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Approved NPC Renla Skirae

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Intent: To give a companion to Darben Skirae, as well as give him a purpose, which is guarding her while making a living.
Name: Renla Skirae
Loyalties: Follows Darben Skirae for her own protection
Role: Adopted daughter and Assistant to Darben Skirae.
Development Threads: None as of yet
Age: 28 (Or so she looks)
Species: Twi'Lek
Force Sensitivity: No.
Appearance: Blue skinned female Twi-Lek with skinny, slender arms and fingers. Purple eyes, and one of her head tails are unusually slightly shorter than the other. She wears an old cloak to hide her face, and her expression is neutral with strangers.
Personality: A silent thief. Never speaks or makes a verbal sound, unknown if physically or by choice. Snarky, rude, known to be vexing. Friendly to small critters, but steers clear of passers-by. A full-on troublemaker.
Weapon of Choice: Teeth. And fists. And feet.
Wealth: Poor. Any wealth comes from her involuntary protector, or from things she steals.
Combat Function: Mute would kick and punch and bite, hoping that someone will save her. If not, she will play dirty. Poking at eyes, biting fingers and kicking sand and dirt at downed attackers.
Skills: Sleight Of Hand. Quick On Her Feet.
Notable Possessions: A small wooden toy of a Blurrg.
Other Notes: She cannot speak. It is unknown if she chooses to be mute, or physically can't. As she cannot answer to that question.
She has no close family or friends, only a toy to remember that she had someone. She grew to be a thief, putting her soft touch and slender quick fingers to work, to sell whatever she could to get credits for food. Mute learnt this from watching other street thieves do their work. And also learnt not to get caught. She one day went too far and stole a possession from a gang on Corellia, and ended up running into Darben while running from them. He took her off planet to safety. She can now speak, thanks to an operation.
[member="Darben Skirae"]

This is a good start but this little outline on Mute is a bit bare bones.

If you could add a bit more to her personality and also a paragraph in the "Other Notes" section on the history of how she came to be protected by Darben, as well maybe a bit on how she has developed her slight of hand skills. Tell us about this NPC - remember: this is the reference people will look to when they want to know more about her. It doesn't need to have the same amount of attention to detail as a full PC, but half as much would be ideal.
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