Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reporting Live From Anobis! [PM To Join]

"Coming to you live, from the beautiful plains of Anobis!" Crystal clear transmissions ran every which way, an open broadcast for all of the galaxy to hear. "We're looking lightly cloudy in the mid-west of a populated Anobis village, with a light chance of cool weather in the evening, dropping as low as fifty six degrees Fahrenheit. That's thirteen degrees Celsius." A cool breeze ran outside, making light fields of grass shudder softly in a hum of nature.

"Today is a very special day, listeners," The sweet innocent voice continued, followed by a soft sip of a cup of brown, sweetened tea. "as today instead of the regular broadcast, we're allowing people to come about and tell us their personal stories. Now don't worry, I know you all love your music, so we are allowing those who have their favorites selected and ready to come forth."

Soft fluffy clouds rolled past pointy mountain tips and disappeared into the world behind them, leaving a peaceful scene of white tipped rock for eyes to graze upon. "So please, listeners in the system of Anobis, come visit! Our doors are open and the company is as friendly as it always is." Helen gently unfolded her legs from under herself and sat properly in one of the few golden orange chairs that laid about in the main room, looking to the hatch of her light freighter which stayed open, allowing the cool air to trickle in, and the natural light flood before it disappeared into a darker set of candles, which shined brightly, but still kept a moody appearance.

"The Cake Bake Radio ship is located at the left edge of the north-western village, dock 2, B-3. I'll be waiting!" The happy voice disconnected, and the regular smooth jazz played idly as Helen took another sip of tea, and closed her eyes for those wanting to come, to come.

[member="Cawrion Chyrox"]
Cawrion had been relaxing as he lay in the ship listening to the radio he and the kid had arrived the day before and had a nice day of blaster training. Now the woman said that she was on Anobis and wanting people to tell their story. He sat there and thought for moment, he may be a wanted man, but his persona Crow was not so he put on his mask for a proper introduction to his new ways… and this was a nice way of introducing the Crow to the galaxy. He was now due to [member="Rat"] a more friendly ship stealer and as soon as he got his new non-lethal weaponry he would be known, or at least he hoped to be known as a honest and nice criminal.

He stood up and stretched turned to the kid and said “Looks like I’m going to be on the radio today, if you want to join me that’s up to you, it won’t take long to fly over there, if you want you can tell your story as well as I will tell mine, that’s up to you like I said” Then he went to the cockpit and powered up the ship.

He liked flying over the surface of this planet, it had a nice variety of landscapes but he did not get to enjoy it long because it wasn’t far to the ship in question. He landed next to the ship, put on his mask, walked down the ramp taking in the nice cool air before seeing the lowered boarding ramp and simply walking into the ship. Then he said to the women sitting there with his changed voice from the mask. “Well hello there, it smells wonderful in here, you can call me Crow”

[member="Helen Louie"]
The short wait was shorter than expected. Helen fluttered open her eyes over the heat of the tea rising up to splash warmly against her face, and traveled her quick brown eyes to the curious looking man, and his mask. She openly greeted him with a soft wave of her hand, holding out to the various chairs around what appeared to be a large microphone of sorts, connected directly in front of Helen.

"It's good to see you, Crow. I'm Helen. Do you mind if I turn on the broadcast as we chat?" She asked quietly, with her other hands reaching for a holopad, which was then used to assign droids to prepare drinks and their sweeteners for the guest. It was a very civilized organization.

[member="Cawrion Chyrox"]
Cawrion sighed and facepalmed, sometimes he was somewhat of an idiot, it’s radio, no need for the mask. So he took of the mask to reveal his smiling face and now speak in a friendlier voice

“Well hello Helen and I thought that was kind of the point of being invited here” he winked and grinned and took a read from the datapad before continuing “So what do you recommend?”

[member="Helen Louie"]
Helen looked at the current setting of the radio, then pointed to the top line of small teas on the top of the holopad. "Any of those are pretty good. Lemon, purplisious, cake flavor, and extra honey." She finished with a small purr in her voice, checking the radio again before flipping a small switch on the controls.

"Good evening everybody. Today in the beautiful cool fields of Anobis, we have a visitor coming to tell us a story. So, what did you come to tell us today?" Helen asked as she stole a quick frosted muffin on top of a plate, on top of a multi-colored screen of randomness. She slowly took a bite out of it, chewing near silently.

[member="Cawrion Chyrox"]
Cawrion ordered some cake flavoured because he was intrigued by it, he was wondering how that would taste. He liked this woman, she just seemed like a very likable person. Then he looked at her as she finished speaking “I have come here to first of all tell you a little about my past, for that was no cookie… or cake”

He grinned at her “I was born on Tatooine and raised there, not by my parents but by a ruthless gang. I was taught from an early age that taking lives was the only way of surviving. And so I have done that and until very recently I didn’t feel that it was wrong. But that has changed.”

He looked at her to see if there was any indication if she would like to speak a little herself or if she preferred him to tell his entire story first. He thought that there may be details she wanted to hear from him, about his childhood or anything, that was of course up to her for he was only a guest.

[member="Helen Louie"]
As soon as the order was given, a pair of bunny droids hopped away eagerly. They came back not a few seconds later with piping hot tea, in fancy cake decorated cups and tiny plates. One of them stood idle with the platter ready for him, while Helen mused over his story quietly with a sort of shocked expression planted on her face.

"Homicide?" She said a little loudly. A lot of the people on the radio were just normal people who had time on their hands. Though, it was common to have killers running about the galaxy. "Well, I can't say I've ever purposely killed anybody. What made this feeling of yours change, Crow?"

[member="Cawrion Chyrox"]
He saw the reaction in her face, the same as the kid had when he told him, although she was better at hiding it “You have to understand that it wasn’t your average lawnmower that bit the dust, I am sure that I wouldn’t have pulled the trigger that I would have been gone, and wouldn’t be here with you”

he looked down and picked up the tea and took a sip, this was quite good to his surprise, then he smiled and continued “Well… what changed it is actually quite simple, it was a kid. I was on Corusant a couple of days ago and rescued a kid from the gutter, I’ll be honest with you and say that it wasn’t for the noblest of reasons. I was in dire need of someone who I could trust, and so I found someone who needed help and therefore make sure they wouldn’t betray me or that was is the idea. He knows this of course for I have vowed to never lie to him. But yes I told him the same things I have told you now and his reaction, it was something I was not prepared for. So I began thinking, was there an alternative way? And yes, yes there is”

[member="Helen Louie"]
"Oh, good. Yes, there's always a better way, listeners. Homicide can only be the answer for so long!" She laced her fingers excitedly and adjusted in her seat, leaning forward. This story was good. A kid, murder, mysterious traveling, and perhaps there would even be romance in there!

"Go on..." She beckoned eagerly.

[member="Cawrion Chyrox"]
Cawrion nodded and continued “Well, that’s really the message I am trying to get out there. There are many people in the galaxy on whom life has been hard. I offer a way out, everyone who swears to be a trustworthy and non-lethal I can’t stretch that enough, companion in” he coughed sarcastically “the totally very legal acquirement of ships can contact me”

he threw a small data chip towards the host “I am leaving my contact information here it is of course untraceable since it only goes one way, so that you Helen can transmit it as soon as possible for those who wish to join The Corvine’s Nest, send me a message and a way for contacting you, meeting places are acceptable!”

He smiled once again towards the host and sipped his tea “And you have some wonderful tea here Helen, really great. Do you have any questions for me?”

[member="Helen Louie"]
Helen quietly felt over the chip, then put it to the side to later store away and never use. Hardly anyone really responded to the radio, they just enjoyed listening to the music and a few people talk from time to time. But may dreams be dreams. "What are you doing now? What has really gotten you away from the crime of homicide?"

[member="Cawrion Chyrox"]
Cawrion sat there and drank his tea for a bit. “What I do now is somewhat private, however I can say that I am teaching the kid how to make a better living than he did before, living of the scraps of other“

Cawrion shifted in his seat and leaned forward “And when it comes to the question about the homicide change I told you. It was because of the kid, I have lived my life surrounded by death, 9 out 10 not by my doing. So it wasn’t hard for him to make me see that there was another way, a better way. I mean, why kill when you can take them out, just as long as you have the right tech”

[member="Helen Louie"]
"Well, that is quite encouraged from the previous professions. If I may add, Crow, you know our radio station is always looking for workers if you happen to need a little extra cash." She offered with a soft direction of her hand motioning to the remaining bits of the light freighter.

"Just so long as you are content with what you're doing now, I say you're not working at all. It's an old saying. Choose a job you like, you'll never work a day in your life."

[member="Cawrion Chyrox"]
Cawrion was a little taken aback by the job offering but responded honestly “Well, I have to honest here and say that I love my job, I love the freedom it gives me and now that there hopefully no loss of life involved I feel compelled to continue what I love, especially once I get people I trust, for the biggest problem in my business is trust”

He drank up the rest of his tea and added “But that said, what would someone do here, as a job”

[member="Helen Louie"]
"Well, we have a number of openings, but our main problem is finding people who've experienced and must express how they feel about the planets and today. Our main goal is to find multiple reporters, but we also enjoy finding a spot for anyone, anywhere, at any given time." She folded her hands softly and looked down at the tea cup.

"So if you need a little extra money, just keep us in mind."

[member="Cawrion Chyrox"]
“I myself am not interested at the moment” Cawrion sat in thought for a moment, the kid may want this, at the very least he would give him the opportunity when he got back to the ship. Then he Continued

“However, I May have someone that could be interested and The crow will bring them Forth to so they can Be with You if they should wish.” He put his hands on his knees as a sign of standing up

“Other than that I don’t really have that much of a story to tell, is there any more you wish to ask now is the time”

[member="Helen Louie"]
Helen lazily raised her hand to dismiss the previously masked figure and went to take a sip of the newly coming tea, resting safely in the arms of one of the few service droids scattered about the ship. "Thank you for your time, Crow. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Have a nice day!"

[member="Cawrion Chyrox"]

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