Caid lounged casually in the pilot's chair of the Phantom, an unmodified VCX-100 Light Freighter. While the former pirate and military commander typically preferred a much more personalized method of transportation, he was painfully aware that it was counter-productive to his current duties within the First Order. Outside the viewport of the old ship design, Tython could be seen. Caid had traveled here in search old acquaintance. From what he recalled, the woman had once been apprenticed to his father for some amount of time, and he was hoping she might yet have some insight that he could benefit from.
Information passed to him by his former Cathar Master indicated that archived files referencing some planet named Endelaan had come up in the wake of the Galactic Alliance's recent acquisition of Coruscant. Apparently, Keishi had been able to uncover some information from the private apartment of Cameron Centurion regarding continuous trips to the world and a rather proactive effort to keep the location concealed. Even the information that Kieshi had uncovered was relatively vague, but she had passed the information on to Caid for his...awareness.
At first, the young Neophyte had been content to remain blissfully ignorant. However, as time wore on, he became more and more intrigued by the notion of potentially discovering a great deal more about his lineage. There was only one place he could think to look to uncover information on Endelaan's actual coordinates, but he wasn't exactly thrilled about infiltrating the veritable Cameron-Utopia that was Corstris. The last time Caid had managed to do had almost been a complete fluke. Since that fateful day, a great many of the security risks had been covered and backed up with numerous fail-safes.
Silver-green eyes darted to the glossy black lightsaber hilt resting casually on the center console behind him. Whenever Caid so much as approached the weapon, it was as if he could feel a presence that hinted at faint, distant familiarity. Snapping his gaze back to the view of Tython, Caid exhaled softly as he activated the holocom to contact Athena. They hadn't departed on bad terms, and Caid could admit that the hybrid had a certain...allure. It was, however, for that reason that he never reached out to her after their initial encounter. The emotions had reminded him of his time with Princess Ozmeri, and that had ended in a spectacularly terrible fashion.
He'd thought it best to just ignore emotion altogether.
Little did he know that the typical strength of his emotions was something of a genetic trait...and one that could destroy just as easily as it could empower.
This should be interesting...
[member="Athena Heron"]
Information passed to him by his former Cathar Master indicated that archived files referencing some planet named Endelaan had come up in the wake of the Galactic Alliance's recent acquisition of Coruscant. Apparently, Keishi had been able to uncover some information from the private apartment of Cameron Centurion regarding continuous trips to the world and a rather proactive effort to keep the location concealed. Even the information that Kieshi had uncovered was relatively vague, but she had passed the information on to Caid for his...awareness.
At first, the young Neophyte had been content to remain blissfully ignorant. However, as time wore on, he became more and more intrigued by the notion of potentially discovering a great deal more about his lineage. There was only one place he could think to look to uncover information on Endelaan's actual coordinates, but he wasn't exactly thrilled about infiltrating the veritable Cameron-Utopia that was Corstris. The last time Caid had managed to do had almost been a complete fluke. Since that fateful day, a great many of the security risks had been covered and backed up with numerous fail-safes.
Silver-green eyes darted to the glossy black lightsaber hilt resting casually on the center console behind him. Whenever Caid so much as approached the weapon, it was as if he could feel a presence that hinted at faint, distant familiarity. Snapping his gaze back to the view of Tython, Caid exhaled softly as he activated the holocom to contact Athena. They hadn't departed on bad terms, and Caid could admit that the hybrid had a certain...allure. It was, however, for that reason that he never reached out to her after their initial encounter. The emotions had reminded him of his time with Princess Ozmeri, and that had ended in a spectacularly terrible fashion.
He'd thought it best to just ignore emotion altogether.
Little did he know that the typical strength of his emotions was something of a genetic trait...and one that could destroy just as easily as it could empower.
This should be interesting...
[member="Athena Heron"]