Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rendili Blademaster's Tournament (Taral vs Athena)

Taral sat quietly as the beginning of the tournament was announced to the crowd.
He was underneath the arena, sitting cross legged with a claymore over his lap.
As the fights were announced, Taral opened his eyes from his meditation and stood tall and proud.
He strolled up the stairs towards the arena to a growing clap.
Stepping into the sun, Taral turned around to see the whole audience and bowed.

His opponent was someone he did not know.
But, with his blade at his side and his hate in his mind, Taral knew he would not lose.
Stepping towards the center of the arena, the demon smiled as the wind began to blow.
It was a beautiful day to fight, and Taral knew this one would not be left up to the judges to choose.
He would destroy his enemy, crush her, all the while putting on a good show.

[member="Athena Nikeos"]
The Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far Kid

I adjusted my thick leather corset that was hugging my body. As well as tightening the red sash across my waist. I was here to test my skill with a blade and shield. I would not be using my slugthrowers today as this was a fight for swords. But the difference between myself and others, was that I had a physical shield that could withstand a plethora of hits from many different forms of attack. Most notably physical weapons. I had no clue on as what weapons the man or whatever this demon had for a weapon, but I would be ready as I have faced people in my past who had the same form as myself, axes, and spears.

As we were both being called up, I looked to see his very large and daunting stature. However, I was not scared, nor did I have fear in my heart or mind from his probable use of brute strength. We were not allowed to use force powers, and as much as I would have preferred to use some of my telekinesis, I could do well without it. Pulling the Xiphos from the shield on my left arm, I swung it to warm myself up in preparation of the fight. I was not here to make a show. I was here to learn and gain experience. With my skills I will go far into the tournament.

[member="Taral Mirtis"]
[member="Athena Nikeos"]

Taral's maw opened to reveal a fiery bottom as the Demon Sith smiled.
His opponent was a small girl with little protection.
She would be fast, but so was he, as he stood dressed in only a leather kilt that did not hide how he was wild.
Pushing his claymore into the ground, he twisted his back while holding the cross section.
Stepping forward, claymore in hand, he approached the woman who appeared next to him as a child.
This fight would be one of perfection.

As he stepped forward, Taral gained speed until he was rushing towards his foe.
As he approached, he sliced with his claymore down in a vertical slash.
This strike was simply for show.
needed to see his opponent would react, so he had to be brash.
As he swung, Taral taunted, "Come little lady, show me what you know."
I cleared my face as I walked out. I took a single step forwards and waited for the beast to come to me. Yes I looked rather short to him, but I was still slightly taller than the average woman. As well as more trained with physical weapons. Despite my looks, I was a 50 year old Morellian. Not even half way till I hit my prime years. I was young among my race. And with that, I was also trained to anticipate without the force. So seeing as how the Sith was throwing a sword around that was as tall if not taller than me, I could easily see his attacks coming, even if he was running fast.

I did not block the sword. Didn't even parry it. In fact, I simply sidestepped the sword to let it thump into the sand where I once was. Simple and small movements is what was needed to fight a larger foe. So a guy like this one would not expect a little blade to instead of going right for his open chest go for his hand in a quick stab followed by the real attack of a slash to the chest.

The problem with his sword being so large, is one, projected attacks, and two, you are screwed if someone were to get within your reach. For me to attack his chest, I had to be close. Which meant I was already inside his sword range. And seeing as how it was on the ground, he would have to yank it back up, take about three steps back and swing again to have me in the right place for a good hit. Otherwise his second best chance to defeat me, would to punch through my shield. Which would not be breaking anytime soon.

"little lady is going to kick your ass."

[member="Taral Mirtis"],
Taral laughed at the little girl's remark
They were something to admire
He watched in joy as her blade made sparks
against his armored hide as he pulled his blade free, eyes afire.
Stepping back as he started to bark,
"Your situation, little girl, is dire"

She could not pierce his skin,
it would be an uneven fight.
Spinning his blade as if it weighed as little as tin,
Taral showed his might.
Swinging his blade for it was time for him to begin,
Taral swung it the claymore in a slash from the right.
He was ready for her to step in,
as the fires in his eyes grew bright.
He would smash his free hand towards her chin
to grab her face tight.

[member="Athena Nikeos"]
The claymore came once more to swing around to my right. WIth the ideal that he was using his strength and power to physically overpower me, I rolled to my left over my shield. Letting the blade pass over my head cutting strands of my long hair as it passed so close to me. But when he got up, his arm came out to try and grab me. Using a blade itself would not be effective on it's own. My sword was kept sharp to the point where if I could rest it on my skin it would cut the hairs on my arm simply by sliding it in one direction or another. I had to find a different way to hit at him. While he was covered in this scaled hide, I would have to either use pressure points while avoiding his sword, or get around him. There had to be a weak spot.

His arm lashed out towards my face, by leaning back I avoided him grabbing my face, but he grabbed onto a large portion of my hair. Deciding that I would rather not have the pain today, I twisted my blade and in a single swoop cut my hair that was within his grasp. Letting me back up. Raising my shield arm, I spoke from his comment. "Depends on what you mean by Dire."

There were many situations where I could lose, but I would not be doing so against this hulking monster of a beast. The best I could do was probably just outlast him and let him fall to the ground on his own. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

[member="Taral Mirtis"],
Taral held her hair in his fist
before he unceremoniously threw it to the ground.
Smiling, he knew she would get the gist
that she would not be champion crowned.

He did not let up his attack,
he had to take the advantage he had.
He would continue to push her back,
swinging his sword fast and mad.
He hoped to hear a delicious crack
which would make him glad.

Bringing his sword down fast and hard,
he would give her no time to return
his attacks. Instead he would leave her scarred,
as his blade would fall and rise as his eyes would burn
bright as they sparred.

[member="Athena Nikeos"]
Flailing almost as the large sword lashed back and forth. I had to anticipate his moves. Swinging from right to left, I jumped back, up and down, I sidestepped with my shield always facing the sword. As another swing came at me, I braced for impact using both my hand and my fixt clenching a sword as I slammed my shield into the sword as it came for me. A loud clang rang from my shield as I was buffed back enough that when he came in for another swing, the best I could do was to drop down onto my knees as the sword flew over my head. and rolled to the right again as the sword slammed into the snow. He was moving fast. So fast even for simple sword fighters would be doomed.

Once more the claymore swung at me in an arcing shape from my left. Using the shield, I slanted it just enough to slide over my shield, not taking the full impact, I found an opening as he was trying to come in for another, I rushed in with my sword, and jabbed it towards his right armpit. while my shield was placed up over my head as he came down with the sword again. Batting me down, I missed my hit and fell to my rear.

Once more the man came for me in another fury of attacks. Fast as like before, I decided to stay on the defensive, simply dodging them and shielding myself by letting the sword slide every time off of the face of the shield. I just hoped that I could hold out long enough of this man's onslaught.

[member="Taral Mirtis"],
To fight was to be alive
Taral knew this to be true.
The feeling as one would strive
to defeat another was enjoyed by few.
But Taral would thrive
under such conditions, he knew.

As she attempted an attack to return,
Taral gave her no chance.
His eyes would continue to burn
bright as the two continued their dance.

His blade continued to fall,
though her shield was always present to block
he needed to utilize that she was small
so he formed his free hand into a ball
and as his blade hit her shield and the crowd would gawk
he swung his fist towards her head in attempt to leave her limp like a doll.

[member="Athena Nikeos"]
As the hulking beast's claymore hit my shield, I noticed that his attack was not all that great. wondering why, I was literally hit with the answer. He was using only one hand as I had been punched in the stomach. My entire body seemed to warp around his fist as I was thrown back a few feet from the sheer force. it hurt like none other. I knew I had broken maybe a few ribs as there was a sharp pain at the base of my chest and above my stomach. Good thing that he did not hit my solar plexus though. Or I would be done for the rest of the fight.

Placing my shield forward, I could feel some strain on my arm as I had to deal with the ribs. It hurt, but I used it to my advantage. Letting my weapons drop lower than what I had them before, I hoped to let this man's hopes up and he would charge me, right into where I wanted him. Because it was my turn to send him a dose of pain.

And oh he would feel it.

[member="Taral Mirtis"],

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