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Approved Tech Resolve - Ryv's First Lightsber

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Become One With All Things

Intent: To create Ryv's first lightsaber.
Image Source: Here | Artist -
Special thanks to Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt for editing the photo!
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A


: Ryv Karis
Affiliation: Ryv Karis
Model: N/A
Modularity: No
Production: Unique


Lightsaber Components


Classification: Lightsaber
Size: Average
Weight: Average

Songsteel Hilt
Force Imbued
Multiple Crystals
Bifurcating Cyclical-Ignition
Sentience with an Attitude
It's green!
  • Balance: Due to force imbuement, metals typically become heavier for one reason or another. The use of Songsteel across the hilt offers a counterbalance, keeping the weapon from being too heavy.
  • Valor: The weapons imbuement allows it to channel Force Valor for solely the wielder, enhancing their Resolve, speed, and accuracy.
  • Adaptive: Can be used in and out of water. Wow!
  • Dantari Crystal: The crystal allows the wielder to better recover spent force energies, even going so far as to do it for the wielder, during fierce and dangerous combat scenarios.
  • Sorian Crystal: Not only does this bad boy make the blade appear RADIANT, but it also surges with power when coming into contact with objects at high speed. Flash of light in someone's face mid-clash, anyone?
  • Living Weapon: The lightsaber not only provides its wielder with protection, but it is a sentient blade. It has a conscious of its own, can communicate with the wielder, and even impose its will when necessary. Due to the weapon's resolute belief in destroying the Sith and protecting the innocent, it is incapable of being wielded by a Darksider.
  • Any Means Necessary: The weapon's twin-purpose is to protect the innocent and destroy those dedicated to the Sith Code. Resolve has a preference for ending Sith life, and it will attempt to steer its wielder towards that goal. This can often lead to a contest of will between the wielder and the blade itself, which may see the weapon take complete control in a moment of weakness on the wielder's side.
  • Beacon of Light: This lightsaber cannot be shielded from the force, without the use of some kind of inhibiting technology. If the wielder attempted to cloak themselves within the force, the blade would still radiate with the Light Side.
  • Live by the Force, Die by the Anti-Force...?: Anything capable of interrupting the force, such as Ysalamir, will nullify the weapon's effects and silence the blade.
  • Shock Value: An endless flow of power from the weapon is one that offers excellent strengths, but when taken away? It would be considered jarring, at least.

None could say Ryv Karis isn't a dedicated Jedi Knight, devoted to the defense of the galaxy. Time and time again, the young Kiffar has found himself fighting across terrible battlefields, facing down creatures of great evil in the name of freedom, and the force. It has led him to see great victories, alongside harrowing defeats, each of which has impacted the youth. His dedication to the Jedi saw him declared Sword of the Jedi by his once-master, Wyatt Morga. Yet, things have changed for the troubled Jedi Knight. Following Borosk, where he faced his greatest betrayal at the hands of a woman he loved, his faith in not only himself, but the Jedi as a whole has been shaken. To only further that struggle, his hubris in believing himself capable of overwhelming an entity of Chaos saw his body seized and under the control of this nameless, faceless monster. In this state, Ryv turned his blade, the Blade of Ruusan, onto his brethren. He manipulated the weapon's powers and used them to hurt those he held dear, his fellow Jedi. Shame tore him from the pedestal he never believed he deserved. And shame turned him away from the New Jedi Order, an organization founded in honor of those Jedi who'd come before him.
Sickened by his actions, the actions of a traitor, he took up the Barash Vow and welcomed exile. In his exile, Ryv traveled to Ilum, a planet declared open to the Jedi, even after falling beneath the banner of the Zweihander Union. There he walked among the ruins of an ancient Jedi Temple. He followed the call of the force, welcoming its warm embrace onto him as he searched. Within the hidden caves of Ilum's Crystal Cavern, he found a pair of kyber crystals, bathed in the force's light. With these crystals, he forged his new weapon, one he dubbed Resolve. The process took time, forcing him to imbue the weapon for weeks with his own power, joining his spirit with the blade. That fragment of himself, reflecting the greater whole's sense of tenacity, evolved. It took shape, its own personality developing as Ryv practiced with the weapon. As Ryv dreamed, the blade dreamed, witnessing the moment Allyson Locke Allyson Locke betrayed the Kiffar, shearing away his hand and fracturing his skull. Nightmares of Chaos, as well as the Sith, flooded the youth's mind, further shaping the weapon. It came to despise what troubled its maker, so much so it took up its own vow. A Vow of Enmity, one that would see the Sith destroyed, and Ryv strong enough to accomplish such a goal.

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