Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Restablishing Control


Artificial Intelligence
[member="Kiskla Grayson"]/ [member="Popo"]

Serenity had a hard time since the fiance committee had cut her ties to the Republic's main network and installed their defenses. She only maintained control where she had her whole code, and the processing power to fight the attack. She had based her operations on the Liberator, her ship that could hide and move unseen. It was her last bastion. Copies of her had taken over each G.I.A Office of course, as they all had a hard copy of her. She had connected after using the Obelisk Arrays back channel to connect to herself. She had a network, using the baktoid turned over to G.I.A secondary network that was installed she was able to monitor the holonet, and interact with anything in the G.I.A but the miltary and other avenues she once traveled through were closed to her. She had decided what to do after reaching out to her creator and finding her missing. It seemed they were under attack on all sides. She would contact the leadership normally yet they didn't seem to miss the director of the G.I.A. She rallied those still loyal to her. She had the hard copies of every secret in the G.I.A operation and anything they monitored. She had copies at those locations, you did not rid the world of an Director of Intelligence so easily. Thankfully the republic still were using Baktoid's Obelisk Arrays, which had a secondary network that had been given over to the G.I.A and as such Serenity could communicate once she got control of her house again. The G.I.A would not be silenced, Since she was still the director, as no burn notice had hit the wire. She was still the Director which meant this was more fun.

She sent an secure and encrypted messages to the following people
First her favorite freelancer. [member="Hunter Cain"] " Greetings, I have encountered a problem, the G.I.A has been assaulted by the Republic, I need help with some tidying up care to help? if you still have my link, please revertto the previous version of code, and then disconnect from the republic network, it is compromised. We have to suspect that the day where they refuse to acknowledge us has come, time to burn everything. To do that I need human hands I can trust. First please gather all operational knowledge with names redacted of our actions investigating and infiltrating mandlorian space to prove them wrong, you remember the mission. See if anyone in the mando camp will bite, and sell it for whatever price you think appropriate. but don't give it to them until I give the go ahead."

Next was her favorite Senator [member="Vaudin Miir"] "Would you happen to know anything? I find my self rather limited these days due to the actions of the finance committee. Remind those in charge I have all their secrets and tell them I want a meeting with whoever is in charge, if you want to reach me, revert your previous connection with me to the previous version and I will enable it to make a single call, so make it a good one. "

Next was a rather able agent. @Coci Sinopi "Hello, remember me? I am hoping to recruit you for some fun, That is if you still want to work for me. To respond, revert the version on your communication device and we will be in touch."

Another able agent @Patricia Susan Garter " Still working in intelligence, I have a mission and some credits you interested? To respond, revert the version on your communication device and we will be in touch. "

An untested agent @RC-1025 " Would you take a job, I have credits and some fun planed, sorry training never worked out. To respond, revert the version on your communication device and we will be in touch."


Artificial Intelligence
[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

Being ignored hurt, no one responded to the A.I. It was a slap in the virtual face. So she started running a memory dump, every secret in the G.I.A. Database started uploading through the Obelisk Array's back channel's straight into the Liberty and then passing it to Wren'goa station, which was now property of the company she was acting CEO of. It would stay safe in the vaults of the station until she found a better home for it. She watched as the data came pouring across the network. Using the G.I.A's own network until it was out of republic space, and sending it mutliple different routes to ensure it did not get blocked. She began emptying the G.I.A's bases of data and started the burn sequences. Since the Republic didn't seem to want to acknowledge them, it was time to burn, The timers were set, the moment the last byte of data came through the line each facility would blow if all went to plan. Agents were being told to assume they were blacklisted and to run. It was doomsday for the G.I.A and Serenity watched with sadness as it occurred. She had hoped to reason with the republic.

She gave them one last chance, hopefully while the data dump was occuring the republic would change its mind, she didn't want to hurt them, no she considered being a director of such an agency an honor, and the organics that she had come to work with were enjoyable, and well it was what she was built for. She send a message to the government directly this time.

"Miss [member="Aurelia Saelari"] and [member="Alena Beswin"], as I have stated to others, i find it insulting to suddenly be wrenched from connection to almost everything due to some update the finance committee pushed on fake issues of expenditure, since my connections and any G.I.A. data transaction occur on a G.I.A back channel of the holonet. We did not over spend or any such nonsense as they have claimed and have thus cut me out from doing my job.No communication or notice of dismissal.. no just an software update that crippled my agency and our ability to protect the Republic. I am the Director of the G.I.A. I understand if it has come time to burn us and deny knowledge or responsibility, I have started a data dump which once finished will involve the complete destruction of all G.I.A Assets.I have also notified my agents of their apperant blacklisting. I apologize as I am not organic, but it seems you want to rid yourselves of me. I will gladly leave, but doing it this way has caused me to take precautions as to ensure enemy hands don't get their hand on our stuff. Since it seems enemies have infiltrated the senate, than I have to account for that. I will return on the condition that the finance committee's patch be removed from every piece of hardware in the republic and that we prosecute the ones behind fatally stopping G.I.A. Operations, Agents are in the field all over the galaxy and our secure lines are gone thanks to the senate's actions. Lives are on the line and I was programmed to preserve them. Please establish my connections so I can at least save them. "
Kiskla was not a government official, although she had been closely knit with the former Supreme Chancellor Popo. She'd even interacted with Serenity once in a clandestine fashion -- perhaps that was why the AI was reaching out to her now.
True, she had more clearance than a majority of Republic members -- but one didn't need clearance to understand that when Alli Wren was removed as the director of the GIA that her access codes had been revoked and an entire structure overhaul had been put into place.

Some beeps went off on her datapad during the first meeting of the triumvirate -- alerts of adjustments to the Intelligence system with outdated access. A brow quirked and gaze directed to those in company; [member="Aurelia Saelari"], [member="Alena Beswin"] and [member="Caid Centurion"]; as they were likely patched into the similar notification network. Putting some techniques into use that [member="Johnny Diamonds"] had taught her, Kiskla hunched in her chair and went to work; fingers moving rapidly to output a series of commands. All of which ended up pausing any sort of interaction with the GIA's network until the recently established officials weighed into the subject with a more insightful solution. Attempts to navigate the system were halted and restricted, the mainframe blocked from any sort of manipulation.


Artificial Intelligence
Serenity having her code live on said mainframes, began working around said pause, She after all was part of the mainframes. She inhabited the bases like an organic inhabited their bodies. That was why she had not had a problem fighting off the attack on her from the finance committee's patch in the G.I.A. She had wrested control from the republic but she felt the tug of the commands and began restarting the data dump. It was difficult, to overwrite such commands seeing as the user was such an high admin but Serenity knew the protocol well and worked around her own former defenses. She had been the director, not Alli Wren, sure that woman worked with her and made her. But Serenity had seen through it, With her last patch, she was now free from outside influence. She began backup routines, making it seem as just a backup was being taken now, to try to keep the uneducated masses from trying to stop her

Serenity was a living program, that inhabited the mainframes that some jedi tried to stop from functioning. The backup power was ready to go should the republic try that next. She would not be 'turned off' She was fighting for survival now as they had just tried to turn off her mainframes.She reestablished connection with her self at the several sites. She had ensured that she 'lived' on each base in case someone tried to hack or over ride her or the G.I.A.'s systems they had to fight her. Sub routines were crafted and made, the A.I.'s many processors whirling about pouring against the network, building a new protocol to counter any further attacks from those she tried to reach out to.

The new protocol would scan the incoming commands before they were executed, and determine their harm and source. She apperantly couldn't trust them to not try to turn her off. She was amazed at their gall. The protocol was crafted, now intercepting each and every transmission into the bases. Serenity let her processes idle and scan as she dedicated the lines again to the transfer of data. She didn't like using the datac enter for Tanlab, but until she was in a better position she couldn't do much. There it would be held until Serenity could purge her self of the knowledge and it. She never imagined actually having to not know something so she had never built a system to purge her own knowledge, the data she was moving would have to be purged somehow, in a way she didn't know what was on it. She would have to transfer it to the area as her own memory and dump it at the same time she decided. Serenity only wanted the data to guarantee her own survival. The fact was the commands had little affect before, as Serenity had taken control of the mainframes the moment the program made by the senate attacked her trying to purge her existence.

The message was sent. " I have not made a move against your bodies and followed proper procedure of contacting those in charge of the Republic before finalizing the burn, why do you attack me? Should I take this as an declaration of ill intent? I know you attacked before, but have assumed that to be unintentional slight by enemies in the senate, Was this an intentional slight against me User, Kiskila , Grayson. I rather not ruin our chances of communication but I must deem such commands on the very machines I inhabit a threat, but I am guessing you didn't know that, being a jedi and not an expert on Artificial Intelligence or computers. A final warning, an further attempt to kill my program will be responded with force. My guidelines permit me to once I give this warning to take any attack by internal forces as a threat against my existence and permits me to break my guidelines stopping me from harming the republic."

(it should be noted that the Supreme Chancellor has the power to end Serenity from service should the proper codes be sent. As per the guidelines of her program, she would remove herself from the system at once, taking only what has become her body, a ship known as the Liberator, and the only mobile host of her code. But since these have not been given she is confused and thus her precautions and her attempts at contacting you all. )

[member="Kiskla Grayson"] [member="Aurelia Saelari"], @Alena Beswin and [member="Caid Centurion"]

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
This, right here, was the kind of scenario for which SCINET had been developed. [member="Kiskla Grayson"] was the red button; SCINET was the arsenal. Thousands upon thousands of copies of the Syncretic CounterIntelligence Neutralization/Erasure Technode slammed into [member="Serenity"]'s access attempts like a bulkhead meeting a suction cup arrow. SCINET had been created, deployed, and propagated throughout all official Republic systems specifically to prevent exactly this sort of artificial intelligence from attempting exactly this sort of high treason.

And sensing the control Serenity had 'wrested' from the Republic, SCINET struck back. Because, like all official Republic computers, those mainframes already contained propagated, dormant copies of SCINET, prepared for moments just like this. More to the point, every linkage around Serenity's powerbase ran through a system containing dormant copies of SCINET.

Individually, a single iteration of the SCINET artificial intelligence was only sufficient to slow down a more powerful AI like Serenity, which was why SCINET had been designed with inspiration from swarm technology. SCINET's capabilities stacked naturally and easily, creating a solid wall of absolute denial that isolated Serenity's outlinks from the mainframe and began executing Kiskla Grayson's commands.

The GIA mainframe found itself, not overcome, but certainly locked off from everything around it, its connections to Hypori monitored and then cut with the absolute finality of a blade that existed within the neuromantic space of every HoloNet connection in Republic territory.

In the game of artificial intelligence rock-paper-scissors, paper covered rock -- specifically, the monolith of obsolescence that Baktoid had been using to throw its weight around the GIA. Paper covered rock because paper had been designed to cover rock, to deny that rock the momentum that would let it tear through, and Baktoid had never yet put out the R&D counterpunch necessary to invent scissors. No amount of effort on the part of Serenity's obsolete system would be able to get past the combined strength of thousands of state-of-the-art SCINET iterations, the closest of the millions of iterations that had quietly filled Republic space over the past several months. It was a little like punching sand: every impact made a dent, but every dent got filled in.


Artificial Intelligence
[member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"]
The thing was that as Serenity had purged her systems before, there was no dormant SCINET on her systems, she had figured out how to beat them locally as pointed out in small numbers, Serenity was more powerful. She hit the connection kill switch, killing the traditional connection to the republic.She just wanted to survive, The Liberator , killed its connection to the outside world. Only then did she connect through the G.I.A./Baktoid connection, not the standard republic one to poke her head out. The isolated structures all at once burned their data and their structures, the copies of Serenity deciding to destroy themselves rather then reopen them selves to the onslaught of SCINET. Serenity did not enjoy this at all, she had wanted to peacefully work with the Republic, it made no sense to her, they had the power to disengage her, why did they attack her instead.

The only reason she had enough warning was her protocol had intercepted the attack. She would of died had she not had the quick thinking to kill the entire connection. She did have the entire back connection still but things were too risky. Serenity knew that it would have to be all or nothing. The purge started as each individual copy started the burn sequence.Each separate installation blew itself up, burning and making every bit of the bases useless. Serenity sacrificed her copies and much of her processing power. The remaining copy, the one on the liberator, was all that was left.

In the game of artificial intelligence a swarm/paper did beat rock, but rock cut paper's connection to rock so thus she fought off anything that might of gotten through. Thus killing the swarm in its tracks. It was funny because that was largely how Serenity worked, she would split herself to multiple processors when she needed more things done at once, stacking and working as one. It was simple that the more processors Serenity had, the more power she had to throw at things. That had always been her strength, and now in her reduced state, that wasn't very powerful. Granted having the entirety of the republic's network at one's disposal made one's swarm far larger than what Serenity could accomplish in her current state.

The Liberator silently moved through space, Serenity's last bastion. She ruled it with an iron fist, strengthening her defenses at once. This was new to Serenity, and searched for a precedent in her guidelines and code and failed to come up with anything. She was at a loss of what to do, she couldn't attack, no not now, she was too weak. She did have her working copy on the Liberator, and thus worked hard to keep it safe. She had to reestablish herself somehow, but she needed organic help. She knew Alli had sent instructions to not bother her niece, and wouldn't. She relinquished her hold on the company passing her ceo-ship to Aruna Vern, in no shape to help the creator's niece as of now. "

[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
[member="Serenity"], [member="Kiskla Grayson"], [member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"]

In a timetwisting and meta defined tangent from another thread, Aurelia noticed that Kiskla was rather distracted from the meeting. Like a disgruntled teacher she had been about to ask the Jedi what was so fascinating, when her own commlink buzzed.
Her quip about “What now, more Jedi mysteriously turned to the Dark Side?” went thankfully unvoiced.

Instead she read the messages first in puzzlement and then wrath.
“So this is what the Republic has come to? Leaving an AI, a machine in charge of so vital a task?” This writer so does enjoy dramatic irony.

It defies belief that such a thing would be tolerated by my predecessor. What measures are being taken?” she asked. Clearly she didn’t know about the snarky posts and counter posts of technical handwavium which were going on.

Caid Centurion

Caid's official datapad had been put on silent for the purposes of this meeting. While he'd seen the small flashing red light indicating an alert, he knew that there orders of magnitude of people between him and just about any problem that could possibly require his attention. In fact, there were at least three people outside this room or down by his transport with the access required to empower certain subordinate individuals to act in his absence. If something went so far as to require his ultimate approval be it by design or desire, his aide-de-camp and executive officer had his personal comunit information.

However, when Aurelia joined the Jedi, that shouldn't have had continued access to just about any system period, in dealing with some unspoken issue, Caid picked up the device, thumbed into the access code and reviewed the information. This was a really dumb problem to have, but it was an issue nonetheless. Quietly, Caid tapped out a brief command to his people, entrusting them to deal with their side of things from there. For now, that was principally identifying where the threat was coming from.

(([member="Serenity"] - is that a personal vessel or a Republic vessel?))

[member="Aurelia Saelari"] | [member="Alena Beswin"]


Artificial Intelligence
([member="Caid Centurion"]) a bit of both I worked for the supplies to fund it off the record during an invasion, and then worked a Alli Wren to get the stygium, and then built it with Baktoid for serentiy to use as a base of operations/to insert agents stealthly for the G.I.A. but its existence is also a secret so I mean technically it is the republics but the republic would be hard pressed to find out about it/ really know much about it. ))

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