Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Restricted Materials


IV. Completing restricted item objectives may count as development threads for the submissions using the restricted item. Each completed objective usually only counts for one submission.

Does this rule mean that in order to have a restricted material in a submission one must:
1. Complete a development thread acquiring the restricted material and then
2. Complete a second development thread to have more than one of the possession or to make the possession(s) in the first place. (aka push it past Unique into Limited etc.)

OR does § IV seem to indicate by the use of "usually" that while usually you would only get one submission for a thread, you could potentially have more than one submission for a development thread if it's within reason, which appears to show a contrary intent to the above interpretation that there must be two threads present since not only could one thread suffice for one submission, but it might also extend to suffice for multiple submissions.
As this is undoubtedly directly linked to your most recent location submission, I'm going to answer this based on the confusion brought up in that submission where it pertains to the Codex.

It's a little bit of a grey area and I believe that's why the usually was used in there.

For instance: A person could have a development thread where they discover a beskar mine and then use this thread for a beskar mine location, as well as beskar for an item in the factory.

In your case, you used your development thread to acquire stygium to use for cloaks within multiple plantation locations. The relevant question being raised was: do I really need another development thread for the locations? Why can't I use my RM dev thread for it as well? In your case, a secondary location dev thread was not required because: plantations.

However, in the instance where if you had decided to, instead, submit military locations, this would not be so. Due to inherent defenses and weaponry in military bases, and considering it would have been multiple matching locations, a separate thread or an extension of the RM thread would have been required. Why? Because you RM dev thread gains you the RM. Another thread or further development puts that RM to use and develops the highly defensible location as well. Multiple military bases would have required dev on their own, even without the RM.

Plantations do not.

Similarly, what you might encounter in the factory: say you are developing a high-tech military ship for a faction that uses stygium cloaks. You would need the dev for the RM, as well due to the inherent defenses and strengths of the ship design in question you might also need further dev for the ship itself. Whereas for a civilian ship you might not.

As far as availability goes, since we don't deal with that in Codex I won't touch on it here.

So this is why I say it's a gray area. It can vary depending upon the implementation of said RM.


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