Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Republic Army Headquarters


Active Member
Sarvus makes his way off of the transport shuttle and towards the tower that claims to hold the higher ups of the Republic's Army personnel. Walking past the people walking back and forth from the building, he cannot help but feel like another person, maybe it was the feeling of officially being a private for the Republic Army or maybe it was because for the first time in many months, Sarvus, wasn't in his uniform and armour. The tanned skinned, six foot three human walked with pride wearing his formal attire for the occasion, though not due to personal choice, his eyes scanned the area and begins to fidget in his stance, severely uncomfortable for the lack of protection.

"At least I've made it."
Gala was technically off duty.

She was squatting at the moment, her back against the massive training grounds's structure as a cloth ran up and down the length of one of her vibro blades. She was muttering to herself something about a certain [member="Zane Watts"], and mostly absorbed in her task of making sure her weapons were top-notch for all training henceforth. She wasn't so absorbed, however, that she wasn't aware of her surroundings. Every now and then, her dark eyes would lift and check the surrounding area -- most faces she was vaguely familiar with.

This time, however, when chocolate lifted, she saw someone she didn't know. Not wholly uncommon, considering the growing war -- that meant that fresh meat was on constant rotation. Still, this one looked uncomfortable.

With a final swipe of her cloth, she pocketed the rag and re-holstered the blade against her thigh.

"You lost, squirt?" An ironic title, considering his height advantage over most sentients -- but good 'ol Gala was that sort of charmer. And this pointed salutations was directed frankly at [member="Sarvus"].


Active Member
Sarvus, how ever uncomfortable he may be, always made sure to give appropriate greetings and this time was no exception, as he turned to face [member="Gala Geert"] his heels instinctively collided with one another and his face shot straight.

"Negative sir, simply admiring the view."

His voice was not so odd for someone his age and height, a untainted voice of a soldier that hasn't seen the lights of battle.
A brow quirked in his direction, lips pursing slightly at the use of the term sir. If she were to get on her feminine soap box right about now, she'd tear him apart by how certain titles aren't to be modified regarding status based on gender. She could be just as authoritative if her name was chick or somethingorother. But, Gala wasn't one to even try to be authoritative -- so she digressed before she wound herself up. She did take a step closer though, just to gauge the intimidation factor exhibited.

When [member="Sarvus"] indicated that he was simply enjoying the view, a snort puffed from her nostrils in mock hilarity. "You must be new."

Deciding to engage in this conversation more, and further antagonize the new operative, she cocked her hip "Where ya from, kid?"


Active Member
Sarvus clears his throat, noticing his squad form up ahead of [member="Gala Geert"]

"From here and there Sir."
Dark eyes assessed the form of the soldier while he spoke. He practically dripped discomfort. She didn't need to be part of the glowstick brigade to discern that- - nor did she need to be a lorridian.

"Ah-huh." Both hands rested on her hips as she frowned in [member="Sarvus"]' direction. "Well I hope they put you on a hell of a lot of diplomatic missions. You've sure got a tongue on ya."


Active Member
Sarvus continues to simply stare towards [member="Gala Geert"] his posture straight and his hands by his sides.

"I am not called for diplomacy missions, if diplomacy is needed another is called. Now, apologies sir, but if you don't mind I best be off."


Kiyron strode through the headquarters, examining budget reports for the Rogues. Not as exciting as being a sniper out in the field, but when he played his cards right, he ensured his troops had the right tools for the right job. Like now, specifically, they needed more vehicles for better mobility. He had some extra credits available that he was going to commission for a reconnaissance speeder.

He paused to watch the interaction between [member="Sarvus"] and [member="Gala Geert"]. He lowered the datapad, amused. A bit of a hazing situation, perhaps? Not exactly the best place for it, honestly. Nor was he exactly a supporter of such actions. He strode over to them.

"Is there a situation here?" He eyed them both critically.


Active Member
Sarvus turns to face Kiyron and takes the moment to scan his body to see if he recognizes him, after a quick moment he shoots his right arm up to a salute.

"Sir, no sir."
Gala snickered at the blatant disregard for sarcasm from the new trooper, and his response to any sort of pending conflict from [member="Kiyron "]. "Not to worry pretty boy, was just well overdue for a reminder on the importance of segmentation." She nodded solemnly, referring to the eliteness of her squadron over the other jar-heads in the Republic's ranks. She was an elitist by nature. She knew her qualifications, her statistics. There was no shame in excellence.

"You two can have fun." A thumb jerked toward [member="Sarvus"] "--He needs some navigational assistance." With that, she gave a two-finger mock salute, a swing of her hips, and she sachayed away from the duo of soldiers.

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