Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Requiescat In Pace (Cavill)

The Balowa system was near Drogheda, on the Mara Corridor. This particular world was uninhabited, choked with jungle...and, at least near Lake Krul, tainted by the Dark Side. As Dark Side nexuses went, Lake Krul was a relatively minor one, but twisted trees still grew for a kilometre or so in all directions around the shoreline. The water was stagnant, swampy.

Rave had been camping here for four days, collecting samples, toying with the Dark Side mutants that inhabited the nearby jungle, and waiting to see the vision. Legends claimed that two spectral beings could be heard and seen waging a lightsaber battle over the center of the lake on stormy nights. Other legends claimed that visitors had encountered the spirit of Kaox Krul, dripping with lake water and bearing a lightsaber wound through his gut. These legends suggested that Krul's padded Sith armor might be found at the bottom of the lake. Ideally, she would see one of these manifestations, if they were real, and that might lead her to the armor. She wasn't looking forward to swimming in there, but for two-thousand-year-old Sith armor, there weren't many things she wouldn't do. So here she sat, absorbed in biological samples, in the mouth of her tent. The tent held a HoloNet transceiver; she owned two corporations and sat on the Fringe High Council. She was, all things considered, too busy to be here. But here she was anyway.
[member="Rave Merrill"]

The darkside was everywhere, it literally permeated every inch of the ground his armored boots touched. Remnants of a mutant born of the tainted Force were visible on the bottom of his durasteel boots he wore. A bit of entrails could be seen on his gauntlets as well, and more gore was splattered against the helmet that covered his sharp features. On his belt was a single lightsaber hilt, and a satchel made from the hide of a Rancor that held a Holocron he had won from an auction months earlier. Melded into his armor was also another trinket he had won that day, the kinetic gauntlet of Moridin. Eyes, tainted due to his power, fell upon a tent near the lake he had been seeking ever since he had made planet fall a few days earlier. His aura wasn't being hidden, in fact he allowed his full power to resonate out wards and join the energy that was all around him. Leaves were crunched under his heel as he closed the distance, whatever was under the murky depths of the lake nearby was of no concern to him.

He needed her.

"Tales of your skill in alchemy have been reaching my ears for a long time. Valik's skill was something I sought long after Velok was gone." Cavill's lips clicked for a moment as he measured his words. So many legends were falling, and he could all but remember a time when he had been but a minion to those above him. The Empire was lost, it's greatest Emperor was leading another group across the galaxy. Factions were forming out of the ruins of what had been, and here was the Champion who had defended three Emperors on a back water world seeking advice on how to craft a truly rare item. "Lord Kressh's son wore quite the Gauntlet. I have here one of the last prizes that Velok had." Jacen pulled the bag from his belt to reveal the intricate details on the pyramid shaped holocron. "Name your price, and I'll see a favor done so that this gauntlet can be recreated for me."
[member="Jacen Cavill"]

She took the Sith Lord's presence in stride, though it unsettled her somewhat. Lake Krul was far from well-known. Most pilgrims and raiders went to Dxun, Korriban, Ziost. Then again, a handful of people knew how to get ahold of her, and which people to send on through. Cavill, in someone's judgment, had made the list.

"Valik's good," she admitted. "Probably the best alive, him or Disciple. Far as I can tell, I'm in the same ballpark." She closed her sample case and rose, dusting off her hands on her thighs. "I've gone through the Kressh Holocron, before we sold it. I can do what you need.

"You have, in your possession, a curio that Velok stole from the Empire's archives. A certain...mask. Useless to most people, but to me, well, suffice it to say that I've come into possession of the writings of Moridin, on the subject of binding souls to objects. It's a subject that interests me. The mask of Darth Nihilus for the Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger reforged." She grinned, almost with humor. "That, and you go for a swim."
[member="Rave Merrill"]

"The mask you speak of is my fall back plan should I be struck down, it was the one thing I made sure to always hold near." That mask had been won in the same auction as many of his other trinkets, something so powerful it had needed to be locked away. Cavill had made sure to keep it's power under lock and key, the holocron was no harm to him. Even the gauntlet he wore couldn't really do him in, but the mask was his great salvation in case he was struck down. Or at worst, a deadly weapon to take him down and rob him of his power. Apprehension was on full display as he pulled his helmet off to reveal his face, while setting the durasteel piece down on the tainted ground.

"I'll give you the mask to work on for as long as you need." Darth Kryptus motioned back to a hill behind the pair. "It's in my ship, I'll retrieve it after I do everything else that you require of me." Whatever ideas she had for a swim, were beyond him. Taking a few steps forward, his boots were already starting to touch the edge of the water. "Although, I could be convinced to give you the mask permanently if a weapon was made for me. I've had my eyes on something a little more hefty." Jacen pulled his lightsaber off his waist and showed Rave the spartan handle. "With my unique abilities a weightless blade doesn't really matter, I'm faster than most with a solid blade in my hand. I'd also like to propose opening a line of credit to your company so you can expand if you can give me discounts and reasons to invest in you."

She didn't need to know that Blas-Tech would be paying the bills, only that he would.
[member="Jacen Cavill"]

"It's a good thing you've come to me and I asked about it, then," said Rave. "As I said, binding a soul to an object or location is an interest of mine, and one thing I know for sure is that in virtually every case, the object was closely associated with the caster through powerful Force effects. Nihilus became tied to his mask because of how often he wore it while performing massive Force manifestations. It wouldn't intrinsically do the same for another Master, not without high-level alchemy. Another example is possibly buried at the bottom of this lake -- a set of Sith armor, which may be the anchor for the soul of Darth Krul -- a useful test case. Could I make you an anchor, a backup, closely attuned to you? Possibly, especially if the..."

She trailed off. "Oh, this, you'll like. I could make your blade a trial run. Bind the souls of those you kill."
[member="Rave Merrill"]

Cavill's ears perked up, and he did his best to hide the look of shock on his face. Alchemy had always been a foreign subject to him, but did he love their results. The wonders they could work with the Force and the power of creation were beyond him. Most credited him for having an amazing skill set with his ability to fly, toughness, strength, and speed. Deadly sight was the one power he got the most comments on, yet his own skills paled to the wonders that Rave so casually discussed. Few things could bring that sense of wonder to him, besides a means to more power. Both topics were on the table this day it seemed, so it was without hesitation he put his helmet back on and let the suit re-pressurize. The seals were in place, and his now digitized voice played through the speaker under the chin. "Well, if that's so. You can have whatever you need. I'll gladly work for a weapon of such a caliber, to go along with crafting my own personal shield. It would make me even harder to destroy, and help me bring more chaos."

Jacen took a few steps in the water, before turning to face the lake. "Well, I'm not one to wait around. You can either sit here, or come down with me and help me out." Water started rising up his armor as he marched forth to the depths, his senses extending outwards. Darkness touched more darkness, and his power interacted with that which was already there. Liquid right at the bottom of his helmet, Cavill spoke more to himself, but loud enough for Rave to hear him. "Let's hope it's only armor we find down there, Force knows what we are getting ourselves into." He dove, and let his enhanced strength and the weight of his armor carry him to the bottom. To find the armor, or feth knows what else.

They most certainly weren't alone, nor safe.
[member="Jacen Cavill"]

Rave certainly wasn't going in there in simple robes. Sensing her intent, her own armor rustled and clacked in a wooden chest at the back of her tent. She stripped off her robe and opened the lid. At fifty kilos, it was a bit much to pick up, so she stepped into the chest. The armor rose and folded around her, and when she stomped out of the tent after Kryptus, she wore her weight in living powered armor, twisted from sentient beings and Vong seed-partners, lightsabre-proof and wreathed in shadow -- alchemy's rebuttal to vonduun skerr kyrric.

She descended into the lake one foot at a time. Swimming was not an option. She drew her sword underwater -- Entropy, perhaps the greatest Sith sword of the modern age.
Diving wasn't an option after all, and Cavill quickly saw that. The darkness prevented him from reaching out and feeling what was around him, the white noise was simply too great to pinpoint anything. Even with the sensors in his helmet, and a light on, his vision was greatly diminished. Even with his lightsaber constructed for all types of enviroments, he couldn't see anything past the crimson blade that was now ignited and in his right hand. Sediment was everywhere as his boots touched down, and even through his armor he could feel other things stirring in the water. None of it mattered, he continued his march into uncertainty. What Rave hadn't said had been the most obvious thing of all, they could both feel where the armor was. All Kryptus had to do was find the darkest part of the Force and march that way, so march he did.

We aren't alone, and what aren't you telling me? His message was quick, blunt, and straight to the point. Jacen knew when they were being watched, and he had no clue what he had gotten himself into.

[member="Rave Merrill"]
[member="Jacen Cavill"]

The lake has twisted and improved the wildlife in the area; I'm sure you ran into a few Dark Side mutants on your trek here. Don't be afraid to extrapolate.

She paused, and a torrent of disturbed water slashed past her breastplate. Powerful jaws latched onto her living carapace, wrenching her sideways. If not for the armor's muscle, she'd have lost the arm. Entropy thrust out, blood further clouded the murky water, the teeth broke free.
We are not alo..

The thought barely made it out of his mind as powerful jaws wrapped around his torso and pulled him down much faster than he'd like to go. Sharp teeth began cutting in, and the Sith Master had only seconds to respond. His natural reaction was to blast it with his deadly sight, but his helmet negated that action. Ripping the creature's head off was also off the table with the speed at which it was about to tear into him. Option three immediately went into effect, and his crimson blade parted the beast of it's head before being drug further down. Animalistic cries could be heard, and the vibration of creatures moving around him had his senses on full alert. Looking down, he placed his blade closer to his torso, only to see tears in his armor and a bit of blood. Great, they will keep coming for me.

Impressed with it's jaw strength, the Sith Lord pressed on. We are close Rave, lead the way.

[member="Rave Merrill"]
[member="Jacen Cavill"]

Her sense of danger lessened as the lakebed rose in a tangle of bones, as if generations of Dark Side mutants had chosen to die here. The bone pile did not break the surface, but in a few more decades an island might exist here. What they sought was buried beneath.

A Sith Master's strength, a masterwork sword, and powered armor let her chop into the pile, but the process was laborious. After significant, silent work she stood back; Kryptus' turn to finish the job.
[member="Rave Merrill"]

His armor had multiple dents and scrapes in it from fighting the beasts in the abyss, and Cavill was literally fuming at it's futility. What's the point in armor that is merely there for appearance? That analytical mind of his began buzzing to formulate solutions to his problem, and that was that he alone was more durable than most armors. Jacen's skillset allowed him to withstand a great deal of punishment, and absorb the punishment he couldn't outright take. The Sith Master knew his limitations, and at the moment he was raging over his failure to make a durable armor for himself. Rage clouded his vision, and his eyes were practically burning with rage by the time he caught up with Rave. A mass of bone was being hacked down by her as he sat with his thoughts, and he didn't even take the time to appreciate the skill with which she was presently showing. All of his focus was inward, as it always was.

Kryptus was a Sith, after all.

Seeing that she was giving way to him, Jacen decided to be a little brash. His free hand reached up and ripped his own helmet off of the armor. Water rushed around his face, and his dark locks floated above his head slightly. Rage built within him, and the emotion flooded up his spine as a burning sensation filled his eyes. Pain formed around his eye sockets, and red blasts of powerful energy shot forth. Cavill had the presence of mind to plant his feet as he unleashed his terrifying power upon what was left blocking the entrance to the temple. A moment later, the beams died down and he had to close his eyes for a moment. Opening them, he realized he was running out of breath, and his vision was obscured. Using his enhanced speed, he swam inside the now open temple and made it to the first air pocket he could find before opening another door inside.

"Well, we're here. Show me what it is your desire."
[member="Jacen Cavill"]

Of all things she'd expected, a crypt wasn't one of them. This was the site of an obscure death, or so she'd been told -- but apparently, at some point in the last two thousand years, enterprising Darksiders had built a little underwater temple to focus the power of the site.

Useful. Very, very useful.

Without answering Kryptus immediately, the armored Witch clomped into the little temple's heart. A stone torso and featureless head wore the armor of Darth Krul, alchemical plates over padding long decayed. "There's a presence here, but it's not manifesting itself yet," said Rave. "I could invoke him, but for now it's enough to know that the soul is bound to the armor, not to the location per se. Or more to the armor than to the location, anyway. Who knows whether it's possible to bind a soul to multiple anchors. Moridin's journal hints at that, but Moridin was the definition of overblown.

"You've helped me get past the guardian, break into the temple. I think that part of our deal is satisfied. With what I learn here, Kryptus, I'm going to change the way the Sith look at death. And make a really stupid amount of money in the process.

"Kryptus, I know who you are, I've got connections. And you know the businesses I'm in -- monster disposal, leather, alchemy, phrik, publishing, biotech. I think it's high time we started carving out an avenue to advance our mutual interests. I've got a plan, if you're amenable."
[member="Rave Merrill"]

Worn stone, dark spirits, and basically everything that was promised was there. "So this is the armor then?" Cavill didn't wait for his question to be answered, he merely paced towards it while clipping his lightsaber to his belt. Jacen noticed the damage, but didn't say anything. Instead, he looked the armor over for a bit before looking around for other relics. His footfalls echoed in the cramped space, and soon the area was echoing with the sounds of the remnants of his own armor falling to the ground. Standing there in his Iron Skin, he reflected on the successful, yet short venture to get to the temple. Giving himself some more space from the woman who had brought him here, he leaned against the wall while turning to face her. "You make your money, I still want Nihlus' mask back after you are done." A cold chill of darkness went up his spine, I might need it later. The traitorous thought lingered for but a moment as he lingered on her next words very carefully for a moment.

"Kryptus, I know who you are, I've got connections....."

Everything else was but white noise to him as a look of shock crossed his face. Thick arms crossed across his injured chest, and a long slow release of air could be heard coming from his nostrils. To his credit, Kryptus recovered quickly and dropped any semblance of a charade instantly. "Well, then lets play with a full deck shall we?" Being Cade Lee had it's perks, and business espionage was basically the only means of true growth in this galaxy. Standing up, he slowly took a few paces towards Rave as he continued. "I know exactly what business you are in, and I want my weapons at the forefront of it. I want them everywhere, and anywhere Silk Holdings takes them as well. I want access to the Mara Corridor, and I want to align my shipping with it." A semblance of a smile formed as he continued, a dark light filling his now blue eyes. "I also want to expand, and will do anything for it. I want to wipe out all resistance to my end goals, so if you've got ideas I'm all ears."

Then he gestured at his tattered outfit and weapon. "I also need things that can withstand and give out as much punishment as me."
[member="Jacen Cavill"]

Rave chuckled. "I have exactly zero sway with Silk, Kryptus. The Mara Corridor knows my last name, but that's about it. But if you want new markets, well-connected markets, I have some thoughts in that regard..."

She explained to him one potential plan, while the stone temple groaned under the weight of water, and while she inspected the armor of Darth Krul. And the other elements of their deal -- the Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger, for example, partially reforged by Valik and now up to her to finalize -- fell into place.

But they were deal-makers, covetous, always looking for the next big thing.

"Once I'm finished using Kressh's holocron to finish the job," she said, gesturing at holocron and half-assembled gauntlet, "I wouldn't mind the chance to buy it off you. Which reminds me -- do you still have that grab bag of ten holocrons? I'm in the mood to archive, to correct one or two of Velok's mistakes. I've even got a contractor building me a mobile, cloaked, beskar vault. Money's no object between us, of course; name your price."
[member="Rave Merrill"]

"You can have the holocrons for the price I saw you post on the holonet. I'd like to continue this partnership if you don't mind, it's time for new leadership in the corporate sector." Cavill paced for a while as she explained that she had many of the same views that he did, they spoke at length on a future that he found enticing. A future that included him continuing to do as he pleased, with others of a like mind. In his mind's eye, he could see it, and just how wonderful it looked. She's wanting corporations to band together, while we all follow a similar creed. What Jacen saw was a galaxy ruled by Kryptus through the help of others, and a chance to finally claim the title he had so sought, well the responsibilities he had sought.

Ruler-ship of the galaxy.

He didn't say it though, his lust for power was greatly known. Kryptus wouldn't dare insult her intelligence, she had proved more astute that most in their short time together. A brief period of silence had fallen between them as he watched her finish the gauntlet he had been waiting months for. Her dark work was finished, and smoke was still coming off of the hot metal before him. Taking no time, he snatched it up and slid it on his skin. For many, it would have burned, but on him he just absorbed the heat. A few seconds later it tightened and bonded to his arm forever, a permanent piece of protection for a man who needed no such thing already. "It seems the pieces are already falling in place for me to start a one man war on the galaxy. You've finished this gauntlet," he pulled his arm to show the dark artifact that stood complete once more. "You've studied my mask that I will soon be wearing once the time comes for the galaxy to see me again after my last stunt on Coruscant." Nihlus' mask flew to his hand and went back into his satchel on his waist.

"Now you're making me a sword based off of what we have learned today, and filling an order I made. What do you need from me? You don't seem like the type to deal in material things."
[member="Jacen Cavill"]

"Twenty million it is, then. Be careful with that gauntlet, Kryptus. I've got my pride, and Valik started the job, but every alchemist has a stamp, a signature, and sometimes they're not fully compatible. Only use that gauntlet at extreme need, if you can manage it. Overuse might be...hazardous."

She rose from her workstation, an ancient stone altar. "As for what I need, that's simple enough. No matter how powerful the things you have, I'll always be capable of making you something better. I need you to keep that incentive in mind and help me bring the stupid Sith to heel, in ways that don't endanger what we're going to build. The smart ones -- Janus, Kentarch -- will join our cause on its merits. I've foreseen it. What I need, minus the hierarchy, is a Darth Vader to my Darth Sidious. I have a plan. I need you to ensure that the people we bring onboard don't wreck that plan for the sake of boredom, mindless aggression, or anything of that nature. I need you to make sure that no matter the provocation, the people we associate with don't take a dump where we eat. I need an enforcer."
[member="Rave Merrill"]

"You want me to be your Vader?" Kryptus couldn't hide the look of approval that was crossing his face. Instead of hiding it, he instead admired the new gauntlet he had at his disposal. Her warning wouldn't go unheeded, he would only need this for surprise attacks on him. All the training he had received from various darksiders over the years had prepared him for this very moment. It seemed as if there were no objections from the former Champion of the Empire. "I'll help be your enforcer, just make sure when the time comes for me to publicly destroy things in the name of this cause nothing can stand against me. I"ll begin recruiting others I'm familiar with, that much won't be difficult." Finally taking his eyes off the gauntlet, he put his hands on his hips as he surveyed the scene before him.

"I'll also begin moving a good bit of my interests towards the Tion cluster, as well as begin work on my next project. I"ll use our territory as the test bed for it, and we will have a significant advantage when the time comes. If you don't mind, I'm heading to Mustafar now. It seems there is a material there I need to mine, you know how to find me." With that he left.

There was much to do.

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