Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Resurrection of a Death God

As the Ryuk drifted in it's orbit around the planet of Eclipstica, Crucifere watched as the small patrol ships were beginning to swap out with fresh fuel, and troops. [member="Aedan Miles"] was using most of the Shadow Fleet at this moment, and only the very small Hikage Armada under the Vahla's command was left to protect the planet.

"My lord, I have a suggestion.." Celty, his first mate, came up behind him. "Maybe it is time to let the Ryuk stay home, and begin the process of making a new Shinigami prototype." Celty always meant well, so when Romeo slowly turned, he just gave her a nod.

"Get me the Shadowyard, conference call, twenty-four hours from now, please."
Within minutes, Sin was already compiling a list of what he needed for this prototype, much of it was odd for a Star Destroyer. Celty had already sent out the message to the Shadowyard, having the Sith Lord's team prepare for a massive scale project. Luckily, Sin decided only one of these would be made, and in secret. The Silken Asteroids were perfect for things like this.

"This will be the latest in capital ship lead designing. It will be self-sustaining."

The more he wrote down, the more he found that needed to be in the prototype. Unlike the last Shinigami, it would not have two bridges, but one extremely large bridge. It would need the most protecting, but it would insure that there would be no communication errors.
Eventually it came to the point where Sin realized that this was the beginning of the campaign of the new discovery he had made along with [member="Zetha Vesh"], but he would need to inform [member="Lady Kay"] that the Ryuk would be staying behind to watch over the capital, and that she was the only one allowed to issue it commands while he was gone.

Along with this, he knew that this ship needed stronger hulls to help take the battery of the less shielded body. Among this, he also realized that it did not have to two hangar bays either, another weakness compared to the original Shinigamis. Most personnel would be robotics, droids made by the self regulating droidmaker he was placing in it.

This meant that the crew would not need to be large, but not as instinctual as sentient beings controlling the ship.
Suddenly he slammed his hand on the desk, he could not afford the metal used in the last ships, it was simply too expensive, and took too much time to refine into hulls. This meant, once more a new weakness compared to the old one's had popped up. Sin would need to get a new metal that was more common, but brought with it a new strength to the ship.

And then he had it. The inner halls, and various other innards of the ship would be made of Turadiam. Even lightsabers would have a hard time cutting through this. Any breaches to the ship would make it nearly impossible to get to the next levels, and reach even the bridge.
Celty came back, holding a datapad in her hand as she was the only one other than him with the new plans.

"Explain to me why this has a droidmaker, a carbon freezing chamber, and a live stock pin?"

Sin turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. He thought she was smarter than that.

"Think of it like this, it's self sustaining. We can breed animals, and thus uses that for food. Droids can be stored anywhere, and take up little space, thus this grants us a much large crew than if we used organics, and it also ups our security for the ship. The carbon freezing is so we can put our troops, and personnel into deep sleep without worrying about aging. We are, after all, going on a long journey."

"Oh...I guess...I should have realized that. Nevermind."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay had a feeling that she just couldn't shake during the small moments when she wasn't focused on keeping her Force signature minute. Something was well on it's way to coming to fruition. What that something was, she wasn't sure. But it was going to keep bugging her until she had found out what it was.

So she started going through the holo-net, skimming through some of the headlines, but nothing really clicked. Nothing gave her that eurika moment. So then Kay began going through her closest friends. Whatever it was, it seemed to be out of reach for her. Given what [member="Lord Sin"] had told her on a previous meeting, she decided to reach out to him.

Kay opened up a channel on his private line. ~ "Romeo? It's Kay. Is everything alright?" ~ She gave no inclination as to why she was reaching out.
Twenty-four hours later, Sin found himself in a holocall with his team.

"As we sit and read over your demands, my lord, we can't help but wonder..what are you planning? This is state of the art, not much compares to what this ship can do."

"Indeed, it seems like this ship is going somewhere for a long time, and we wont be seeing it much after we have constructed it."

Sin smirked at the engineer team, and only ran his hand through his hair as an answer. They didn't need to know what he had going on in his head. They just needed to build it, and hand it over. He did, after all, pay their checks.

"Why he needs it, what he does with it, is none of your concern." Celty spoke up for him.

The lead engineer shook his head, and sighed.

"There is one problem. The docking tubes are a large weakness, other than common locking the doors, thats all that's stopping an enemy from forcing a docking, and getting in."

"That is fine, I can handle that. Remember, no ship is perfect."
Hours after the call, Romeo had received the [member="Lady Kay"]'s call asking what exactly he was up to. The man could only smile and respond with: "I'm sending you some documents of a new prototype of the ship I am designing for the little...adventure I am going on. While I am using this ship, I have also given the command of the Ryuk only to you. I was also thinking about show boating this new prototype a little, and giving customers a chance to request their own prototype you know...make up for loss of resources."

SIn turned to look out his view point. The team was already on the move to building his ship so now all he had to do was wait.

"This ship is self sustaining..and smaller than the Ryuk. By at least five hundred meters. Remember, the capital is always a safe haven for you,and that it's armies, are yours while I am away."
Sin cut off the call with that with the Lady Kay, and continued to focus on improving the new prototype, and making sure not to give off too much information through the call itself. The more of a secret it was, the better. In fact, he removed all chances to call him just to make sure that this ship was his main priority.

Later on in the week, Crucifere was given a heads up to come see what progress was made, and how the ship was coming along. Without taking the Ryuk, but instead his personal yacht, he was on his way to see it. Due to the distance, it was not till the next day that Romeo was now at the Shadowyards, witnessing the resurrection of a death god.

"It is...beautiful."
"As you can see, my lord, everything is coming as planned. It will be ready on time, if not sooner. Each piece fits in nicely, there is plenty of room for everything thanks to the sacrifice of weapons you have given."

Sin turned his head to the lead engineer, fire burning in his eyes.

"I do not need firepower for this. I can plenty of damage with the weapons we are placing on it now. Tell me...where is the meditation sphere?"

"We have yet to put it in, my lord."

His face gave way to a smile, and leaned in towards to the engineer.

"I need some alone time with not disturb me for anything. Let Frecker, or Toligon deal with it."

Later, Sin found himself in the sphere, dim lights, and no sound filled his senses. This was perfect. His eyes closed, drawing in on the power of the darkside, letting it fill him to the brim with power.
Within this sphere, the dim light was blackened out by the shadows of energy that were beginning to swirl around the Vahla. This was his power, Voices of demand, anger, and fear filled his head as he touched the walls of the sphere with his finger tips. Sin embraced these voices, these emotions, and then fed on them. He reached deeper into the dark abyss of the Force, gave it a death grib, and pulled it out from it's deep hiding spot.

Slowly, the Vahla began to infuse the darkness with the linings of the sphere, allowed it gently seep out of it's cracks, and entangle itself within the shell. The walls began to pulsate with energy, with power, his own power. He could feel his connection strengthen with the bonding. Here, he would become so richly engulfed with the darkside, nothing would stop him.
Still, he pumped more darkness into it, consuming the entirety of the sphere with his darkness, unaware that it had began to wave out to the outside, nor would he have cared. Each crevice, each hole, every circuit would be touched by darkness, and engulfed. It would leave behind it's whispers, and maddening abyss that threatened to swallow anyone who did not know the touch the Darkside.

This was like heavenly hell for the Vahla, like he was on the brink of losing himself. But he would not. Slowly, he started to pulsating the power himself, a soft humming coming from the the massive energy waves he was creating. When the deed was done, when he could do no more to this sphere, he hopped out. Watching that this sphere was now entrenched in the Darkside.

How many hours had it been? Romeo called for a engineer to check.

"Days you say? I did not realize..."

A smirk was edged on his face by the end of his sentence when suddenly the Force gripped the engineer as fear spread across his face.

"Tell you know the power of the darkside?"

And he was tossed in the sphere, and locked in.
The Sith Lord waited for hours as he continued to meditate outside the sphere, attempting to reach into it, but darkness blocked him out. Whatever was happening inside it, Sin would not know till he felt it was time to release the man. A palm was placed on the surface of the sphere as he began to infuse the heat he could control from the Force to the sphere itself. He could not tell if something was going on in the sphere, or if anything was happening. Maybe it had not worked. Maybe he had failed.

Still, he continued to feel the intense heat move into the metal of the sphere, churning it, and creating a melting point. The more he did this the more he continued to pump the darkness from the outside now. He would make this work.
After another two hours went by, Romeo opened the sphere. Dark smoke rolled out of the sphere, almost no light was able to be seen in it. Slowly, a hand reach out, and what Romeo saw only made him smile. Flesh had been burned off the bone, and the further he reach out, the more he could tell of what damage had been done. Whimpering came from the sphere, mumbling also came out, something he could not understand at first, but the closer he listened the better he could hear.

"The darkness, the darkness, the darkness, the darkness, the darkness, it is everywhere. I hear speaks to me"

Then he watched the man claw at his face, his eyes were red shot, swirling around in his head. Sin knew this man no longer knew who he was, or where he was. All he could do was murmur the greatness that was the Darkside.
As the days went on further, the team continued to explain to what they had all done to the ship. With the walkers, and starships within the ship, how could it hold all this? Well that was simple for Sin to answer. "See, when we go to put these things in, there will be locking clamps that hold these machines in place, and they are not placed in the same hangar. Near the tip of the ship, there is nothing, it's just space. Use that for the land vehicles, while keeping the normal space for the starships in place near the middle."

"This means you could lose those things though if the hull takes enough damage, my lord."

"It will be fine, it's better to lose those things, than to lose people from it. Let us not forget that most of the droids we will be carrying can be stored in small places, the need for humans on board will be little."
As far as the people it could carry, it only needed five hundred soldiers, and fifty crew members, along with the pilot per ship on board. This meant that the spaces for these beings were smaller than normal. The Ryuk could carry an entire army, this was nothing in comparison. Instead the droids also made up most of the fighting force of the ship as it could create them on demand, they were expendable.

Nearly two thousand droids could be stored on the ship and take up less then one eighth of the ship. This was thanks to long forgotten Confederacy's way of storing their battle droids, that also acted as pilots, and various other positions. The carbon freezing chamber, and the pins took up more space. Nearly twenty banthas could be held in these pins, and ten babies could be held as well. The holding cells were meant to hold fifty prisoners in one place.
Then came the idea of the mining parts of the ship, which Romeo answered once more with the use of droids. It was safer, and if anything happened no lives would be lost. Most of the real ground forces would be held on escort ships, and what have you. Regardless, Romeo did not want this ship to see too much in the navy battling that the Ryuk had seen. This was a moving base of sorts.

Unless Sin could guarantee it's victory there would be no major naval battles for the Resurrection. No, it could assist wars in other ways, such manufacturing droids, compiling metals to sell to those who needed more materials, major exploration that would take possibly years to finish.

"But this is nothing like the original Shinigamis, my lord."

"I understand this...but it carries the same concept, moving forward in science, and technology. This ship is a little carrier, a little warship, a little cargo ship, and more all in one bundle. The Shinigamis before this are they are obsolete in design."
Finally after months of waiting, The ship was complete. When Romeo's eyes laid upon this machine, it was a white egg shell color, something brighter than what he had expected but it was gorgeous compared to what the original Death Gods had been. Celty was standing behind, marveled by the small beast he had made. Majestic, dangerous, and home.

Moments later, they found themselves on the bridge, dimly lit, just another way Romeo had asked it to be, the computers gave off more light than the actual interior lights. What made everyone more unnerved by the bridge was the sphere. Darkness, and something more sinister filled the air around it, and Romeo could only smile at it.

"Other than you ball of darkness...this bridge is perfect."
"You dont see me making fun of your cant tell me that this calling of it is not...arousing."

Celty simply rolled her eyes at him, even though she Vahla too, she did not use it the same as her captain. She was simply there to feel what he produced.

"Let's take it for a test drive.."

"I thought you would never ask!"

"I meant the sphere...but sure...find us prey."

Soon the ship was off, it was finished and ready for a mock test. Romeo stepped inside the sphere, and it closed. The light once there had went out, and now...he was in total silent darkness. The darkside wrapped its cold arms around him in an embrace, and he sunk deep into it's clutches.
A little hunting in wild space, and finally, a small corvette appeared. Currently only droids commanded the ship, with Celty had the helm and Romeo meditating. It was a pirate ship no doubt, or it was Republic, maybe Sith. Romeo could only feel that they had found a ship, and that was all that mattered to him. He peered into the mind of Celty, ordering her to open fire. The many turbolasers began to go off, one by one.

The corvette was caught off guard, each shot landing perfectly. Under the constant fire of turbolaser, it attempted to turn around and run. But Romeo, sensing this, simply ordered the tractor beams to catch it. And they did. Within the sphere he felt everything, the fear the small ship felt, the excitement Celty felt of the new toy he had created.

Again, and again the Resurrection bombarded the corvette till nothing was left for the tractor beam to hold. Romeo sent waves of approving feelings throughout the ship, thanks to the sphere. If beings where present they would feel it. The Resurrection had now claimed it's first kill.

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