under the employ of MandalTech, her most avid contribution to this fight is to lose a disruptor rifle in her stock... until the droids come for them.
[Ongoing] One Giant Leap for Mandokind - With her training in jetpack warfare and her wish to develop a next-generation one, Rena offers her services to her vode to train them in the art of flying around with a rocket on your back.
[Complete] Infinite in Distance, Unbound by Death - Rena asks [member="Pyrrha Nikkita"] for a bit of assistance, and she returns the request; the Force Master wants to test out the Razorhawk system from Iron Crown, and Rena wants to build her jetpack. They work together to meet both of these goals at once.
[Complete] The future? Like... with jetpacks? - Approached by [member="Kix Tal'Verda"], Rena is asked to develop another kind of jetpack. It's a theme. She create for her brother in arms an ion jetpack - different to the one created by MandalTech, but decidedly just as good.
[Complete] In the grim darkness... - On Taris, [member="Catherine Romanov"] requests some new toys from MandalTech and an exhausted Rena, who spends four straight days building a starship and a new medical technology in the form of biofoam.
[Complete] More Light Than Tron - Having come a long way with her technological development of solid-state holograms for MandalTech, Rena consults with the business powerhouse that is [member="Rave Merrill"] of Iron Crown Enterprises - hoping to re-revolutionise the technology for industrial and military purposes.
[Complete] Power, Overwhelming - With her boss [member="Ordo"], Rena travels to Obredaan to purchase a cortosis mining facility in order to facilitate the creation of her biggest project yet - force weaponry. As it turns out, they're a great pair in tandem. Also, Ordo is a terrible person.
[Ongoing] The Wheel Keeps Turning - [member="Durotar"], having recently quit the service of the Red Guard of the One Sith, comes to Mandalorian space to escape... and perhaps to join a new, great cause. Rena and Catherine sit him down and decide to get a little drunk with him.
[Ongoing] Blasters 101 - [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] wants blaster lessons. Rena is all too happy to give them.
[Ongoing] Just Another Day At The Office - At the request of [member="Anastasia Rade"]'s brother, Rena and Ana head to an unknown world to deal with an unknown problem, armed to the teeth - and ready to go.

Rena's Technological Advances
Total: 7 | In Progress: 0 | Complete: 7
In Progress
[member="Rena Kryze"] Pleased to see more Mandos around, they need 'em. If you want to RP with Cal, or anyone in the Ession Reformation, feel free to toss me a PM.
I'll use my imagination. [member="Rena Kryze"]


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