Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rest Stop

Kalyn liked Nar Shadda, even though the air was almost unbreathable, and the buildings run down and old; she liked the moon. Maybe it was the amount of fun you could have, or maybe it was the large amount of dirty scoundrels, who she could kill without feeling bad about it. It could also be the amount of people she could test her skills on. There were many things to do though this time, Kalyn was here on a rest stop, so she figured she had some time to roam around with her droid. This droid has been her only real companion for over 5 years, shes grown attached to it. R7-L9 was like the friend she didn't have growing up, she spent almost all her time training, and when she wasn't training, she was tinkering with computers and droids, she really didn't have time for friendships. Kalyn walked into a cantina with her droid, she sat down at the bar and ordered a drink.

"Whiskey please." she said.
The Bounty Hunter clad in his Mandalorian Beskar'gaam sat silently in his part of the bar, which just so happened to be next to a woman who had just now ordered herself a drink. He peered over toward the bartender, whom was pouring her the drink before he moved his gaze toward the woman. He seemed to do so rather coldly, his visor giving an emotionless and almost chilling gaze before turning back to the small holo-book he had been reading since he was on the moon. He hated the moon of Nar-Shadda, but enjoyed the jobs here.

He turned the page, motioning the device with a swift swipe of his hand before beginning to read the book which wasn't in Galactic/Imperial Basic but in Mandalorian scriptures. It would be anyone's guess what it was, but only Char-Li knew the real answer.

[member="Kalyn Skirata"]
Kalyn Noticed the Beskar'gam, she is wearing one herself, she just doesn't wear the helmet if she isn't expecting trouble. It was nice to see another mandalorian here, although it wasnt uncommon, it was still nice. She took a sip of her drink and decided to start a conversation.
"Hey whats your story." She said to the man in the armor, hoping to start a conversation.

[member='Char-Li Luzerei']
Nar Shadda, moon of opportunity where you can find just about anything and if you couldn't find it then you could certainly find someone who had it.

Nasro had come to the Hutt controlled moon to purchase some Action Six transports. After delivering the shipment of spice to his contact Nasro had spent the last few days shopping around the various merchants and dealers for a trio of Action Six haulers. Older model freighters but reliable and large cargo holds without needing many to crew.

With the bulk of the deals out of the way, between the various "rituals" of haggling down the price, insulting the goods, bribing the right people, all that was left was for the registry to update that he owned the ships. On Nar Shadda without bribes it could take a month, and even with the right people paid it still took until the next day to update the registries. You had to either be in debt to a Hutt or be related to one to get them updated same day.

So Nasro had time to waste, normally he would have needed to find some pilot droids but the droids he had purchased on Tattoine should be fine enough to handle ships, so long as they were following behind him anyway.

Wandering back to the cantina where he had struck a deal with one of the salesmen Nasro took a seat at the bar near the other day drinkers. He was sure this place got lively at night but he had only been there during it's day time hours.

Nodding to his now drinking companions and turning to the bar tender ordered a drink.

"CometDuster, Please"

Becdaua Ikon

The only known Ikon that doesn't have Red Hair
Nar Shaddaa, Bec's nest.
He was walking along one of the smaller building's roof. Balancing along the edge, if he failed he would hurt himself badly, if he didn't he would be fine. Death was a good motivator, At least in Bec's eyes.

Finding a ladder to the rather empty street Bec slid down it. Landing with a small thud he wandered around, finding a nice looking cantina he wandered inside.

Bec walked up to the bartender "Bapm, cay paupe luoleola du fa" he sat down in an unoccupied corner
Four people were sitting at the bar. Kalyn wanted to meet them. They seemed like interesting characters. two mandalorians (including herself), an apparent knife enthusiast, and an epicanthrix. This was quite the group to randomly show up at a bar in the middle of the day at nar shadda.

"So what brings you all to Nar Shadda." She asked the group.

[member="Becdaua Ikon"] @Nasro @Char-Li Luzerei

Becdaua Ikon

The only known Ikon that doesn't have Red Hair
[member="Kalyn Skirata"] [member="Nasro"] [member="Char-Li Luzerei"]

The cantina was small, and hearing voices over the background music was easy, someone called out. Bec looked up it seemed a Mando was asking the small population in the room. He didn't understand the language, however it seems like a lot of people spoke it which meant it was basic. "Jee cha Cohai Doyoee" he replied. Hopefully the asker knew Huttese otherwise this would be a real short conversation.

Cambry Owens

A Pseudo-Mandolorian. Sort of.
Location: Cantina, The Moon of Nar Shadda
Objective: None. Another dry spell.
If Cambry had been wearing his Beskar, there's no way in heck he'd ever come in a cantina full of Mandalorians. That wasn't even negotiable; if there was a pack of mandolorians, Cambry wouldn't be there. No exceptions. Nut-uh.​
They were scary murderers with a ridiculous connection to their culture, for one. Two, they were supposed to be his family. The second one was the real kicker, if we're honest.​
The poor sod didn't feel a lick of pride, and his heart lept out of his chest everytime he was addressed in Mando'a. Blame it on his childhood.​
So no, Cambry was dressed in his less...iconic armor. Mask closed. He didn't like his face open to the smoggy air on Nar Shadda, it made him feel vulnerable.​
He wouldn't be here normally; he and some hutts failed to get along, and that drastically cut down his travel options. But he was completely dry on work. After a skirmish with a convoy in the core worlds, Verne had a serious malfunction. The kind only real money could fix. They scuffed, but Cambry seriously missed his droid.​
The Lassie was even more of a rustbucket than on most days. It could clearly use a new coat of paint. And other things he couldn't currently afford.​
Another thing he couldn't afford was a drink, but he wasn't much for that anyway. Made him sleepy.​
The Spacer/Mercenary/whatever he is sat in the Cantina, watching the other patrons. Afterwards, he'd likely trawl for some kind of escort job. Maybe a cargo run.​
Boy, what a life! So much fun. So great.​
"Wow Huttese, been awhile since ive heard that." Kalyn thought to herself. Luckily she dealt with the Hutts alot during her early years, and knew it well enough to have a good conversation.
"doth wa jansokacs bankop tee janu jee gee boyeke tah jensm, hee jee koee doth wa dondichola mitke" She said in huttese, hoping she didnt mess up.

She noticed the man walk in, she would let him join the conversation, if he felt like it, but wouldn't force him into it.

[member="Becdaua Ikon"] [member="Cambry Owens"] [member=nasro] [member=char-li luzerei]

Becdaua Ikon

The only known Ikon that doesn't have Red Hair
[member="Kalyn Skirata"] [member="Cambry Owens"]

Bec chuckled "[SIZE=10.5pt]Jee canta veee dah tah jin caiot cohai Yikkuensm, seian tee. Jee siw da doth haku uba sey du Doyoee." Another walked in, no matter. They're all here for a drink, [/SIZE]probably[SIZE=10.5pt].

Bec nodded at the new comer. Giving him a slight death stare.

(Translation: [/SIZE]I thought everyone on this moon could speak Huttese, guess not. I doubt that's what you said in Basic.)
Kalyn thought for a second, articulating her words in her head, and then responded.
"Dobra tee donuonbe bai tah jin, dobra donuonbe bai mandalore, um jee boyeke bai joday cay bu yih, um jeejee gee wa" koumola" uba caiot sey" She said. "Haku koose uba bai nar shadda,doth mah ahesenoue momahka" she continued

(Translation: "I am not native to this moon, i am native to mandalore, but i used to work with the hutts, but we had a "falling out" you could say" "What brings you to nar shadda, was my original statement")

[member=becdaua ikon]
[member=cambry owens]

[member="Char-Li Luzerei"]
Char-Li wasn't really paying attention, he was about to respond to the woman but she seemed to turn her attention to another group of men and women. She muttered a small, "Work," as if to respond either way to the woman's response before turning back to his scriptures.

It gave off a small beep before the screen went dark, visible in the lighting of the bar. Char-Li gave a displeased sound before turning up to the group, sliding the holopad to the side to get a better look at the group.

"Ni vaabir nayc guuror te Hutts, dush business." Literal translation: I don't like the Hutts, bad with business.

[member="Kalyn Skirata"] [member="Becdaua Ikon"] [member="Cambry Owens"]

Becdaua Ikon

The only known Ikon that doesn't have Red Hair
[member="Kalyn Skirata"] [member="Char-Li Luzerei"]

"Boht an cueoukesa wata, Jee cha gee kiuke see wa douaph du hoppada see peee Jee bolla" ((Translation: Born and raised here I don't have much choice in terms of where I go)) He looked to the other which spoke and nodded, he couldn't really deny that fact.

He took a sip from his drink which he ordered earlier.

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