Olin Pinestep

Height:5' 8''
Weight:168 lbs
Morgan Blackwood
Force Sensitive:Yes
Morgan Blackwood
As with most children given over to the Order, Morgan knows very little of where he's from. He knows the name of his home planet like a Coruscanti businessman knows the make of the taxi he's in - it's information he'll never need, and yet somehow intrinsically important to where he finds himself. With a memory of temperate forests and lazy, babbling brooks, he's often of the mindset that serenity lies in the peacefulness of nature left undisturbed.
This is perhaps a touch ironic for a Padawan beset early on by emotional turmoil. Despite his lack of memory, he was rather attached to his family - or so he's been told. What he does remember is the lashing out; the violence and anger that continue to shame him when exhaustion sets into his mind and his thoughts travel to events only he still cares about. By the age of 10, he'd calmed considerably, though not without plenty of trials along the way. He's only matured from there.
Never a studious pupil, he nonetheless understands he's viewed as holding promise. He won't let that knowledge knock him off the path.
+/-Thoughtful - An overthinker, he'll either plan things out perfectly or cripple himself before the plan even begins.
+Bookworm - Despite his hatred of study, he loves books. This, to no one's surprise more than his own, has given him an innate ability to understand people and their motives. He's not always right, but he lands close.
+Modest - Raised by Jedi, he's wise beyond his years, calm and collected in ways many would envy, and yet wholly without arrogance. This often allows him to slip into the good graces of strangers who prefer those who are genuine.
-Lover, not a Fighter - He's been trained in bladework, and can defend himself, but the thought of actually fighting is not one he enjoys. In fact, he will avoid it with his entire being where possible. Unfortunately, being a Jedi means putting yourself into harm's way - his sense of self preservation is still strong.
-Dedicated- To a cause, to a person, to an ideal. Unfortunately, attachments are frowned upon. He's quite prone to them, even if that attachment is just to his word.