Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Renora zambrano

Renora zambrano


renora zambrano

Specieshalf epicanthrix half firrerro
Force Sensitiveyes Force Sensitive (naturally very strong)


Renora hit puberty young so her body matured naturally making her body look more mature and beautiful than her age should suggest. Her hair a contrast to most epicanthrix a genetic fluke she maintains a physical physique if a warrior while maintaining her beauty and elegance. Worthy of a family member of darth carnifex and the name of zambrano. Her dual heritage keeps her skin a tan color with long blonde hair. Which she dyes black to closer resemble her family.


Empyrean gland

neahtid earpiece

Syncronics Bodysuit armor

Red bladed Lightsaber


Renora was Trained in the kainite way learning about art and warfare from as young as possible. Having a warriors mindset beaten into her head from a young age. But also learning the ways of politics and art with first hand learning from her family expecting her to learn it. She has a very militaristic mindset with an eye for artwork in almost any form. Her whole life was spent trying to gain the respect of her family and the kainite as a whole.


Military training: renora has been trained in blasters, melee weapons, and the form 1 2 and 4 of lightsaber combat.

Martial arts: remora is adept in teras kasi and echani martial arts.

Force training: renora learned both nightsister techniques and sith Force powers and sorcery she learned about sith alchemy but has yet to make anything truly amazing her true talents lay in sorcery and combat oriented powers

Finer arts training: remora was Trained in ways to sing, painting, and dancing in ways of pure beauty and art.

Hybrid genetics: remora has the height of a epicanthrix but the strength of a firrerro along with the regeneration and heardiness of a firrerro. Her skin doesn't change colors like most firrerro but it gives her a permanent bronze color


Hybrid genetics: remora can fall ill from diseases that affect both epicanthrix and firrerro along with all the genetic defects along with those of her unique genetics. She trys to hide her more animalistic instincts from her firrerro genetics they still come through occasionally in moments of extreme stress or rage.

Ostracized: some if not most zambrano view her as not pure do to her dual genetics from her parents which drives her to do better and fuels her darkside power to earn her spot inside the kainite.


Renora was born of one of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex many sons and a firrerro force wielder she was raised within the kainite and house zambrano but ostracized by many of her older family members within the zambrano bloodline. She trained harder than most to earn her place within her house learning many skills she would need to achieve as both a sith and as a zambrano learning from whoever would teach her. From within the kainite or the sith order as a whole she tried to learn from her grandfather but he was always busy training others.

She always pushed herself in all of her studies to her limit especially in combat allowing her genetic healing factor to heal her wounds and train further than most her age or even older would even be able to go in an average day. When she heard about the academy she was surprised to hear her grandfather had sponsored her she always figured he never cared about her or acknowledged her existence in anyway.

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