Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Request: Allow Faction Advertising in CC/Welcome forums


Professor of Alchemy
With the Major Faction limit going to imposed next month as well as my own faction theorizing about how to draw in non-Force users, I'd like to recommend factions be allowed to start "Propoganda" threads in the Character Creation and Welcome Forums, or even create a sub-forum in CC specfically for Faction advertisement/information. This would allow some of the smaller faction, like say the Echani Compact, Shapers, Vong(although they're kinda dead) etc. a better chance at new users, while also allowing the bigger factions to make requests as to what type of characters they want/need. Yes, I know people advertise in Role-Play discussion, but 90% of new users aren't going to look there before making a character. It also allows Factions to inform new users of their IC hijinks and territories, with a situation coming to mind about a character being built as a Republic Senator of Corellia, only to be told "We ain't got dat planet."
skin, bone, and arrogance
Darren Brunswick said:
I can totally relate to that. XD
You kids with your rock and roll music, you have it so easy. In my day, we had to read the board to make sure we weren't hosing someone else's established RP by putting yourself at the top of a galaxy-known organization. And that was after walking to school, uphill, both ways, in the snow, in my father's pajamas.
skin, bone, and arrogance

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Folks, serious thread, serious purpose. I was the one who derailed it a minute ago, and I've deleted my own post. Let's let this thread serve its purpose.
I would say allowing a poster, and a recruitment blerb would be cool. I.E

Join the The Sith empire , See exotic locations, meet new people, Serve your Empress and your family and earn rewards beyond imadination or so forth. Simple and easy type stuff then go on to a little block about the faction, their goals and so forth.


Professor of Alchemy
Exactly. Put a few things in there like "We're currently expanding into Mandalorian space" to give them an idea of what to get plugged into, and some general knowledge about what area's would be good places for backstories, etc.
Yep, it doesn't have to be big but enough that people get a taste for what each faction is, their role in the galaxy and how they could best fit in and have the most fun.

Ragnar Wulfe

I support it, being a Dathomiri and all, I kinda need my home planet even if the faction status goes to hell

Jorn Mair

I agree with this Its one of the first forums they may see. Instead of digging thought the factions and or the RP discussion

I think this would work alot more.
If you wish to advertise your faction, here is some advice I would like to give as an admin to you all.

The easiest way to get the people one wants is to go where they are. This is pretty much applicable to almost all advertising, but for gaining new members for a faction there is one easy solution to this. If one wishes to have new members joins their faction, then the place they will find new members in the Welcome, New Members! forum. There is nothing preventing other members from posting in a new member's welcome thread and attempting to convince them to join a certain faction. All one needs to do is be a friendly face and drop a link to the faction while answering the new member's questions.

There is one thing I wish to make a note to everyone, though, should they do this. We, the Staff, wish to keep the line between OOC and IC very distinct. While we know people enjoy IC banter, please refrain from doing so in an OOC thread. If you end up doing so anyway, please explicitly state when you do IC banter in OOC threads with every post that applies. The reason for this is because you can easily offend someone with this IC banter, and being IC in an OOC thread is not an excuse to speak without inhibition. The reason that I am stating this is because I usually see this IC banter appear in introductory threads, so I feel as if this is needed advice for this topic.

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