Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Researchers Confirm the Existence of the Force

Quote from the article: "We hope to continue to study the Force, and perhaps use it to open doors with our minds and fly around and stuff," said TIE experimentalist Fan Buoi. "Right now, to be honest, I don't really care how it works. The theory department have some crackpot idea about life forms called midi-chlorians, but frankly I think that poorly thought out explanations like that just detract from how cool the Force really is."

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
The zombie kits are a wonderful idea, though! I mean, sure maybe I take it over the top, and maybe i'll never live on a first floor apartment, and i'll always stilt my house up, but that saves me from Hurricanes too.

Gotta make learning fun, or else some people just will fail to understand.

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