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Rendili Blademasters Tournament (Nyos v Ronan

The board had been set, the pieces in play and the bell had rung. Nyos had entered a Blademasters Tournament and was walking into the arena. The door opened to a uproarious crowd of onlookers and patrons. Dressed in X-1 boarding armor, Nyos walked to the edge of the arena and stood awaiting his opponent.

The arena was set with lights, venders, fans and officials. A glorious event that would showcase the best of the best. Nyos was very confident in his abilities, plus he was excited to get some R&R from working on his company and in the constant wars he was involved with. He didn't know his opponent. Just heard the name when the cards were drawn. He didn't know what to expect, but it would fun no less. Drawing his custom vibrosaber from his back, he awaited the opposite doors to open and his challenger to enter the arena.

[member="Ronan Dyre"] one knew Ronan Dyre. He had been there during the sacking of Coruscant and a number of other battles, always a silent specter, most recently he had investigated a derelict starship for personal gain and come away with a number of treasures. After that Ronan had decided to melt away into shadows again until something new claimed his attention. Originally he had no intention of entering this tournament or any other but the Assassin had become bored and decided that he would enter. When he looked at the odds he didn't imagine that many people would have bet on him however this did not do much to dissuade him from participating; he had his own reasons...

...the doors on the other side of the arena, opposite those that Nyos had come in through, opened wide and Ronan would step into the light where he was met by the cheers of spectators, bright lights and a breeze that touched his features like a tide dashing itself across the sand of a beach. There was no beach though only flesh and men. Ronan had come dressed for the occasion...

...the Armorweave that he wore was light however the thick cloth would provide him with a measure of protection ample enough for this duel while ensuring that his movements remained largely unrestricted. He enjoyed traveling light. As for the rest he let his right hand reach across to his left hip where it would settle across the hilt of a sword, a Dauntless Combat Blade as he'd learned, before a quick tug following a tightening of his hand around the hilt would loose the sword of its sheath in a single, fluent, motion...

...the sword would rise, Ronan would extend his right arm, and become level with the Assassin's right shoulder while the tip of the blade aimed ahead towards the center of Nyos collarbone. His feet came apart so that he stood with them at shoulder width...

...Ronan kept a combat knife sheathed at the small of his back as well, a small thing useful for close quarters, however he left it where it was. The Assassin was usually more fond of a straightforward style of combat though it was a safe bet to assume he was schooled in several. That was the gist of it. He had nothing to say to Nyos, no token to offer the crowd and the expression that settled across his features was largely indifferent at the moment...
[member="Nyos Val"]
Nyos started towards the man with a building run, once at a full sprint, Nyos was moving in bounds towards. Bringing his saber out to the side with both hands on the hilt, Nyos would bring the blade horizontally across the sternum. He was aiming to press the fighter back, to maintain constant pressure. Given the unknowns of this man, Nyos figured it would work well enough to learn as he fought. Ancient times described this as the purest form of communication during combat. The speed of the cyborg should aid him in this fight, hopefully overpower the man and force his submission.

[member="Ronan Dyre"]
...Ronan was at no disadvantage to how he could defend against the advance of Nyos Val as the man started moving towards him, covering the distance between the both of them. As Nyos began to bound towards him Ronan would take the time he had to widen his stance, sliding his feet further apart to enhance the center of balance that he maintained, making it appear as though he would meet the charge of his opponent...

...the Dauntless Combat Blade, held at shoulder height and aimed towards the collarbone of Nyos, would lower at the instance of Ronan's right arm until it hovered level with his solar plexus and aimed towards Nyos own. All this an easy combination of moves done as Nyos came towards the Assassin...

...Ronan had prepared to meet Nyos, the building speed the man possessed obvious as he came towards Ronan, however instead of doing that the Assassin would adjust himself to better flow with the momentum of Nyos...

...he shifted his weight onto his right foot and, clamping the palm of his left hand onto the pommel of the Dauntless Combat Blade at the same time, would pivot outwards so that the left side of his body drew away from Nyos while Ronan himself was taken to the left of the man allowing him a clear path with which to continue past due to his own forwards momentum...

...while Ronan was pivoting he would snap the Dauntless Combat Blade up so that it would lift vertically, the blade raising upwards instead of pointing ahead, giving Nyos Vibrosaber a clear obstruction as it swung across towards the sternum of Ronan and the assassin blocked with his own sword. Immediately after preforming the block with the Dauntless Combat Blade Ronan would use the left hand planted onto the pommel of the sword as a fulcrum with which he began to rotate the blade to his right in a clockwise manner, his pov, so that he could wheel it around before snapping it back to his left in a crisp diagonal stroke meant to come up just over the left hip of Nyos and bite into his kidney section on that same side...

...Ronan's pivot had drawn his left foot just slightly behind the right when he'd come around to turn into Nyos left side and with any luck after the sword stroke was made Nyos impressive forwards momentum would cause him to continue to run past when he met no resistance...
[member="Nyos Val"]
Nyos watched the soldier step out to his left, deflect his initial attack and repost with a strike to his midsection. Nyos would continue on his path past the assassin, spinning to his right as the repost came forth. Lunging his hips backwards, Nyos brought the blade overhead. Planting his right foot back to maintain his stance, Nyos would strike downwards at his opponents collar bone.

He would tighten his elbows towards his body, giving himself more control over the swing, if needed, he could bring his saber back to a defensible position more easily. If the strike was blocked, or stalled, he planned to force the blade downward to either force his opponent back, or drive the blade into the flesh. This was a tournament, meaning there must be a victor, but Myos was not aiming to murser this man for a title. With all the power Nyos possessed, he would restrain himself to mortal wounds at most.

[member="Ronan Dyre"]
...Ronan saw his oppenent spinning away from his attack which meant that he would allow the momentum of the diagonal blow to carry the Dauntless Combat Blade up over his left shoulder now that it was unimpeded by the section of the mans body it had targeted. It was simple thing to allow momentum to carry the sword as Nyos spun away and required relatively little effort on the part of Ronan as he maintained his focus on the man he was engaging with now...

...the Assassin would have a clear view of Nyos as he brought his Vibrosaber up over his head for a downwards blow and with his own sword having been carried high over his left as it completed the initial momentum of its last attack the choice seemed rather obvious...

...the Dauntless Combat Blade had come up over the left shoulder of Ronan so as Nyos came around to deliver his downwards blow into the collarbone of the Assassin Ronan would rotate his wrists back to his right and bring his own sword back around from his left to right to defend against the attack. The Dauntless Combat Blade would be used to deflect the Vibrosaber to the left of Nyos during its descent before he had a chance to reset it... he used the Dauntless Combat Blade to deflect the Vibrosaber Ronan would lift his left elbow, popping it out to his left slightly, so that he could shift his sword over the Vibrosaber during the initial deflection then he would whip his arms back to his left...

...the whip of his arms, the tightening of his biceps, after the deflection allowed Ronan to backhand the Dauntless Combat Blade in a horizontal blow back from his right to left. The Dauntless Combat Blade would scrape back off the Vibrosaber and draw itself back to the left in a slash meant to take it from the left to right of Nyos and cleave a path across his biceps and midsection from his left to right sides... the attack completed Ronan, with his left foot still held slightly behind his right, would transfer his weight to his left foot and take a step backwards on his right foot putting his left side just ahead of the right now and drawing him away from Nyos so that his opponent would need to reach further as he made his attacks or close the distance a bit more...
[member="Nyos Val"]
The severing of flesh sent screaming pain across Nyos' chest as the assassins blade hit his chest. He grunted at the flash of brilliant pain and stepped back. Blood trickled from the wound on his chest and his chest felt hot as his body went to work trying to heal.

Twirling the blade in his hands, Nyos lunged left, then paused mid stride like a fake out. Coming back right, Nyos switched to the Fast Style of bladed combat that he'd learned all those years ago.

First he'd begin to move in random direction, rapidly accelerating then abruptly changing course. Each time he changed direction, he'd swipe at the assassin. Landing small blows all over if they connected, if not, they'd eventually provide an opening for Nyos to strike. He would leap up, the roll right, spin left and lunge right, etc.

[member="Ronan Dyre"]
[member="Nyos Val"] [member="Ronan Dyre"]

*flits by like a fairy ooc making commentary in the first time for a while*

Sounds really good, sorry I haven't been keeping as close an eye as before, real life and all that. If there's ever an issue let me know. So far it seems very tense and good and the movements are written well enough that they sound ok.

Mark up a torso hit for Ronan then shall I?

*Keeping a checklist of hits for the threads.
...the Dauntless Combat Blade had been brought to the left of Ronan after completing the slash which brought it across Nyos chest from, his, left to right. The Assassin held the sword horizontally after he'd stepped backwards but would quickly lift it vertically so that it ran from his left hip, where he position the hilt, up past his shoulder providing a solid defense against any attacks that would come from his left. He'd done this in response to Nyos twirling his own weapon expecting that the man would attack based on what Ronan considered to be an obvious tell...

...Nyos didn't attack outright though, at least not initially. When Nyos lunged to his left Ronan would begin to backpedal, creating more room for him to bring the Dauntless Combat Blade across defensively, however when his opponent paused and then went to his right again Ronan would be able to reset his sword relatively without effort...

...observing his opponent Ronan tried to keep track of his movements, it was difficult and he knew he'd miss several of them, while capitalizing on several advantages. One being that random movements and swift actions could make it difficult to land heavy blows and another being that the art of blocking, when it came to swordsmanship, did not involve overcomplicated maneuvers or obvious techniques it could be done with a very minimum of effort if someone knew what they were doing. Ronan knew what he was doing...

...Ronan's sword was already on his left side, held so the blade was vertical, meaning that any attack coming from that side could be blocked simply by pumping the blade outwards or fanning it in that direction before resetting. If an attack came from above Ronan could tilt his blade inwards with the rotation of his wrists, arms, so that it sat on a forty-five degree angle and caught the downwards blow allowing it to ride down the length of the Dauntless Combat Blade while he pushed it away. Only attacks to Ronan's right side would prove somewhat difficult but the Assassin had left the opening for a reason...

...exactly as described Ronan would block and parry, creating a solid defense, waiting for Nyos to come at his left side and then the Assassin would act without a second thought. It came quickly. Pressing off his backwards right foot Ronan would actively step around Nyos as the man spun, I believe, to his left, which would be Ronan's right, so that he could bring himself to his left and step around his opponents right side in turn. Moving around Nyos would allow Ronan to mitigate that blow as the Vibrosaber came in one of its swift attacks, slicing into the armorweave Ronan wore just below the right shoulder, drawing blood and causing the Assassin to grit his teeth as his ichor trickled freely...

...this was the rue however as while Ronan stepped around Nyos, on the mans right side, he'd rotate the Dauntless Combat Blade around counter clockwise, his point of view, until it was horizontal and extended out to his left and with his left hand shifting from the pommel to the lower hilt of the sword he'd bring it around completely. The Dauntless Combat Blade would rip across, Ronan would tuck his right arm close to his side in the process, from the Assassin's left to right in a horizontal path where it would aim to cleave into the back of Nyos's right arm around the elbow and incapacitate the limb of the man...
[member="Nyos Val"]
The assassin was blocking most of Nyos' attacks, but one got in on his shoulder. The assassin swung his blade horizontally as Nyos came forth. He reacted as part of his technique, by ducking quickly, spinning on his heels, and bringing his vibrosabre across the legs of the assassin at knee level. Nyos would continue forwards as he attacked, staying low, slicing at the knees of the soldier.

If the assassin were to leap out of the way completely or jump over him, Nyos would change course to either a charging attack, or for the latter, an upward jab. Were those to fail, Nyos would either plant his foot, to redirect towards the assassins next attack or backpedal to reposition.

Nyos admired the technique of the assassin, he was the most capable opponent he'd ever come across.

(OOC- Thanks [member="Camellia Swift"]) [member="Ronan Dyre"]
...Ronan had swung his sword horizontally in response to Nyos attack on his right side which had hit the outside of his right arm just bellow the shoulder. It seemed a desperate defense to duck that attack seeing as how the Assassin had aimed for the elbow of Nyos hoping to incapacitate his right arm seeing as how even the most minor miscalculation had a high probability of causing Ronan's blow to strike Nyos on the head instead. Regardless the Assassin was in prime position to see Nyos begin to duck downwards and anticipating an attack from his new angle of elevation Ronan could make the proper adjustments...

...the horizontal movement of the Dauntless Combat Blade would continue, from Ronan's left to right, however after Nyos had ducked down and started to spin on his heels Ronan shifted his own stance in turn. He'd been coming around on Nyos right side, trying to circle into it, and distributing the majority of his weight onto his left foot Ronan would swing his right side backwards away from Nyos as he, assumingly came around in his spin, went to strike at Ronan's knee, the right knee being what would have been closest...

...this movement allowed Ronan to draw his right side backwards, away from Nyos, and create more room as the Dauntless Combat Blade came around in its horizontal strike. Dipping the blade however Ronan would let his sword blade drop at an an angle of two hundred and ten degrees, his point of view, which would cause the sword to drop beneath his hip where it would cover the front of his thigh and knee allowing the Vibrosaber intending to bite into his flesh to ride the steel across and over to the left of Ronan...

...aiding this maneuver was the fact that when the swords connected Ronan would push outwards and upwards to help ride Nyos Vibrosaber off and to the left of him harmlessly. Immediately thereafter Ronan would have swung his sword around bringing it up from the dipped two hundred and ten degree angle that let it drop beneath the height of his left hip and to a forty-five degree angle that lifted it in a clockwise rotation over his right shoulder and then he would drop the blade in a vicious stroke...

...Ronan had hoped that allowing Nyos blade to ride out to his left, Nyos right, would put his opponent in a position he wouldn't be able to respond quickly, or effectively, from as he dropped his sword in a diagonal stroke. The Dauntless Combat Blade came down over Nyos left shoulder intending to cut a path from his shoulder all the way to his right hip. As Ronan did this he would also shuffle backwards intent on using the full length of his sword and giving himself more room with which to move... this point Ronan respected the tenacity of his opponent but he remained conserved for the most part; keeping his attacks and counters simple....
[member="Nyos Val"]
Nyos watched Ronan deflect his sabre, and swing his sword up, around and back down towards his head. Nyos responded by releasing his right hand from the sword, leaving his left to swing it off to his side. Nyos then brought up his right arm to defend against the attack, inteadning for his forearm to meet the wrists of Ronan. In supplement to that, Nyos planted hard on both feet, and launching his body into Ronan's. His aim was to unbalance Ronan, if not bull him over, but as he rushed, Nyos straightened his saber at a perpendicular angle to his own body, aiming for Ronan's side.

Thrusting his body forward, in close proximity to Ronan, would cut down on the assassin's ability to react appropriately.

[member="Ronan Dyre"]

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