Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Request: Timeline

As part of this event we will be moving the timeline forward to the year 849ABY.

As part of this we'll need a new timeline page for the holonet.

I don't have the words sorted out yet, but I was hoping to get a large (1,000 x 2,100) image to use as a background.

I'm hoping this will show at the top images of the Republic, One Sith and Galactic Alliance emblems, along with images of Mandos, Sith, Jedi, war, etc.

Dovetail that nicely into a darker theme near the bottom and end it with an Omega over a One Sith icon.

Basically, it's a very recollection of the time since March 2015 until now in picture form.

This is a big job I know, so no need to rush, we've got several weeks before it's needed.


[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Which one of the current timelines is the most similar to what you would like to see for this event, in means of general style and feel?

I think it would also help with the imagefinding process if we had some general keywords of what you want to feature in the timeline. :)
I agree with [member="Liliane Lancaster"] :) Give us a little more to work with :)

Just kinda tossed this together based on the theme for the other art. I can tweak it if needed.

[member="Anija Betna"]
It's going to cover all the major events in the galaxy since February last year. So pics of Sith, Galactic Alliance, Republic defeat, wars and battles and so on.

And Mandos.

Just give me a selection and I'll work the text around it.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] I'll see what I can come up with. As for the background itself - I went with a dark, foreboding feel... slightly blood spattered near the bottom. near the top almost looks like the eye of some grotesque monster :p
[member="Anija Betna"] [member="Liliane Lancaster"]

OK, this is the text:

845ABY – Aftermath – In the aftermath of the Netherworld incident the factions of the galaxy were shattered. Many billions who had vanished never returned, and despite the valiant efforts of the factions, many worlds were lost. Soon afterwards several groups were unable to continue and collapsed, including the Protectorate and the Lords of the Fringe.
846ABY – Rise of the New States – The Netherworld crisis had left a vacuum and new groups rose to fill the void. The Primeval, Hutt Cartel and Silver Sanctum Coalition rose to prominence, incorporating old territories or absorbing smaller groups. Meanwhile the relentless progress of the One Sith continued, driving the Republic further and further back until all the core was under the control of the Sith.
847ABY – Victory and Defeat – Just when it seemed that the One Sith would complete their goal of finally exterminating the Galactic Republic, a new challenger appeared on the scene. Forging together a powerful coalition of Jedi, Protectorate and Fringe groups, the Galactic Alliance drove into the core of the galaxy. After several heavy battles the One Sith were at last defeated in battle. Other factions rose and fell as survival of the fittest ensured many groups could not survive against their rivals.
848ABY – The Clans Unite – The Galactic Alliance’s astonishing conquest of Coruscant sent the One Sith into disarray. However, that was not the only change in the galaxy. After being quiet for several years a new Mandalore formed the clans into a powerhouse. It was the Mandalorians rather than the One Sith who finally dealt the death blow to the ailing Republic and ushered in a new era where two of the greatest powers had been humbled.
849ABY – The Omega War – With the Republic and One Sith collapsing, the lay of the galaxy appeared entirely remade. However, certain Sith and their retainers were not quite ready to capitulate. These Rogue Sith retreated to the rim planet of Castameer and there devised a final, terrible strategy.

Break it up by year. Small images for each year cut from these in order(or others you find better):

Put those on top of the background I outlined above.

Thanks! :)

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