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Renfroew {Republic spec ops trooper]



NAME: Colton Renfroew
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Sergeant Spec Ops Trooper
AGE: 28
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6ft 1 in
WEIGHT: 200 lbs
EYES: Dark brown with a stern glare
HAIR: Dark brown in short the medium flat top style
SKIN: Caucasian with slight tan

His strengths are: his dedication and loyalty to the Republic, his sense of duty, his unwilling to sacrifice lives if there another option, natural leadership ability.

His weakness are: he blind to corruption with the Republic, he a bit cocky and addicted to Snuff .He always has at least two can on him at all times. While he respects the Jedi for help defending the Republic it can become a turf between him and the jedi at times. He has a history of ignoring orders, going his own way on missions, he had=s been reprimanded twice for disobeying orders, however most of that has been over looked as it was proved that he acted in the best interest of republic, while much of the brass disapprove of his actions they can’t argue with the results.

A tall slightly muscular built man with a square jaw and stern features, his dark brown always have stern glare and hair style is always with regs, but sometimes considerable longer than standard flattop, his dark brown neatly kempt goatee accent his face well, he has a Republic special forces tattoo on right bicep.


Born on Coruscant he was son of a senator, and a Special forces commander he father trained him from a young age to defend the republic, he had a very education and life till booth his parents died of the plague sweeping the galaxy he applied was excepted one of the finest boys military academies in the republic he did well and when was 18 he enlist in the Republic army. He did very good at basic training he had above average physical conditioning and a strong will he could takes hits that leave most dazed if not knocked on their ass and push on with little impairment. He also did well in advance training his rifleman ability was next to none he pre the heavy long blasters to standard ones he ability and leadership impress his instructors, in once on an exercise he flat refused his commander who want press the advantage after several of their squad were wounded he told the commander “if your willing to sacrifice lives of good people when there are other options available, you joined the wrong side I’m sure you’ll fit right in with what’s’ left of the Empire.” He was selected for special forces training wear he did above average he took a little longer than most to grasp the advance vibro blades fighting techniques but after he got that he at or near the top of class the whole way He promoted corporal and spent 8 years going from planet to planet OP to OP to defending the Republic he has spent so long he like career military men his dropped his first name and only goes by his rank and last name. He has just returned from his latest OP on Ord Mantell in the mid rim were the death of his commanded and defection of his lieutenant left him in command of battle beat up unit he is currently being considered for promotion after being a sergeant for a little of a year and a half he is great looking forward to a little down time.

Republic trooper Combat Armor
BlasTech DLT-20A Assault blaster
T-6 Thunder Heavy Blaster Pistol
Vibroblade Combat knife
Republic Military encrypted Comlink
Republic military ID tags

SHIP: BTL-Q5 "Stormhammer” heavy fighter




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