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Restricted Knowledge in the hands of a Shy Sith Lizard

The Sith; What is known about them really?

All that is known about them is how evil and destructive they can be...but some aren't what you think.

Kelictu for example, only a 23 year old Barabel, with barely anyone to call a friend, except his rare Sith documents, artifacts, training modules, and a holographic program Kelictu named Lizzy. he maybe someone who is one with the Sith, but does he have any destructive tendencies? No; infact, he always fears for his life everyday because of how much he knows about the Sith,language, history, and all. He also is quite the shy one especially around females, since his only friend is the hologram Lizzy.

Kelictu is sitting at a table in his home, an abandoned cantina on Tatooine, reading many Sith documents while Lizzy is silent, her holographic transmitter offline at the moment.He continuously reads the documents aloud, perfectly speaking the Language of the Sith, being weary of anyone who may enter the empty, rotting cantina.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kelictu Moreantu"]

Cantina, Tatooine. Almost a rite of passage.

Her Dark Side allegiance shielded by the Knife of Kalara that hung from her neck, Selka sipped the local hooch at the bar. She'd come here for -- well, never mind why she'd come. Suffice it to say she was here, and disappointed, and a little tired when she started overhearing a very specific dialect.

Tin cup in hand, she slipped into the seat across from the young Barabel.

"Try putting a little less emphasis on the diphthongs," she said, apropos of nothing. "It'll make you sound less like a Massassi and more like a Kissai -- priest caste. Better for commanding Sithspawn, using passwords on crypt guardians, that sort of thing."
Kelictu continues to read the sith document in the sith language aloud, not knowing anyone's in the cantina. Lizzys holographic transmitter turns on, as she looks around and sees the Human at the bar.

"Kelictu,hun...there's a female at the bar...why don't you talk to her? she might not try to kill you, like you've always feared..."

"No Lizzy...I don't want to risk it...Nu buti kian umoé rodyt temias, Nu dary nenx noret jok ztaosena kia tapti' kia nun..."

Despite what Lizzy has told him to try and do, Kelictu continues to read the sith documents at his table outloud in the sith language.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kelictu Moreantu"]

He hadn't heard her; well, the place was loud. She switched seats to make herself unavoidable. Whatever that manuscript was, it sounded familiar.

"What've you got there?" she asked as she settled down across from him. "Not one I've heard before."

A simple, straightforward way to say I know Ancient Sith, and what you're reading has a good chance of being interesting. Because Sith documents don't just show up on Tatooine.
Kelictu looks up at the female human, obviously wanting to move away, due to his shyness with females, causing him to studer with some words "hmm? oh..u-um...hello? this is one of the m-many things i picked up from an ancient Sith Temple on M-Mandalore...many years back...but all this is...I-I a part of a simple diary from a student at that temple...b-but why is it familiar to y-you?"
I 'opened' my eyes to the sound of two people mispronouncing the Sith language. Looking around, I could see that there was a Barabel muttering at a holographic person, and a frizzy-haired woman sitting across from him. A little disappointing, for my first encounter with real Sith since I'd decided to stay here. But at least one of them still seemed… untrained. The other, I couldn't sense anything from. Just a blank space of power where her energy should've been.

"It sounds like a little kid's writing, if you're pronouncing it right. Nobody could possibly talk like that."

And I pronounced the Sith language as I'd first heard it, from Darth Praelior. The modulation of my AXX Screamer couldn't help but be perfect.

[member="Kelictu Moreantu"] [member="Selka Ventus"]
Kelictu would face the thing that walked in, who said that he pronounced the Sith language wrong, then clearing his throat before saying in perfect Sith "Nu zinot latri tave Tsis khutrai harrix nu buti tik nam'sti, tikazi nu buti tutnili ant Mandalore sas nuyak vista. maz j'us zodis anas nu buti nenx tarzti sis khutrai nedro buti jri uzgaule kia beze iv nuyak natura."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Bond"] [member="Kelictu Moreantu"]

One was an anomaly, two an aberration. Selka's lips compressed to a firm line. "That language was used actively for over thirty thousand years. Even considering that religious language is highly conservative, the castes and dynasties all had their own dialects. One might study Ancient Sith to perfection and then discover that one has perfected one's grasp of something useless. There's scholarship and then there's scholarship."
"Miss...i couldn't of put that better myself...even though i didn't think of that at all..." Kelictu would bow his head for her in some form of respect, as he rolls up the Sith document he was reading, takes both Lizzy and the document as he stands, and walks off to a back room, where several other Sith documents and Sith artifacts reside in the room.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
With a glance at [member="Bond"], Selka followed [member="Kelictu Moreantu"] into the back room. The door closed behind her, and she took in the shelves of antiquities. Most of them minor things, she didn't doubt, but there might be something of true significance buried in there. "Frak," she said under her breath. "This is...quite something. I know more than a few museums and private collectors who'd pay you a fortune for this. I'd count myself as one of them, if you're interested. And yes, I have a fortune."
Kelictu would be on the other side of the room, looking for something when he turns around to see the same woman who sat in front of him earlier, confronting her with a small bit of rage

"What the hell do you think you're doing back here? what made you think you could just waltz in back here? This is my private collection, and i'd like to know why you followed me in here."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kelictu Moreantu"]

"Shut up and sit down before we start learning just what Barabels can regenerate. Or is that Trandoshans? Definitely worth verifying." She made no move toward a weapon; frankly, she was smaller than him, and didn't have much in the way of muscle. She also wasn't armed. "Now you've accumulated a very interesting collection here, and I want access to it. You can name your price -- money, training, technology -- but mouth off to me again and it'll be the last time you have a mouth."
Kelictu would growl at her, just about ready to claw at her when Lizzy turns on again

"Kelictu...don't; she just wants to put a price on the Sith objects...don't hurt her..."

"ugh...fine Lizzy...but you, you can look...but don't break anything, and don't take anything...because nothing is for sale...and if they were, i'd have them to be really this lock's going on the door, so then you can't steal anything. Oh, and there aren't any windows in this room..."

Kelictu would walk to the door, shutting it and locking it with a simple 6 digit lock, the combination she doesn't see him put in the lock.
Kelictu then moves away from the door, going over to a shelf, looking for something for him to read

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