Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Resortful Days


A'sharad's ship had ventured into Galactic Republic Space several days ago.

With the evident collapse shrinking of the One Sith's Space, it was long past time to expand his horizons as the Heir to his House. That meant all of its resources. Soldiers, credits, lands and titles. Staying on Prakith meant death. Actually learning of the Galaxy an the people that were within it in person was wiser than sitting in the comfort of his own far away from any of them. This way, he could discern the worms from the slightly stronger worms.

Underneath a white armourweave cloak that covered his silver and black lightsabre hilt and his four fingered right hand.

An obvious combination of his father's three fingers on each hand and his mother's own five on each.

Usually, he let it roam free.

Usually he was on Prakith.

Thousands of years ago the Galactic Republic exterminated the Sith Pureblood species.

Thousands of years ago the Sith Pureblood's hadn't thought to hide before it was too late.

Sometimes... a Sith had to swallow their pride to do what was necessary.

Nubian Palace was where he had been spending most of his time on that day. Relaxing. Casually speaking to those that would otherwise flee from him had they known his allegiance to the Sith. Had they known his bloodline.

He stalked through the spacious halls. There were plenty of others about, even guards he noticed. One place he had taken an interest in were the Solar Gardens. A'sharad had yet to visit them. So he was on the path towards them, easily following the directions through the humongous resort, offering a smile to those that passed him had they looked at him, those his golden eyes likely didn't reflect that. It was something he couldn't do. Not yet anyway. His gaze was unsettling. Granted the colour from his father's side, the golden gaze had yet to be entirely corrupted by the Dark Side of the Force. For now, they remained a golden hue.

[member="Cait Falcor"]
Cait Falcor
Nubia - Nubian Palace Resort and Spa (barf)
Six months after the end of the One Sith War

So. This is life now.

0545 - Alarm goes off.
0600 - In the gym. Today is back and shoulder day - but I'm still doing squats...always do squats.
0715 - Feth yea! New Deadlift PR. 140kg. Eat that Paskey! Okay...gotta shower, get some Dolo Eggs and get to work.
0830 - This get up is ridiculous. *sigh* Chin up, Falcor. This pays the bills for now.
0900 - Time to guard the resort-goers from...*shrug* other resort-goers(?)


Cait looked like a trumped up marching band major or something, and she was just resort security. This uniform has more tassels and stupid buttons than a Naboo Senator on Amidala Day. She smirked while guiding another guest toward the elevator.

"Yes ma'am the turbolift to the Peco Promenade is this way" Cait chirped politely to a portly human woman and her demure Zabrak...husband(?) Cait guessed as he shuffled by carrying both sets of baggage. Poor fething bastard. She tried and failed to keep down a chuckle.


The job was not glamorous, nor did it pay particularly well. But like a lot of AFR* vets after the One Sith War - especially common grunts like Cait - it was a tough economy to be looking for work in. The Nubian dry docks, once clamoring for any labor it could find to support The Senate's insatiable hunger for Warships was now turning away hundreds of workers every day.

A girl who was better with a carbine than she was a wrench didn't exactly beat the line, and "Veteran" was as often a mark against as it was for. Sure the Senate offered generous tax credits to firms which hired vets, but there were costs too - many had come back from Rendili or other Operations scarred for life by what they'd seen.

But, Security Guard was as good a gig as any, and the Nubian Palace seemed a good place to work. The uniform was gaudy as all get out - her AFR Dress Grey's weren't this ostentatious(!) - and she only had a run-down DD6 blaster pistol on her hip should anything go poorly.

BUT...they had Caf...good caf, and lots of it - and it was free to employees! They had on-site housing and a fan-fething-tastic on-site gym. There was also an after-hours boxing club that employees and patrons could go to. She had to keep sharp, even if it meant beating up on patrons to do it.

So...until Cait figured out something better. This would do.

Today she was stationed in the Solar Gardens, a beautiful Greenhouse/Aviary complex. Sunlight positively sparkled off of thousands of freshly watered leaves and Copa Birds and Pacyberra Squirrels could be seen bouncing about drinking the water and almost looked like they were playing.

She sipped at her delicious Mandalorian Blonde Roast (soft, with a a gentle chicory aftertaste, and bursting with caffeine) and took in her surroundings. Yea. This'll do...for now.

* Armed Forces of the Republic
A'sharad resented most people that he met in the Republic.

There was a degree of necessity for his being there, and yet, he still saw it as pointless. While he smiled and offered conversation to any that seemed polite enough, he imagined his yellow and white lightsabre cutting them to pieces, leaving them as corpses as he stepped over them to continue on his leisurely stroll through the Gardens as if nothing abnormal had ever occurred. Lowering a hand to where his lightsabre was hidden, he patted it gently in the guise of tapping out a beat on his thigh.

It'd be quick.

Golden hues spotted a couple walking past him and he nodded his head in greeting.

His golden eyes unsettled some, but most were accepting, figuring he was some offshoot of some unknown species.

There were millions in the Galaxy anyway.

A stray glance allowed him to catch the appearance of a man that was an inch or two shorter than him watching him, but he paid him no mind. If there was danger, the Force would alert him likely. Continuing through the garden, he'd never admit it, but he enjoyed walking through the gardens. There wasn't studying here. There weren't tasks for him to do because he was the blood of some important Sith Lord and had a bloodline to uphold, no. He could do as he pleased.

As long as he didn't get arrested.

That'd be painful.

For all parties he imagined.

Stopping short as he viewed the flora and fauna of the Gardens, he hadn't realized that he was standing next to a certain [member="Cait Falcor"], but when he did, he offered a nod.

"Quite the place isn't it?"

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