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Approved Planet Retice

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Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Image Source: Here

Name: Retice

Region: Yuuzhan Vong galaxy
System: QQ-5011431
Suns: Unnamed in any relevant way; main sequence
Orbital Position: 2
Moons: 1, largeish and slightly scorched.
System Features: Inner planet is a 'hot Jupiter', a supermassive gas giant far too close to the star to support life.
Coordinates: N/A
Rotational Period: 27 standard hours
Orbital Period: 330 local days

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: Not telling
Atmosphere: Type 2 (slightly irradiated, some fallout involved)
Climate: Arid, gently toasted.
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Irradiated plains, irradiated urban ruins, irradiated mountains, irradiated high-salinity bodies of water.

Native Species: Name unknown (extinct five-limbed starfish-like sentient species)
Immigrated Species: None
Primary Languages: None
Government: None
Population: None

Demonym: None
Major Imports: None
Major Exports: None (barren)

Affiliation: None

Major Locations: None

Culture: In its day, Retice was populated by a complex, advanced, non-humanoid civilization. The manner of its destruction and the years since then have erased its culture, except for puzzling clues.

Technology: In the distant past, at the time of Retice's destruction, its inhabitants were capable of creating sapient self-improving and self-replicating droids more advanced than galactic standard technology. The remaining technology, however, was salvaged by the Silentium in ages past, and time has taken its toll on the remains. There is no functional technology of any serious calibre remaining on Retice. Occasionally, puzzling remnants may be found, their purpose and function unknown.

History: Retice was one of the worlds inhabited by the creators of the Silentium, and destroyed in the supernova-based radiation wave that annihilated their civilization. Its history before the supernova remains absolutely unknown and unintelligible. Speculation that Retice was involved in the creation of the Abominor, as opposed to the Silentium, remains only speculation. In later centuries, remaining levels of radiation kept the Yuuzhan Vong and the Chazrach from colonizing Retice. In the millennia since Retice's destruction, however, radiation levels have reduced significantly. Humanoids can operate on Retice with only a breath mask and a standard radiation deflection badge, though the wise still wear radiation suits.

Retice was the site of the agonizing deaths of billions, a highly advanced civilization. Visitors feel contaminated by the ancient memory of the event, especially in the ruins of the cities. Ghosts of the five-limbed starfish-like inhabitants are not uncommon.

Notable PCs: No

Intent: Hi

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Matsu Ike"]

I'm aware of that, but I don't see any other way to accurately reflect a canonical civilization-wide genocide. It's also worth noting that most canonical examples of planet-wide Force nexuses are very diffuse compared to locations. Dromund Kaas, for example, may be strong in the Force everywhere, but it's nothing compared to the Valley of the Jedi or the nexus under the Coruscant Jedi Temple. I'm also not comfortable giving my character a leg up on planets that are being made specifically for an event that takes place a very, very large distance away -- too far for this large, diffuse nexus to see any use outside of that event.
[member="Alec Rekali"]
In the circumstances, I think a Force nexus is not especially relevant here. I think this submission is great, and whilst I understand your reasons, I’m going to have to say no on the Force nexus question.

Thank you, [member="Matsu Ike"], please continue your judging.
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