Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Renewed Activity

So I know I posted an LOA like... 9 months ago... but I'm still "kind of always here". Being here for the factory is easy and all, and being here to do RPJ stuff isn't very time-consuming either, but the LOA I've had for RP has been in effect since then and hasn't ended yet.


Summer is here, new people are being hired, and that means slower business and less hours. Plus there are talks of closing the restaurant on Sundays to be open Tue-Sat and give everyone an automatic 2 days off a week without going through schedule nightmares for the kitchen.

This won't go into effect at least 3 weeks from now, which will warrant another post (though everyone who I write with will probably know before that). So, come July, I should be here a full other day a week more than before, and probably be able to get off work earlier via rotating closing shift.

People this immediately effects:
  • [member="Alric Kuhn"]
  • [member="Cira"]
  • [member="Rusty"]
  • I suddenly realized I don't actually write with more people D:

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