Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rendom Axel

Rendom Axel

Trooper of the Republic
Name:Rendom Axel
Height: 5'20
Weight:200 pounds
Force Sensitive:No
Ship:powerful sheilds and proton torpedo launcher 17 turrets 20 people unit capacity
Wepon of choice:Minigun Blaster
Biogrophy:He was born on Ord Mantell where the sith orphaned him he was adopted by new people who were corellian so he was brought to a corellian planet and he has always hated the sith empire so at the age of 20 he decided to join the republic military currently he has been in the republic for 9 years he is a very powerful man he is very strong and brave he will fight anyone who he needs to he is kind to his allies
Wepons: Blaster Minigun Blaster Pistol and Viroblade strapped to back
[member="Rendom Axel"]

I think you need to expand the biography a bit (not that you need to it'll just be able to explain a bit more about the character) and give him an height like 5'10" (or at least something similar since it says near six feet), sorry about bugging you.

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