Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Renewing our Mission Statement


Disney's Princess
Renewing our Mission Statement

During it's earliest form, I pondered upon what would lie at the heart of this Faction. What was the ideal that created the foundation for our small player group. What was something that held true to both Tython and Coruscant. Jedi, Soldier, and Citizen. Thanks to help and input from all the great Triumvirate voices of our past, I settled upon what still stands as the descriptive plaque for the Galactic Republic. Our Description.

"The Galactic Republic is a commonwealth of sovereign galactic states that gather and govern in the form of a galactic senate. We are a political community founded and maintained for the common good of all free species. We value life, liberty, and the noble pursuit of all good things. Join us today in our humble quest to spread peace and prosperity across the stars."

This was not originally intended to just be a label, found in small print and so easily forgotten to time. It was originally intended to be a mission statement. Words of faith. A movement that united a people. An idea that connected us as writers. A magnification of the term, The Good Guys.

But today. I'm not sure that's true anymore.

I think we all have decided for ourselves what this faction means. I think we all share a very different perspective of what The Galactic Republic really is. It's heart and core. Why we joined and why we persevere. Why we smuggle and why we shoot. Why we serve and why we teach. Why we bleed and why we die. I think that we've replaced our shared description with a new one of our own making. And that we serve it invisibly.

Now is the time to make it visible again. :)


In closing, I'd like to ask every member to think about what this Republic Faction truly means to them and to personify that zeal and passion into words. Create and share with us your Mission Statement of this long running Player Faction. In the spirit that perhaps again we can all unite under one banner and say together as friends and peers, this is what we believe.

This is our goal.


To pose the question:

Q: If you could recreate the Description of The Galactic Republic Faction, what would it say?
Q: If you could recreate the Description of The Galactic Republic Faction, what would it say?

A: I would not recreate the Description of The Galactic Republic Faction. I would enhance it.

We're Robin Hood. We take from the rich and we give to the poor. We do the hard work that no one else wants to for the better of the free thinking galaxy who should be allowed to do as they please within reasonable, practiced law.

Out of curiosity, though, is this meant to light a fire and get people clambering for change or is this just to get people to think about what the Republic means to them? I hate to ask, but I'm struggling to find a point to this.


Disney's Princess
Varus Shatterstar said:
Out of curiosity, though, is this meant to light a fire and get people clambering for change or is this just to get people to think about what the Republic means to them? I hate to ask, but I'm struggling to find a point to this.
That is a completely valid question. I approve. :D

To answer it, yes. When I first joined this Faction is was a completely different beast. Tef, Valiens, Rostu, etc. We all smashed together in the early days of the site to just jump head long into PvP. There were no choices back then. There were only 3 -4 Factions and only about 30 active writers. We made do with small things and wanted for members. We needed an identification beyond the Movies. There were no expectations. No assumptions. The Faction was only what we made it.

Hell, I remember when I would compile an Invasion Summary every 10 posts. Yes. That's right. I would summarize our Invasions every 10 posts. It was crazy. But so much more was achievable back then. We just... Did things. And carved the Map into our shared future. I remember getting along with the Sith back then. We fleeted no sweat, we balanced our tech together, and we didn't care about rules or judges during our fights. It was just... Welp! Better jump in! Here goes nothing!

But this isn't that Faction anymore. This isn't that website anymore. Brave New World. Everything is new. Except one thing. Our description. It's just hanging there. Truth that once was but is no longer. We need a new one.

We need a new description. And I want the new members of this Faction to make it. :D
Megan Rhymes said:
We need a new description. And I want the new members of this Faction to make it.
I don't see why.

This is the Galactic Republic. Those familiar with Star Wars lore know what the Galactic Republic is. The name recognition alone fuels most of the recruitment, people who see the name "Republic" instantly know which side of the fight the GR is on.

For the record, this thread is the first time I've read that description. Why did I join the GR? Because it had the Jedi Order attached, which is where I wanted my character. And that's what most people look at the GR and see.

They're asking themselves:
Jedi? Check.
Senate? Check.
Military? Check.
Conclusion: Republic

That pretty much covers all the bases of RP in the Republic, and pretty much all its members as well. I don't see why we need to waste time discussing a statement that's rarely read and does little more than decorates the faction page.


Disney's Princess

^ This. This is everything I'd ever feared. Everything I'd ever hoped we would overcome. Decorations without spirit.

Put a spear through my heart already Aimone. Kill me now. Let the words, 'Why bother' decorate my grave and serve Kool-Aid at my funeral. :D :p


As Sarge would say. Welp.


Disney's Princess

Hold on. Pondering suicide first... :p
[member="Megan Rhymes"]

As bad as it sounds The Republic to me is and has become in short a plan B. Nobody else has a NFU base to house military characters. Frankly if you get down to it with a few exceptions FU play is better served in other places who value group over self.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Megan Rhymes said:
We need a new description. And I want the new members of this Faction to make it. :D
"How I stopped hating and learned to love the Gungan."

It-sa has nice ring to it, no?

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