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Resmelting Used Armors?


Well-Known Member
Alrighty, so no pointing fingers as this isnt accusatory, rather simply inquisitive. I submitted a remake of all my older suits of armor combined into one, utilizing only one of the restricted item (as far as im aware) involved but was told i couldnt do that for x reasons. (The only one I remember being I needed a dev thread)

But then recently I saw another of similar nature (sexier appearance though :() that was approved off the bat. So, whats up wit dat? Are there specifics I need to be aware of? Or was it because of how I did it?

Im going to link my sub when I find it


Ok so I guess I used more then just one, however Im not entirely sure how I did as the only one I see is Laminanium...

Edit of edit:
Wait, does stealth applications count as a secondary restriction? Cause I figured that the personal cloaking thing meant actual invisibility creating tech not metals that I have to concentrate on to utilize..

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kasamann"] - If you can establish your ownership of a restricted substance in a previous submission and melt it down into something new of similar or lesser mass, that's usually fine. There may be other factors at play.


Well-Known Member
[member="Rasho the Hutt"]
I made edits to the post to include my sub. Also a question, does stealth count against it as a restricted item? Cause i thought only personal cloaking devices did that. His metals he is required to concetrate on to implement their abilities

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kasamann"] - With a description that bare-bones, it's difficult to say. If you're going to apply for a second chance, do so, but I'd suggest drastically increasing the detail of the submission and clarifying the existing material. These are the relevant rules:

  • Multiple lightsaber-resistant technologies or substances in one submission will not be approved. This includes beskar/Mandalorian Iron, songsteel, cortosis ore, cortosis alloys, alchemically hardened metal, Eol Sha fireworm scales, lightshields, force fields, phrik, ultrachrome, neuranium and so forth.
  • The following submission types require a development thread: Stealth technology, variations on lightsaber technology beyond canon (must be done with a Knight or Master depending on intricacy), powered armor, and powerful, custom personal weapons. Any submission made personally by the user or another PC must have a development thread. Additionally, an RPJ may request a development thread for any submission.
Rasho the Hutt said:
Any submission made personally by the user or another PC must have a development thread. Additionally, an RPJ may request a development thread for any submission.

Oh, I wasn't aware of that.... though I don't think I've made anything that hasn't had a dev thread, so that's probably why I didn't know :p

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