Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Renodor Renth

Renodor Renth




NAME: Renodor Renth

FACTION: Mandalorian enclave



AGE: 37

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6ft 1in

WEIGHT: 210 lbs

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Caucasian



+ underworld connections
+Skilled tracker
  • Skilled with dual pistols
  • determined
  • duty bound
  • honorable
  • skilled slicer and engineer

- clan law
  • no qualms about using violence to accomplish his task
  • tech-reliant
  • blunt

APPEARANCE: A tall average built but toned man, his face battered and scared, his 3 names tattooed in mando’a his birth father under his right eye, his brith mother under his left, eye, and his Mandalorian adoptive father in the right side of his neck

Born on Nar Shaddaa the son of a husband and wife bounty hunting team, his parents were killed in a seedy spaceport cantina on some outer rim backwater planet when he was 5 years old. They were ambushed by the target they were pursuing, a Mandalorian hunter named Coldar Renth who was pursuing the same target and witnessed the act, he quickly stepped in and adopted Renodar as his own son, and avenged Renodor’s birth parent, and raised Renodor as member of clan Renth and taught him to be a hunter of men. Renodor had a rough and hard life which help shape him into a fearsome and cunning hunter, he found early on he had a knack for figuring out things worked, and how to modify, and otherwise use technology and innovative ordnance to his advantage. One day, while Renodor was on a solo hunt a Republic aid led by a Jedi knight, attacked the settlement the Clan was using as a base, Renodor returned to find his clan slaughtered, Coldar was barely alive and bid to avenge the clan, and not let the name die out, he also told him to seek out the Mandalorian Enclave they help him, he asked this of Renodar with his dying breath. Renodar swore he would do as his Alor had asked and set about giving his clan the proper Mandalorian funeral they deserved, and set out to find the Enclave

SHIP: Slave IX




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