@[member="Kiyron "]- I agree we really, really, need to establish this
and as it's just getting setup here is it as I understand it.
The military works off the senate's orders. As far as I am playing it so far, since the recent IC events. So if the chancellor says something the military follows. I still believe we need an on the ground commander, a general, not me but someone who has been here awhile, so anyone who is a more senior faction member making an alt.
@[member="Cody Jorin"] is the military's go to for the Senate. Basically in an invasion or dominion its all fair game, as that is already setup to be attacked, but outside of them, don't hit another faction without his or the senates' say so.
As far as the Navy/Army split, it would make sense to play them as integrated as there simply isn't the number of writers to do otherwise, this is just my opinion. However, you cannot command a fleet and army at the same time on the ground and in space, in invasion threads, so I am told. I've not seen a mod say this just other writers. You can command fighters on the ground however, as well as infantry/armor on the ground, just not do both space AND ground.