Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[REQUEST] If you build it, they will come.

Evasion Studios
Disclaimer: This is going to be vague (for now)


I am looking for an individual or a company to help me craft something specific. In order to craft what I have in mind, you'll need to have access to Restricted materials, and as well have some manner of disdain or grudge against The Republic. It will be classified as a weapon, but it will also lead to my next new character.

I'm certain there will be questions as to what I intend to have you make, and what would be in it for you. I will get to that with you on a private basis. For right now you simply need to have those two qualifications -- and the time to build said creation.

So qualifications:
  • Access to Restricted Materials. (Cortosis, Phrik, Ultrachrome, Songsteel...etc) Basically any lightsaber resistant material will do fine.
  • Be against the Republic.
  • Be willing to create something specific (that you get to keep) in order to also aide me in character creation.

Please reply to this thread to express your interest. As well, when you do reply, please indicate which Restricted materials you have access to use. Thank you!
Mandal Hypernautics has access to every restricted metal there is, and a few that 'should' be on that list. Would you mind telling me a little bit more about this creation of yours? (I assume it is a droid)

Not that I'm 'against' any one faction or another... but combating all manner of Force Users is a priority of the Mandalorians.
Evasion Studios
[member="Captain Larraq"] Thanks for the offer, but the person or company in question needs to be against the Republic as a whole, specifically. Mandalorians won't work for this.


Active Member
My company has some restricted material, but I would like know what I would get out of this deal....Mr. Evad.

Evasion Studios
The person I was communicating with hasn't signed into the board since September 13th, so I'm looking for someone else to help fill this role.
Evasion Studios
[member="Cross Ikon"] From what I've read of what you've done with Bond, I don't see any restricted materials in his company. Unless I've missed your attaining of them.

Oh, no. But I could have Bond contract somebody to hunt those materials down. To be honest, I don't like playing Bond anymore, but I can have him contract one of my other characters to do it.
Evasion Studios
Let me know if you do get any of the restricted materials, and we'll talk. Meanwhile if anyone else already has access to said materials, feel free to post here.

[member="Cross Ikon"]

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